We had our first baby shower yesterday. It was lots of fun! My good friends Emily, Beth, and Amelia threw it for me. The theme was Noah's Ark - two by two (isn't that cute?). Emily made a diaper cake, that was filled with washclothes, onesies, rattles, and a boat on the side with sets of pigs, cows, horses, etc.... It was real cute. We got alot of fun things for the boys and alot of stuff that we needed. We got their tub, diaper bags (large one and small matching one), monitor, cloth diapers, really cute outfits, towels, the frog bath toy holder (mentioned in a previous post), etc.. We are very thankful! I am going to go through all of the boys stuff this week and try to begin to organize their clothes and other things and make a list of things we NEED before they are born. Hopefully then I will feel a bit more ready and organized. We are having another shower from our church on Feb. 16th and the goal is to be ready for the boys by February 28th - I will be 30 weeks by then and hopefull they won't come that early, but I need to be prepared. So if any of you moms can think of things that you needed for your babies and things you feel you couldn't have lived without it would be great if you could let me know!
I am 25 weeks now and it is insane to think that in 9 weeks (hopefully 11) I could have two boys here! Whew - I need to get on the ball. :)
One of our teachers uses cloth diapers on three little ones. They got them from Green Mountain Diapers (greenmountaindiapers.com). I took a look and it really cleared up a lot of questions I had. I wonder how many they bought? On a teacher's salary, it can't be many!! (These new diapers are so expensive! Maybe each child gets to "use" 2 diapers a day!) I wonder if there is something special about them that holds the pee for a longer period of time.
I've updated our blog! Look at it...you might enjoy it!
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