Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's been a while!

Sorry for the lack of blogging this week - Mike and I have had a busy week and will have a few busy weeks coming ahead of us. But, I have not forgotten about my blogging friends - so here is a quick update!

The boys are doing great - I am not sure about their weight, but the boys look happy and content all the time, so I am not concerned (at least that is what I am telling myself!) I might start foods within the next week, so that might help with their weight gain.

They are so much fun! They are laughing alot more now - giggling at us and they are ALWAYS smiling! They are still sleeping well and napping pretty good (mostly). Both of them can roll over from the back to stomachs and Jeremiah rolled from his stomach to his back the other day. He hasn't done it since, but he did do it! Have I mentioned before that I love being a mom?! It's the best! Ever!

Well, as for Mike and I - God is really doing somethings and we are so excited about it - keep tuned to the blog over the next few days/weeks for all the fun updates!!!

Here are some pictures for your enjoyment! These are some handsome boys!

This is just a fun picture of personality for you guys. Michael ALWAYS has that hand in his mouth - and Jeremiah lovin' that camera!

Michael had a hard time going to sleep one night - Mike picked him up and he fell asleep right away. It was sweet
I started laying them this way in their cribs. Once we move we are setting up the other crib.
Every boy needs to know what his dad's beard feels like.
Michael Dean's charming smile!
Jeremiah in his bath robe!
They're going to be so mad at me one day for these.
Michael in his bath robe!
Jeremiah study the Bible with Dad! You can tell how excited Jeremiah is!
Mike got a King Macrol (Sp?) - it is longer then the boys!
Here is Mike with his fish!

Notice how the fish looks so much bigger now? This is how fishermen lie!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Jeremiah Laughing in the Buff!

The boys absolutely LOVE being naked! They will giggle and have so much fun! My grandmother hasn't caught them giggling yet, so I stripped them down and Jeremiah loved it! Tickle them a bit and you have some giggles!

Here is a video of Jeremiah laughing - towards the end of it, he pees! You can't see it very well on the video, but you can see my feet jump back!

Hope you enjoy it!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Weight Update and Fun Pictures!

The boys have been eating 5 times a day and I thought it was time to move them to a 4 hour feeding schedule. The boys did pretty well with the transition (never acted hungry or anything) and when I went to get them weighed they did not gain the appropriate amount. Michael had only gained 3 ounces in 2 weeks and Jeremiah only gained 6 ounces within two weeks. They told us they should gain 3.5 ounces in a week. So I went back to a 3 hour schedule and took them to get weighed today and in ten days Michael only gained 3 ounces and Jeremiah gained nothing! Rats! Well, I am not sure what exactly I need to do - I will try to drink a lot more water and get some rest, hopefully I can increase my supply. The nurse practitioner said that they are healthy but they are just not getting enough to eat. I asked her if we needed to start solids and she said they might still be too young (since they were preemies). She suggested supplementing with formula, but for me that is not an option yet. So, I am going to try to work hard at getting my supply up. About 5 months ago I never would have thought that I would be praying for MORE milk! But I am! I really want to breastfeed the boys until they are a year old!

Well, other then that things are going real well! The boys are so happy and are really starting to notice things. I bought the boys an exersaucer at a Mom to Mom sale. They really like it and tonight Michael noticed a part on it and reached out and touched it! Most of the time though they only laugh because I am getting so excited about the things for them to get excited! I have to put a phone book at their feet so they can push up on it! Michael has rolled over COMPLETELY all by himself the past few days. I will lay him on his back and go in the other room to get something and when I come back he is on his stomach!

A lot of you have asked us if we have any church prospects yet. Well, I will not go into any detail right now but seems like the Lord is really moving and we are real excited! Please be praying for us! We are excited about what the Lord might be doing!

Here are some pictures of the exersaucer and some other pictures of the week!

Ok, Mom - this is getting boring!
My Three Handsome Men
Michael and Grandma MiMi

Thursday, September 18, 2008

When we found out there was two!
September 12, 2007

The past week or so was rather busy for us and I totally forgot to post on the day that it was a year since we found out we were having twins. So - this is a week or so late, but oh well. For those that might not know, or want to hear it again here is the story: :)

Mike and I got off of birth control in July and got pregnant in August (our first big shock!). I went to my doctor - the best in the WORLD (if anyone in Louisville needs a doctor go to Dr. Nett at Advocates for Women's Health). She said that my hormone levels came back high and that I was VERY pregnant and she scheduled an ultrasound the following week to determine what uterus the baby was in. For those that don't know, I have two of those! :)

Well, the day of the ultrasound came and I was talking to my friend Laura and told her that I thought I might be having twins. I had no reason at all to base that on, just that I felt more pregnant. To be quite honest, I thought I was just joking! Also, that same day a family that was in the preschool had two cribs available and asked if I wanted one of them. I gladly accepted and she asked if I knew of someone that needed the other - jokingly I said "If I have twins can I have the other one?" and she said "IF you have twins, I have everything you need" - you see, she also has twin boys!

Well, Mike and I drove to our appointment and on the way I told him about the conversation with Laura and asked what he would think if we had twins! We both agreed it would be exciting but never, in our wildest dreams, would have guessed it to be true!

We got called back to the ultrasound room and the tech got us set up and the first thing on the screen that I saw were two black dots! I was not sure what I was looking at because you never know with your inside stuff what things could be. So, I said "That's two!" The tech would never confirm that I was having twins. I had to keep asking things like "Typically when you see two sacs that means twins, right?" and She would say "typically." I was overjoyed! Part of me was just so shocked by the conversations I had earlier in the day. While we were in the waiting room waiting to see the doctor to confirm the ultrasound Mike didn't say a word! He was so shoked and was hesitant to get excited since it wasn't confirmed yet. I called my friend Laura to tell her that I was right (She thought I was joking at first) and then we were sent in to see Dr. Nett.

The first thing she said to me was "Are you wanting to give me a heart attack?!" Because, remember the fact that I have two uteruses? That means my one uterus is half the size of an average one, so there is not alot of room for one baby, let alone two! She just kept saying that if one uterus can hold six babies, then a half of a uterus can hold two!

Our next conversation was about the risks of carrying two and she discussed with us that the babies were measuring smaller then what they should be and we needed to prepare to possibly miscarry the babies! Imagine our emotions, one minute we are told that I am carrying two lives, and the next we are told that we might lose those two lives! After more examination of the ultrasound she came to the conclusion that the boys were not as far off as originally thought and she seemed optimistic about the pregnancy!

We left the office in tears! Joyful tears!!! We called everyone we knew to share the exciting news! I don't think anyone believed us at first - it was such a shock!

We knew the risks of miscarriage yet we knew that God had already ordained the future events and He was and is sovereign over our lives and the lives of our children! The day we told my mom she said, "You have to learn early on to give your children over to the Lord." That has been a lesson that since day one we are learning over and over again.

How thankful we are that he ordained Michael and Jeremiah to come into this world and the he entrusted Mike and I to be their parents!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Paul's Ordination

Mike's brother-in-law got ordained to be a deacon this weekend. We drove up for the service and were able to spend the weekend with his family. Here are a few pictures from that evening!

Mike's dad praying over Paul

Joey and Kim and Michael
Mike and Paul
The Boys
The four of us (Jeremiah was not a happy camper)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The boys like football!

Mike is very excited today! Georgia is playing and Mike gets to watch it at his parents house! (Brought back memories of watching Georgia football with Ryan and Lori - we miss y'all using us for our cable! just kidding! :)

The boys really liked watching the TV while the game was going on - I guess the fast pace is really appealing to them. Here are some pictures of the boys enjoying the game with Uncle Joey, Uncle Paul, and PaPa:

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cutting Down Trees

With Hurricane Season upon us, Dad is trying to cut down the pine trees that are either dead, or leaning towards a structure. During Hurricane Ivan back in 2004, my grandfather had a total of around 40 or so pine trees that either fell in the storm or he had to cut down after the storm. (none, by the way, hit the house- Praise the Lord!)

So, this morning the men were working on getting these trees (around 5 of them) down. I took a few pictures of the cutting down one of them this morning.

All-in-All - A very exciting day!

The rope is tied to the tree so that they can angle the fall
My granddad is going to pull it with his truck as dad cuts it down - to make sure it falls where they want it.
Dad beginning to cut the tree
Granddaddy's truck got stuck, so Mike is pushing (while the tree is falling)
Clean Pool

Not So Clean Pool - The tree hit the concrete so hard that it jarred a pipe, or something, and now the pool is leaking. Oops!

That tree on the left is the one they are cutting down
As it falls
The tree broke the fence to the Goat Pin - but at least it won't fall on a house during a hurricane!
Three generations of In-Laws

And Jeremiah!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Video of Michael Laughing

We were finally able to catch one of the boys laughing on video! It's not a loud laugh that he will do sometimes, but it certainly is a good ole' giggle!

Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Taggies made by me! :)

I am so excited about this new project that I just finished! I saw this on a friends blog, and wanted to make them for the boys - they are called Taggies! (Pictures below) It was so much fun to make. (Thank you Gran so much for helping me!) I am trying to put their names on them, but haven't finished that part yet.

This is the front of the blanket.
The front of the second blanket
This is the back of the blankets. It has stripes on it.

The boys are doing wonderful! They are growing and are such a blessing to us! Here are some new things that they are doing:

- They both are rolling over from their backs to their stomachs. The doctor said that they would roll from their stomach to back first, but not these boys! They get stuck on their arms but with a little "oomph" (And sometimes help from us) they can make it.

- They are still laughing. We have to work at it, but we can get good giggles out of them until they get the hiccups.

- Because the boys are enjoying being more mobile, they enjoy being mobile in their cribs! The other night I woke up and went to check on them and Michael was laying horizontal in the crib (They both normally lay vertical next to one another) . During nap times they really get mobile and get out of their positioners quite often!

- Jeremiah has found his thumb and really has taken to it! It's very cute! I am not a fan of him sucking his thumb, but we will worry about breaking that habit in a few years.

- Michael squealed for the first time yesterday!

- They are both grabbing their toys on their play mat!

Growing, Growing, Growing!!!

Here are a few pictures of the week!

We are helping Grandma MiMi play Solitaire

My Hair Style looks like Dwight K. Schrute
I'm cuter then Dwight! Way cuter!
This is how Mommy found us this morning! Michael is out of his positioner!