We don’t need a miracle. We just need Jesus! (but a miracle would be nice!)
And that is a sweet place to be.
We found out we were pregnant with this baby on the boy’s birthday, April 10th. From the minute I saw those two lines I had a sinking feeling about things. I chalked it up to just nervousness because it is the second pregnancy and I have more knowledge on it. Through the past month as I prayed for this child I discovered that my prayers were very selfish. I purposely didn’t pray
“Lord, grow this baby how you see fit” - in my mind that left room for Him to grow it in a way that I wouldn’t want. So my prayers were
“Lord, right now this baby should have his/her heart beating - so I pray that right now his/her heart is beating.”
Last Sunday night I went to bed anticipating our appointment on Monday where we would have an ultrasound to confirm how many babies and my actual due date. As we climbed in bed I expressed my concerns with Mike and just shared with him that I have had a bad feeling. As we were going to bed Mike prayed for us and the first 90% of his prayer was asking the Lord to be glorified in this pregnancy and if we were approaching a trial that we would have strength, trust and faith in Him. The last 10% is when he prayed for a healthy baby. (You see, Mike is definitely the spiritual lead in our family and his prayers are much less selfish than mine! :))
I woke up early on Monday and instantly knew something was wrong. I had battled with morning sickness the past 8 days and now I woke up feeling great, no sickness at all, and all the other ailments I have had were gone! (I’ve googled enough to know that is a bad sign.)I sent my friend Margaret a text and she responded with Psalm 112:7-8:
“He is not afraid of bad news;
his heart is firm,
trusting in the Lord.
His heart is steady; he will not be afraid,
until he looks in triumph on his adversaries.”
The Lord was gently preparing my heart. We got to the doctor’s office and Mike once again prayed in the car - His prayer was that God would be glorified in the situation, no matter how it turned out. (*Sigh* There are those self-less prayers again. I can learn much from him.)
We go to the ultrasound room and our doctor followed us in there. I am assuming that he had no other patients at the time and I am very thankful that he was in there. I shared my concerns with him and he calmly tried to ease my fears. About 30 seconds into the ultrasound he said “I won’t lie to you, this doesn’t look good Kid.” He was very honest and very straight forward with us, yet he was very gentle and sensitive. No heartbeat was found and no blood flow to the baby could be detected.
Our hearts were crushed!
Mike and I have lived a very easy life. The Lord has been so faithful to us (and still is!) and has always provided for us. Apart from grieving the divorce of a family member, I cannot remember a period of sorrow. Until now.
Our doctor prayed for us and left us with the hope that we would return this Monday with a “10% chance” of a heartbeat and blood flow to develop! 10%
We came home, contacted some friends and family asking for prayer, and then I slept and wept the rest of the day. Monday was not a good day!
My dear, precious, love her to pieces, sister-in-law called me that night and prayed on the phone for me. In her prayer she asked the Lord to give me a double portion of peace! And that is exactly what the Lord had done!
We woke up Tuesday morning and this is how I describe how it felt:
- Incredibly at peace!
- Disbelief - like it was a bad dream
- Strangely normal
I have been so thankful for my husband and his leadership in our home. From the minute we got alone in the car leaving the doctor’s office, Mike shared with me that we needed to ask the Lord for wisdom to respond to this trial in light of who He is and His Character. So we did. We asked the Lord. And He answered!
We have been able to find peace in His character and who He is:
That He is good!
That He has good for us!
That He is ALWAYS faithful!
That He does indeed have a plan for our life and this works into that plan.
That He cares about our grief and that He hears!
That He is the giver of life!
That He is completely, 100% sovereign!
That all things DO work together for the GOOD of those who love Him!
And we love Him indeed!
This may sound so strange to say, but despite this being one of the toughest, hardest, worst weeks of our lives, it has been the sweetest. We have grieved the (potential) lose of our third child. We have grieved the (potential) ending of this pregnancy and all the joy and excitement that it brings. We have battled the thoughts of continuing the wait! We waited two and a half years to get pregnant, and now we have to wait to confirm the miscarriage, then wait to pass the baby, then wait to start trying again, then wait to get pregnant again. But “He can do more in my waiting, then in my doing I can do!”
(Bethany Dillon, Those Who Wait)
But through all that grief we have fallen more in love with who God is and is continuing faithfulness to us and to our family. We have learned more about His character and how he uses anything and all things to bring us to Him. I have learned more of the importance of 100% trust in Him and His sovereignty. You see, I fear ALOT! It has been a sin that has plagued my life since I was a young child. And in this season of my life my WORST fear was to miscarry. And now that it has (potentially) happened, it is not that scary after all. It sucks! Really it does, but I have no fear in it.
(“He is not afraid of bad news” - Ps. 112:7). When you are faced with your worst fear, you realize that you have no other option but to trust in the goodness of God. I have no other option! And for that I am thankful!
My prayers went from begging for a healthy baby to asking the Lord to use this in ANY WAY He wanted to - in any way He saw fit to grow us, to build our faith, to glorify Him - any way! To not waste this grief and allow it to bring Him honor and minister to others. There is such freedom in that!
So where do we stand now?
We go back Monday at 1:45 for an ultrasound to “confirm” their original diagnosis. We are asking for a miracle, but we don’t need it. We know that He can do it - that He is the giver of all life and that He can make ALL THINGS new! We know that He is able and we are asking Him to do just that.
But we have come to the sweet truth that if there is a heart beat on Monday then our God is SO GOOD! And if there isn’t a heartbeat on Monday, then our God is STILL SO GOOD!
Do we want a heart beat? Heck Yea!
Do we want a miracle? Absolutely!
But what do we NEED? Jesus
Just Jesus. That’s it.
Will you join us and pray for us? Pray that on Monday the doctor and ultrasound tech will be able to witness a miracle that only the Lord can do, and that we give me ALL THE GLORY FOR IT! But pray that if the Lord sees fit to keep the "diagnosis" the same,that they will be able to see the goodness of God through us and through the response to our trial.
He has been so good to us, He is so good to us, and He will ALWAYS be good to us!
"No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised."
-Romans 4:20-21