I know, I know - I missed 4 days!
Please forgive me but I have a good excuse for two of those days.
Tuesday and Wednesday Mike was out of town. He went to South Carolina to go visit the staff at
Anderson Mill Road Baptist Church. Mike met the pastor of AMRBC while we were at Thorington Road and so Mike and another church member drove up there for 2 days and met with each staff member to learn from them and ask questions, etc. Mike had a great time and learned a lot from them.
Malissa came and stayed the night with me on Tuesday night - there is no way I would ever stay by myself - nope, not gonna happen! I love that we are close to Malissa and the boys love spending time with her (as do I):
Day 46: February 15, 2011
Mike came home about 30 minutes before church on Wednesday and wasn't able to spend time with the boys so after church he took them home while I was in choir so that he could play with them. They LOVE that man! I mean EVERY day when they the beep from the door the drop whatever they are doing and run to him squealing! They were glad he was home (as was I - I don't like it at all when he is gone!)
Day 47: February 16, 2011
Thursday we drove up to Macon so that Mike could visit a church member in the hospital. We brought the boys with us but we weren't sure if we could go up in the hospital or not. So Mike went in and was going to call me if he thought it was ok/appropriate. He called and said it would be better for us to stay in the car, so the boys and I stayed in the car and watched Nemo and cut coupons. The boys did good and sat contently eating raisins, cheerios, and watching Nemo.
While we were in Macon we went to Publix after lunch. I love Publix and they are definitely a top-notch grocery store that no others compare to! Here is how well I did: I spent $16 and saved $67!
(side note: for 12 cans of Green Giant Veggies, 2 boxes of Green Giant Frozen Veggies, 4 cans of Progresso Beans, and 2 cans of Hunts Sauce, I paid 1.09 for!)Thursday was the first day the weather was amazing, so right when we got home we let them play outside. The boys were chasing Mike so he ran up in the tree - in his dress clothes! ha!
Day 48: February 17, 2011
They LOVE being outside - I am so glad that the weather is nice - it does us all good to get out more!

Yesterday I got up early to go to Kroger and CVS. Kroger had their chicken 1.99/lb so I wanted to make sure we got some. Mike still had sermon prep to do, so I needed to go early in the morning so he could have the day for that. Kroger is good, but it's not Publix. This is how I did:
First Transaction: Spent $19 saved $14. I am still trying to figure Kroger out - their sales are sometimes great and sometimes I just can't tell. We needed everything in this picture except of course the cereal. And the items are all the large ones (large butter, velveeta, and creamer). But $19! I spent less then that at Publix and came back with five times more! (but it did print off $4 in coupons for the next transaction)

Second Transaction: Spent $20 and saved $37 - now I was pleased with this one b/c the chicken ALONE was $21! So bascially everything else was free after the $4 coupon from the first transaction and my coupons!

Then I went to CVS. I haven't done CVS in about a month and just kept pushing it off because we are so stocked. But, my ECB was about to expire so I made a list and went. I was so glad I did. I got everything free and was just excited again about CVS.

How I did it:
First Transaction: 2 Herbal Essence $5.96
- $1/2 Manufacture coupon
Due: $4.96
Paid with 5 ECB = FREE with 2 ECB returned.
Second Transaction: 1 Listerine $3.99
- $2 Manufacture coupon
Due: $1.99
Paid with 2 ECB from 1st transaction = FREE with 2 ECB returned.
Third Transaction: 1 Listerine $3.99
- $2 Manufacture coupon
Due: $1.99
Paid with 2 ECB from 2nd transaction = FREE with 2 ECB returned.
I was excited about that.
After shopping, my friend Amy and her 2 children came over to play! I LOVE being near them and the boys love Rebecca and Jose. We played inside for a bit, ate spaghetti, and then spend about 2 hours outside! You know they ALL loved that and the weather was perfect to sit and visit with Amy. So thankful for them!
Day 48: February 18, 2011