Monday, December 22, 2008

Grandma MiMi Monday

Hey Grandma Mimi!

In TWO days we get to see you! We are very excited and look forward to all the kisses. Sorry it has been a few weeks since we wrote but we have been very busy doing lots of new things. I (Michael) am now catching up to Jeremiah by saying "dada!" Mommy gets so excited when I say it - not sure what it means but it is real fun to say it over and over again, especially when everyone gets so happy about it!

We are eating more fun things (and some nasty things!). Mom gave us squash this morning - we like bananas much better! Mommy says we have good eating habits except Jeremiah slurps his food and I found out how to spit it out. Mommy doesn't like it very much when I do that - so I am working very hard at keeping it in my mouth - I want to please my mom and dad!

We can't wait to see you and Grandpa Pp (Daddy told me to say that!)! We love you,
Michael and Jeremiah

Saturday, December 13, 2008

8 Months Old!

Wow - I cannot believe that the boys are already 8 months old! I know that people always say this, but it is true that time really flies by! It seems like just yesterday the Lord brought them into this world, and now I have two little guys scootin' around on my living room floor! A-mazing! (Said in the Kelly Kapora voice)

Here are a few things that are going on with the babies and what they are doing at the 8 month mark:

- Breastfeeding: Yes, I am still breastfeeding the babies! I am very proud of this accomplishment! Honestly, if you were to ask me 7 months ago if I would still be doing this, the answer would have been no! Before they were born I planned to do it a year - I had NO CLUE what I was about to embark in - NO CLUE! Once they were born and I had 5 weeks of issues, I said that I would only nurse 6 months, then I had more issues and said I would only do it for 3 months. Slowly, but surely (after 2 months or so) things started to get better and 3 months passed, and 6 months passed, and here we are at 8 months and still nursing! I am so thankful that we stuck with it - looks like a year isn't far off! A friend once said to be, "God's grace is sufficient, even in breastfeeding." How True!

- Foods: We have been slow in introducing foods to the boys, but we are getting more of a handle on it recently. I had to change their schedule from 5 nursings to 4 in order to have time for solids. So far they have had green beans, pears, apples, and carrots. Surprisingly, their favorite is carrots. They really liked apples, but Jeremiah got a HORRIBLE diaper rash when I introduced it to them, so I am going to take a few weeks off from apples and re-introduce it later to see if it does it again. But overall, they are doing really well. Michael has become the better eater and Jeremiah has gotten in the habit of slurping it - so we are working on it!

- Teething: No teeth yet. I keep expecting it due to odd diapers (maybe the food), and unexplained fussiness at times. But it doesn't seem like their gums are swollen or anything. But, shouldn't it be soon?!?!

- Sleeping: They now sleep in separate cribs at night. I still have them share their cribs for their naps, but at night they sleep in their own cribs. It was a sad transition, but a needed one - they were way too mobile at night!!!

- Michael: What a sweet boy this child is! He is doing many new things! He loves his feet - even in the carseat he leans up as far as he can to grab his feet. If he is on the floor, then you can be sure that those feet will be in his mouth! He is closer to wanting to crawl then Jeremiah is - he is very mobile in scooting, and seems to becoming interested in wanting to crawl. He has just started more babbling and will squeel rather loud at times! Michael has been waking up around 7:30, so Mike gets him up and makes his coffee with him. Michael loves this! He will watch EVERY thing that Mike is doing, and Mike lets him hold the coffee filter - it's their special time and they love it! It is precious. I took out their evening cat nap, so lately Michael has been on the fussy side. It is not like him, so I am going to put that nap back in the schedule and try again in a few weeks or so.

- Jeremiah: This child knows how to get your attention. He is really turning into the people person. The way he connects with you will melt your heart!!! My favorite thing that he is doing right now is saying "da-da." I am not counting this as a word, because it seems more like just babbles but it is precious. He will say it so loud OVER AND OVER again! He is able to sit up for a while unassisted but as yet to do it my himself. Mike has been playing his X-box more and will put Jeremiah in his lap and he loves it! He will hold the controller and "help" Mike fly the planes. Mike "complains" that he makes him crash, but he still lets him play with him :) It is very cute to watch! (Sorry, Laura, I know you hate that part!)

Well - I think that is most of the updates for now on the boys! I still can't believe they are 8 months old! My goodness!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mike brings home the bacon in our house!

Mike has been going hog hunting the past few days with a guy from church. Tonight they killed 4 hogs! They only found two of them, though.

Looks like we will be eating bacon for a year!

Are you hungry for some fat, juicy meat?
Eat my buddy Pumba here because he is a treat!
Hottest tastin' swine,
only cost a dime,
all you gotta do is get in line!

Are you achin'? (yup yup yup)
For some Bacon? (yup yup yup)
He's a big pig,
you can be a big pig too! (Hoy!)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Grandma MiMi Monday

Good Afternoon Grandma MiMi,

We had a busy week this week - Mommy and Daddy had their anniversary and we got to play with some friends while they went out. They told us they told us to be good boys - and guess what? We were very good boys! We went right to sleep for our friends, just like mommy told us to!

I (Michael) found these really cool things at the end of my legs! Daddy told me they are called feet. They are so interesting and tasty too! I also learned that if I stick them in people's faces they laugh real hard - so of course, I do it over and over again so I can hear them laugh - they are so silly!

Lately, I (Jeremiah) have been very excited about getting ready for bed. Every night Daddy promises to tickle me and I just can't wait for him to do it. After mommy feeds me, Daddy will change my diaper and will tickle me until I can't take it anymore. Mommy is always telling him that I won't go to sleep, but I like to please my mom and dad and I still go right to sleep (even with all the tickling!). Mommy keeps telling me that she hopes I don't have an ear infection - I keep trying to tell her that I just like to play with it - of course, I can't talk, but I try to tell her that by not acting upset or anything.

We love you and can't wait to see you soon! Happy Grandma MiMi Monday!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bass Pro Shop Santa!

Some girls from church and I went to take the boys to see Santa at the Bass Pro Shop. (Pictures are FREE there!!!) We got there at 5:29 and Santa left at 5! We were so sad.

Here is the thing about twins: They are magnets. We asked a lady if Santa was still here and she said he had gone home, but she said she couldn't resist the boys are told us that we could take our own pictures with them in Santa's chair if we would like. She let us borrow two camo santa hats too! While we were getting their pictures, crowds started to gather and there was an employee that had white hair and was on the "larger" side - so we asked him to be our Santa! He gladly accepted the offer and he was our Bass Pro Shop Santa! The boys did so good and everyone loved them and thought they were the cutest things ever (Of course they are!!!).

So here are some pictures from our fun trip!

They even wrote Santa a letter!

Friday, December 5, 2008

He loves this star!

I think the boys are beginning the days of teething. I have several reasons to believe this, but one is that they are chewing on everything! Michael was in the exersaucer the other day and would not stop chewing on the star. Even when I got the camera out he still was chewin'!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I hate to do this

Alright - enough is enough!

I hate to have to do this. But I am blocking my blog from the general public. I do not want you to stop reading the blog. SO, if you would like to be on the list PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave a comment with your email address and I will put you on the list and when you go to the blog, you will have to enter it to read the blog! The comments WILL NOT be posted with your email address so I am the only one to see them.

Setting up this blog was the best thing that I could do to help keep family and friends updated with the happenings of our lives! However, after many rude and uncalled for comments I no longer want my blog open to the general public.

So - I am going to block it and you must be given permission to access the blog. Like I said, I love it that people read the blog, but I do not appreciate what has happened.

If you enjoy reading the blog, please leave a comment.

This will be effective this weekend.

Thank you!

December 4, 2004

Today is our four year wedding anniversary!!! It is hard to imagine that we have been married four years already - time really flies by. This anniversary is different from the rest for two special reasons - we now have Michael and Jeremiah. That won't keep us from going out and celebrating - we are getting a babysitter for the first time, (other than my mom)! But these two special reasons help us see more of how faithful God has been in our lives! Every anniversary in the past we could see God's hand in our lives and thank Him for what He has done, but this year there are two lives that God created that are playing on my living room floor as I type. Two lives that he has given to us to raise in the admonition of the Lord. What a gift! It is something that we have to be thankful for.

At our wedding we had the congregation sing the hymn, Great is Thy Faithfulness. We had this hymn sung because already in our relationship we saw how faithful God was to us to provide us with each other. Looking back over the 4 years of our marriage we see God's faithfulness all throughout. God was faithful to provide for us the 3 years in seminary. He used UPS to pay for our school and the birth of the boys! We have countless stories of his faithfulness in the little things and in the huge things! He has provided jobs, vehicles, food, health, and family! He is a good, righteous God that takes care of His people!

Great is THY faithfulness!!!

A theme in our wedding and one that we want to carry over into our marriage, parenting, and lives is this:

"Depending upon Christ for strength and wisdom, we commit ourselves to the establishment of a Christian home."

We pray that God will continue to bless our home and our children and give us the wisdom and strength to be Godly parents to our children as we continue to grow as Godly spouses in our marriage. Because the best way we can be great parents to Michael and Jeremiah is to be great spouses to one another!

I love you Mike!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Goodbye Mr. President

For those that know me, you know that my favorite person that I don't know is

Ever since the election in 2001, I have loved this man and have the utmost respect for him as he leads our country. He is a man of conviction and integrity. One day I WILL meet him - mark my words!

As his presidency is coming to a close and our country is about to swear in a historic president, there are many questions about what will be written about George W. Bush. This is what he has to say about that:

"I would like to be a person remembered as a person who, first and foremost, did not sell his soul in order to accommodate the political process."

Bless him!

Steven Curtis Chapman recently recorded a song written for George W. Bush called "Goodbye Mr. President." You can click here to listen to it. It's a good song and worth your time.

Thank you Mr. President. Thank you!

Wordless Wednesday (With a much needed side note)

Before we get to the purpose of today, I need to mention something.

Effective today, all the comments that are posted will be moderated by Yours Truly before being made public! I love it when people comment on my blog and stop in to say hello. It brightens my day - really! So, please continue to send your happy thoughts to us!

However, I do not appreciate rude and uncalled for comments and it brings nothing beneficial to this blog or my day. My boys are two boys that are loved beyond anything that we could have imagined and, well, - I am a good mom and Mike and I are good parents! So, any comment that is directed at denying that fact will not be posted and no one will see it! That's the fact! :)

Now - onto the purpose of today!
Wordless Wednesday: (look at these happy boys!)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

They do cry, I promise

One of the things that I love about our babies is that they are so happy - all the time. They rarely fuss and when they do it is for a reason (Tired or Hungry).

It seems that most of the pictures that I post on here and facebook the boys are all smiles! Some people have asked me if they ever cry - and the answer is yes, and here is a picture to prove it.

Poor Thing!

Mike gets up at 7, so if one of them is awake and inconsolable, he will play with them until 8 (when they feed). Well Michael was having a hard time this morning waiting patiently.

They are so cute when they cry - they are always cute!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Grandma MiMi Monday

Ok folks! I really enjoy doing "Wordless Wednesday" every Wednesday (almost), and whenever you go to people's blogs you see all sorts of themes. For example, you have "Not Me Monday's", or "Thankful Thursday", or "Frugal Friday" - The list could go on!

Well, I am starting my own - My very own theme - that I created! Whoo Hoo!
Mine is called: "Grandma MiMi Monday"

Every monday I will post a bunch of cute, adorable pictures of our two kazootes for my mom! Poor thing doesn't get to see them daily like she did for the past 5 months! It will not only include pictures but updates written from the boys to their Grandma MiMi. How much fun will this be?

Now you have TWO days to look forward to - not one, but T-W-O! (Monday's and Wednesday).

To all my blogging friends - feel free to steal my theme for your mom! :) If you want.


Hi Grandma Wet - we mean MiMi (Daddy told us to say that!) -
We are so happy that Mommy is letting us do this for you. We sure do miss you and all the kisses we got when we lived with you. Mommy and Daddy do their share of kissin' on us, but there is something special about you! We are doing alot of new things - Mommy put us in our own cribs at night - she was sad but I (Michael) was happy about it. Jeremiah keeps bringing his legs up real high and slams them down in the crib over and over again! How can a boy get any sleep with that going on?! Now that we have our own space, though, we don't get to play at 3 in the morning with each other. When we wake up, we just have to go back to sleep - oh well - At least Mommy will get more sleep.
I (Jeremiah) have learned new things to do with my mouth. Did you know that if you make a "ammm" sound and slam your fist against your mouth it makes really cool noises?!?!? I figured that out and I love to do it every chance I get. Even when I am crying, Daddy will put his hand against my mouth and it helps me calm down and realize that life goes on - even if my belly isn't full at that moment.

Well - we love you Grandma MiMi and hope you enjoy our pictures!