Our little Double Portion of Grace decided that she was ready to come! Ready to come 6 weeks and 1 day early. We were completely shocked and had zero indication that she was coming that day.
Here is the birth story of Miss GraceAnne Taylor Spivey (Or "GracieAnne" as the boys say it)
I had not been feeling well since late Friday night. I actually went to bed Friday night asking the Lord to not send me into labor that night. I just felt very weird and had many BH contractions. I woke up Saturday still not feeling great, but has the day went on I felt much better. Sunday morning began as a normal Sunday! I was feeling well in the morning and went to church. Was incredibly uncomfortable in church, but chalked that up to just being 33 weeks pregnant. After church I started feeling bad again. I didn't think anything of it and went on to my baby shower and then started feeling much better - because the shower was SO MUCH FUN! GraceAnne was completely loved on by the sweet ladies in our church, and the food was incredible. We went home and just dropped ALL those gifts in the nursery floor and rushed on to church that night. I am pretty sure I left the house with lots of dirty dishes, a complete mess in the nursery (my plan this week was to organize all the things in her room and see what else we needed for her), dirty bathrooms, and I'm sure some dirty laundry.
We had the Lord's supper that night at church, and we did it family style (you go up to the table as a family and partake). We were the next to the last ones and I began feeling very uncomfortable but she was kicking up a storm! As we ended the service we were all just sitting around waiting to go eat somewhere and I felt the all too familiar "pop." I remembered that pop from the boys pregnancy. I told my friend that something felt weird and I needed to go to the bathroom. Right when I stood up I knew what had happened and that my water had broken. We just recently got new carpet and upholstery in the sanctuary, so I hurried out there and by the time I rounded the corner it turned into a run into the bathroom. Two ladies followed me in there when I made the first declaration that my water had broken. They ran to get Mike and he came in the bathroom and I just lost it! I was only 33 weeks and 6 days and I knew it was just too early and I knew there was no stopping it! We rushed to the hospital in Dublin and arrived around 8:30 and I was 3-4cm dilated. Because of her gestation, my doctor wanted to send me to Macon to deliver so that we would be were the NICU was. I was hesitant, probably more out of fear, the suddenness of it all and the unknown of it all. They had to transport me to Macon via the ambulance (excited about that bill! ha!). While in the ambulance my contractions picked up very steady and increasingly painful. We arrived at the hospital in Macon around 10:45 and one of my first questions was if I can go ahead and get the epidural - I do not handle pain on any degree! They said they needed to determine if I was in active labor first - Active Labor? Are you kidding me? Of course I was in active labor!!! They checked me and I was already almost at 7cm, so they put the order in for the epidural. They had to do blood work and push fluids in me before the epidural could happen and that, my friends, was taking way too long. The contractions picked up so fast and were so painful. I don't do pain at all and it was too much for me. I begged the nurse to let me get it without all the fluid and after seeing my lack of pain tolerance she went ahead and got the anesthesiologist in. By this time it was probably around 11:45 when he finally came in and right before midnight that epidural was in place. I remembered with the boys it taking effect immediately, but with GraceAnne my left side went numb right away, but the right side still had complete feeling. I was pregnant on my right side (I have two uterus' for those that didn't know) so I really needed that side to me numb. The anesthesiologist came back in and adjusted the meds and turn my on my side but the pain kept getting more intense and not letting up. I felt it mainly in my right hip - seriously, I know this sounds dramatic, but it felt like my hip bones were crushing. I was getting very hot and sweaty and felt like I was going to throw up each contraction. I really thought I was having a reaction to the epidural and had no clue that it was because she was coming out. The nurse called the doctors in immediately to check me and sure enough we were 10cm and there she was, ready to make her debut. So after few incredibly painful pushes, GraceAnne arrived at 12:21am. We were relieved that she was here but unsure of what would happen next considering she was born so early - technically she arrived right at 34 weeks since she was born 21 minutes after midnight. It took her a few minutes to begin crying - and then they had to wait on word from the doctors on whether or not she would have to go to the NICU. During this whole time I could not stop crying. It was a mixture of the shock of all of this taking place SO QUICKLY and unexpected, the joy of our little girl being born, the uncertainty of what was going to happen, the rush of the delivery, the pain, etc. Everything just seemed too overwhelming for me at the time. We got word a few minutes later that she was breathing great, healthy, and able to go to the regular newborn nursery. 34 weeks old and we avoided NICU - PRAISE THE LORD! Such relief!
We feel so blessed!
We have three sweet children - two boys at home that I know are dying to meet "GracieAnne"! They really are going to be great big brothers and maybe adding a little girl to our home may calm all of us down a bit! :)
We feel so blessed to be apart of the family of FBC Soperton. We love our church so much we wanted this delivery to start there :) Four church members followed us to Macon and stayed at the hospital to see GraceAnne after she was born. They didn't get home until after three in the morning but we were so thankful that they joined us. We had more church members come visit yesterday and spent most of the evening with us and it was just a blessing and a joy getting to spend time with them as they loved on us and GraceAnne!
We are set to head home today. And we are ready for the boys to meet their little sister and to get into a routine. Thanks for all the prayers and continue praying for healing on her kidney and ureters!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Sunday, December 2, 2012
GraceAnne Taylor Spivey
We are so excited to welcome a sweet little girl into our family! Our house will no longer be filled with just army men, legos, pirate ships, and swords, but will actually be introducing dolls and the color PINK!
We thought that we may want to wait until the baby was born to find out the gender, but then it came time to have our gender scan and I just couldn't resist! Mike wasn't with me at the appointment (since I wasn't planning on having an ultrasound), so I asked the tech to put the picture in a sealed envelope. That envelope stayed sealed in my purse for 10 days! Since we weren't waiting until our due date, I wanted to do something fun and special. So, we invited friends over and I asked a friend to make a cake with the gender color inside (I gave her the sealed envelope!). I was 95% sure that we were having a boy. Knowing that I had ALL THINGS BOY, I just got in my head that we would be adding a third one to our family. I also thought I saw a peak at the ultrasound, which I thought confirmed my suspicions. We didn't have a preference and were thankful for whatever the Lord gave us, but I was convinced it was a boy. That made the surprise even greater! We were shocked and thrilled!!!
Here is the video on YouTube that we made to announce to the facebook world what we were having:
We had her first name picked out for most of the pregnancy. We went back and forth on it for a little bit, but Mike commented that it was definitely his favorite girl name so we then set on a mission to find her middle name. We always like for our children's names to have meaning and I love the meaning in her name!
Grace means "God's favor" and Anne means "Grace" - I love that! She is our double portion of Grace! Our undeserved and very treasured gift!
Taylor is Mike's grandmother, "Mema's" maiden name. I fell in love with Mema while Mike and I were dating and we remained close, writing letters back and forth, while Mike was in seminary. In January 2010, Mema passed away. We grieved her passing, but Mema knew and loved the Lord, and we know she is with the Lord. (You can read previous blog entries about her Here and here)
We look forward to meeting our little Double Portion of Grace, GraceAnne Taylor Spivey in end of April/beginning of May!
We thought that we may want to wait until the baby was born to find out the gender, but then it came time to have our gender scan and I just couldn't resist! Mike wasn't with me at the appointment (since I wasn't planning on having an ultrasound), so I asked the tech to put the picture in a sealed envelope. That envelope stayed sealed in my purse for 10 days! Since we weren't waiting until our due date, I wanted to do something fun and special. So, we invited friends over and I asked a friend to make a cake with the gender color inside (I gave her the sealed envelope!). I was 95% sure that we were having a boy. Knowing that I had ALL THINGS BOY, I just got in my head that we would be adding a third one to our family. I also thought I saw a peak at the ultrasound, which I thought confirmed my suspicions. We didn't have a preference and were thankful for whatever the Lord gave us, but I was convinced it was a boy. That made the surprise even greater! We were shocked and thrilled!!!
Here is the video on YouTube that we made to announce to the facebook world what we were having:
We had her first name picked out for most of the pregnancy. We went back and forth on it for a little bit, but Mike commented that it was definitely his favorite girl name so we then set on a mission to find her middle name. We always like for our children's names to have meaning and I love the meaning in her name!
Grace means "God's favor" and Anne means "Grace" - I love that! She is our double portion of Grace! Our undeserved and very treasured gift!
Taylor is Mike's grandmother, "Mema's" maiden name. I fell in love with Mema while Mike and I were dating and we remained close, writing letters back and forth, while Mike was in seminary. In January 2010, Mema passed away. We grieved her passing, but Mema knew and loved the Lord, and we know she is with the Lord. (You can read previous blog entries about her Here and here)
We look forward to meeting our little Double Portion of Grace, GraceAnne Taylor Spivey in end of April/beginning of May!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
A New Blessing
As many of you know, Mike and I recently walked through the valley of miscarriage. (You can read the previous post) It was a season in our life that, though this sounds strange, was so sweet to us as a family. It was one of the worst things I have walked through in my life, but to feel the presence of God so visible in it, made it not only bearable, but an opportunity to allow the Lord to use this as apart of our story in Him. We saw the character of God in a different way. We learned that He IS good at all times - we have said that a thousand times, but it is different to say it while walking in that truth. Mike encouraged me through the entire process to look at this through the lens of His character - and not just look at His character through our trial! Because if we look to God in light of our current circumstance we are tempted to say "Our circumstance is BAD, why is God not being good to us?" But if we reverse that then we can say "He is good and somehow this is good for us - He loves us and He STILL loves us despite what we are walking through." It was a sweet time for us.
We continued to ask the Lord to add to our family and we asked our church family to pray that for us as well! One of the most discouraging factors in the whole things was that we had already tried to get pregnant for almost 3 years when we conceived in April. We waited so long only then to be met with disappointment and more waiting. Having to wait to miscarry, wait to try again, then wait to get pregnant again. The waiting is a tricky thing - you wait, with expectation that the Lord will do what you have asked of Him, and you also wait with the knowledge that He knows best and it may not be what you have wanted. You wait with a promise that He knows how to plan your family, and also wait with hope that it will happen soon! One of my favorite verses in this time was this:
Our doctor didn't want us to conceive before August, so I set a goal to work out, eat better, lose some weight, and conceive in August! (Which I was able to lose most of the weight I wanted it - I had about 7 more pounds to go, but oh well!) :) On Mike's birthday I took a test and to my shock, and MUCH excitement it was POSITIVE! We felt so blessed that the Lord decided to bless us again with a pregnancy!
We didn't necessarily decide to wait to tell people this time because of the previous miscarriage, but we did wait until we hear the heartbeat. We told our close friends and family and enlisted them to pray for us! We had a few "scares" the first few weeks, that turned out to just be normal pregnancy symptoms (for me) and my doctor is so AMAZING at getting me in right away to just make sure things are good to go. We have heard the heartbeat three times and so far, everything looks perfect. The ultrasound tech told me that the sac is a perfect shape and that the previous pregnancy the sac was an odd shape which was an indicator of lack of growth (or something like that).
I have been sick, which a good sign, pregnancy wise, but stinks for normal day living. About once a week it lets up and I think we are turning a corner, and then it comes back the next day. I really am ok with it, I am just ready for it to pass so I can actually feel human again and ready for my family to eat normal again.
Thank you for praying for us! Thank you for loving our family and rejoicing with us in our new addition! Please continue to pray for us. I am 10 weeks now and we will all probably breathe a sigh of relief when I reach 12/13 weeks. One thing I learned through the miscarriage is that I have ZERO control! To sit and trust and relinquish all fear as been a daily event.
Here is the video that I made to put on facebook to announce our news!
Apparently, I enjoy making videos to announce news! This is the video I made to tell Mike we were pregnant with the boys! (Warning: some pictures our old and we look very different! ha!)
We continued to ask the Lord to add to our family and we asked our church family to pray that for us as well! One of the most discouraging factors in the whole things was that we had already tried to get pregnant for almost 3 years when we conceived in April. We waited so long only then to be met with disappointment and more waiting. Having to wait to miscarry, wait to try again, then wait to get pregnant again. The waiting is a tricky thing - you wait, with expectation that the Lord will do what you have asked of Him, and you also wait with the knowledge that He knows best and it may not be what you have wanted. You wait with a promise that He knows how to plan your family, and also wait with hope that it will happen soon! One of my favorite verses in this time was this:
"No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised." - Romans 4:20-21We knew that God knows how to plan our family and that is what sustained us in the waiting the past 3 years, and especially the past 3 months.
Our doctor didn't want us to conceive before August, so I set a goal to work out, eat better, lose some weight, and conceive in August! (Which I was able to lose most of the weight I wanted it - I had about 7 more pounds to go, but oh well!) :) On Mike's birthday I took a test and to my shock, and MUCH excitement it was POSITIVE! We felt so blessed that the Lord decided to bless us again with a pregnancy!
We didn't necessarily decide to wait to tell people this time because of the previous miscarriage, but we did wait until we hear the heartbeat. We told our close friends and family and enlisted them to pray for us! We had a few "scares" the first few weeks, that turned out to just be normal pregnancy symptoms (for me) and my doctor is so AMAZING at getting me in right away to just make sure things are good to go. We have heard the heartbeat three times and so far, everything looks perfect. The ultrasound tech told me that the sac is a perfect shape and that the previous pregnancy the sac was an odd shape which was an indicator of lack of growth (or something like that).
I have been sick, which a good sign, pregnancy wise, but stinks for normal day living. About once a week it lets up and I think we are turning a corner, and then it comes back the next day. I really am ok with it, I am just ready for it to pass so I can actually feel human again and ready for my family to eat normal again.
Thank you for praying for us! Thank you for loving our family and rejoicing with us in our new addition! Please continue to pray for us. I am 10 weeks now and we will all probably breathe a sigh of relief when I reach 12/13 weeks. One thing I learned through the miscarriage is that I have ZERO control! To sit and trust and relinquish all fear as been a daily event.
Here is the video that I made to put on facebook to announce our news!
Apparently, I enjoy making videos to announce news! This is the video I made to tell Mike we were pregnant with the boys! (Warning: some pictures our old and we look very different! ha!)
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Just Give Me Jesus
We don’t need a miracle. We just need Jesus! (but a miracle would be nice!)
And that is a sweet place to be.
We found out we were pregnant with this baby on the boy’s birthday, April 10th. From the minute I saw those two lines I had a sinking feeling about things. I chalked it up to just nervousness because it is the second pregnancy and I have more knowledge on it. Through the past month as I prayed for this child I discovered that my prayers were very selfish. I purposely didn’t pray “Lord, grow this baby how you see fit” - in my mind that left room for Him to grow it in a way that I wouldn’t want. So my prayers were “Lord, right now this baby should have his/her heart beating - so I pray that right now his/her heart is beating.”
Last Sunday night I went to bed anticipating our appointment on Monday where we would have an ultrasound to confirm how many babies and my actual due date. As we climbed in bed I expressed my concerns with Mike and just shared with him that I have had a bad feeling. As we were going to bed Mike prayed for us and the first 90% of his prayer was asking the Lord to be glorified in this pregnancy and if we were approaching a trial that we would have strength, trust and faith in Him. The last 10% is when he prayed for a healthy baby. (You see, Mike is definitely the spiritual lead in our family and his prayers are much less selfish than mine! :))
I woke up early on Monday and instantly knew something was wrong. I had battled with morning sickness the past 8 days and now I woke up feeling great, no sickness at all, and all the other ailments I have had were gone! (I’ve googled enough to know that is a bad sign.)I sent my friend Margaret a text and she responded with Psalm 112:7-8:
The Lord was gently preparing my heart. We got to the doctor’s office and Mike once again prayed in the car - His prayer was that God would be glorified in the situation, no matter how it turned out. (*Sigh* There are those self-less prayers again. I can learn much from him.)
We go to the ultrasound room and our doctor followed us in there. I am assuming that he had no other patients at the time and I am very thankful that he was in there. I shared my concerns with him and he calmly tried to ease my fears. About 30 seconds into the ultrasound he said “I won’t lie to you, this doesn’t look good Kid.” He was very honest and very straight forward with us, yet he was very gentle and sensitive. No heartbeat was found and no blood flow to the baby could be detected.
Our hearts were crushed!
Mike and I have lived a very easy life. The Lord has been so faithful to us (and still is!) and has always provided for us. Apart from grieving the divorce of a family member, I cannot remember a period of sorrow. Until now.
Our doctor prayed for us and left us with the hope that we would return this Monday with a “10% chance” of a heartbeat and blood flow to develop! 10% *sigh*
We came home, contacted some friends and family asking for prayer, and then I slept and wept the rest of the day. Monday was not a good day!
My dear, precious, love her to pieces, sister-in-law called me that night and prayed on the phone for me. In her prayer she asked the Lord to give me a double portion of peace! And that is exactly what the Lord had done!
We woke up Tuesday morning and this is how I describe how it felt:
- Incredibly at peace!
- Disbelief - like it was a bad dream
- Strangely normal
I have been so thankful for my husband and his leadership in our home. From the minute we got alone in the car leaving the doctor’s office, Mike shared with me that we needed to ask the Lord for wisdom to respond to this trial in light of who He is and His Character. So we did. We asked the Lord. And He answered!
We have been able to find peace in His character and who He is:
That He is good!
That He has good for us!
That He is ALWAYS faithful!
That He does indeed have a plan for our life and this works into that plan.
That He cares about our grief and that He hears!
That He is the giver of life!
That He is completely, 100% sovereign!
That all things DO work together for the GOOD of those who love Him!
And we love Him indeed!
This may sound so strange to say, but despite this being one of the toughest, hardest, worst weeks of our lives, it has been the sweetest. We have grieved the (potential) lose of our third child. We have grieved the (potential) ending of this pregnancy and all the joy and excitement that it brings. We have battled the thoughts of continuing the wait! We waited two and a half years to get pregnant, and now we have to wait to confirm the miscarriage, then wait to pass the baby, then wait to start trying again, then wait to get pregnant again. But “He can do more in my waiting, then in my doing I can do!” (Bethany Dillon, Those Who Wait)
But through all that grief we have fallen more in love with who God is and is continuing faithfulness to us and to our family. We have learned more about His character and how he uses anything and all things to bring us to Him. I have learned more of the importance of 100% trust in Him and His sovereignty. You see, I fear ALOT! It has been a sin that has plagued my life since I was a young child. And in this season of my life my WORST fear was to miscarry. And now that it has (potentially) happened, it is not that scary after all. It sucks! Really it does, but I have no fear in it. (“He is not afraid of bad news” - Ps. 112:7). When you are faced with your worst fear, you realize that you have no other option but to trust in the goodness of God. I have no other option! And for that I am thankful!
My prayers went from begging for a healthy baby to asking the Lord to use this in ANY WAY He wanted to - in any way He saw fit to grow us, to build our faith, to glorify Him - any way! To not waste this grief and allow it to bring Him honor and minister to others. There is such freedom in that!
So where do we stand now?
We go back Monday at 1:45 for an ultrasound to “confirm” their original diagnosis. We are asking for a miracle, but we don’t need it. We know that He can do it - that He is the giver of all life and that He can make ALL THINGS new! We know that He is able and we are asking Him to do just that.
But we have come to the sweet truth that if there is a heart beat on Monday then our God is SO GOOD! And if there isn’t a heartbeat on Monday, then our God is STILL SO GOOD!
Do we want a heart beat? Heck Yea!
Do we want a miracle? Absolutely!
But what do we NEED? Jesus
Just Jesus. That’s it.
Will you join us and pray for us? Pray that on Monday the doctor and ultrasound tech will be able to witness a miracle that only the Lord can do, and that we give me ALL THE GLORY FOR IT! But pray that if the Lord sees fit to keep the "diagnosis" the same,that they will be able to see the goodness of God through us and through the response to our trial.
He has been so good to us, He is so good to us, and He will ALWAYS be good to us!
And that is a sweet place to be.
We found out we were pregnant with this baby on the boy’s birthday, April 10th. From the minute I saw those two lines I had a sinking feeling about things. I chalked it up to just nervousness because it is the second pregnancy and I have more knowledge on it. Through the past month as I prayed for this child I discovered that my prayers were very selfish. I purposely didn’t pray “Lord, grow this baby how you see fit” - in my mind that left room for Him to grow it in a way that I wouldn’t want. So my prayers were “Lord, right now this baby should have his/her heart beating - so I pray that right now his/her heart is beating.”
Last Sunday night I went to bed anticipating our appointment on Monday where we would have an ultrasound to confirm how many babies and my actual due date. As we climbed in bed I expressed my concerns with Mike and just shared with him that I have had a bad feeling. As we were going to bed Mike prayed for us and the first 90% of his prayer was asking the Lord to be glorified in this pregnancy and if we were approaching a trial that we would have strength, trust and faith in Him. The last 10% is when he prayed for a healthy baby. (You see, Mike is definitely the spiritual lead in our family and his prayers are much less selfish than mine! :))
I woke up early on Monday and instantly knew something was wrong. I had battled with morning sickness the past 8 days and now I woke up feeling great, no sickness at all, and all the other ailments I have had were gone! (I’ve googled enough to know that is a bad sign.)I sent my friend Margaret a text and she responded with Psalm 112:7-8:
“He is not afraid of bad news;
his heart is firm,
trusting in the Lord.
His heart is steady; he will not be afraid,
until he looks in triumph on his adversaries.”
The Lord was gently preparing my heart. We got to the doctor’s office and Mike once again prayed in the car - His prayer was that God would be glorified in the situation, no matter how it turned out. (*Sigh* There are those self-less prayers again. I can learn much from him.)
We go to the ultrasound room and our doctor followed us in there. I am assuming that he had no other patients at the time and I am very thankful that he was in there. I shared my concerns with him and he calmly tried to ease my fears. About 30 seconds into the ultrasound he said “I won’t lie to you, this doesn’t look good Kid.” He was very honest and very straight forward with us, yet he was very gentle and sensitive. No heartbeat was found and no blood flow to the baby could be detected.
Our hearts were crushed!
Mike and I have lived a very easy life. The Lord has been so faithful to us (and still is!) and has always provided for us. Apart from grieving the divorce of a family member, I cannot remember a period of sorrow. Until now.
Our doctor prayed for us and left us with the hope that we would return this Monday with a “10% chance” of a heartbeat and blood flow to develop! 10% *sigh*
We came home, contacted some friends and family asking for prayer, and then I slept and wept the rest of the day. Monday was not a good day!
My dear, precious, love her to pieces, sister-in-law called me that night and prayed on the phone for me. In her prayer she asked the Lord to give me a double portion of peace! And that is exactly what the Lord had done!
We woke up Tuesday morning and this is how I describe how it felt:
- Incredibly at peace!
- Disbelief - like it was a bad dream
- Strangely normal
I have been so thankful for my husband and his leadership in our home. From the minute we got alone in the car leaving the doctor’s office, Mike shared with me that we needed to ask the Lord for wisdom to respond to this trial in light of who He is and His Character. So we did. We asked the Lord. And He answered!
We have been able to find peace in His character and who He is:
That He is good!
That He has good for us!
That He is ALWAYS faithful!
That He does indeed have a plan for our life and this works into that plan.
That He cares about our grief and that He hears!
That He is the giver of life!
That He is completely, 100% sovereign!
That all things DO work together for the GOOD of those who love Him!
And we love Him indeed!
This may sound so strange to say, but despite this being one of the toughest, hardest, worst weeks of our lives, it has been the sweetest. We have grieved the (potential) lose of our third child. We have grieved the (potential) ending of this pregnancy and all the joy and excitement that it brings. We have battled the thoughts of continuing the wait! We waited two and a half years to get pregnant, and now we have to wait to confirm the miscarriage, then wait to pass the baby, then wait to start trying again, then wait to get pregnant again. But “He can do more in my waiting, then in my doing I can do!” (Bethany Dillon, Those Who Wait)
But through all that grief we have fallen more in love with who God is and is continuing faithfulness to us and to our family. We have learned more about His character and how he uses anything and all things to bring us to Him. I have learned more of the importance of 100% trust in Him and His sovereignty. You see, I fear ALOT! It has been a sin that has plagued my life since I was a young child. And in this season of my life my WORST fear was to miscarry. And now that it has (potentially) happened, it is not that scary after all. It sucks! Really it does, but I have no fear in it. (“He is not afraid of bad news” - Ps. 112:7). When you are faced with your worst fear, you realize that you have no other option but to trust in the goodness of God. I have no other option! And for that I am thankful!
My prayers went from begging for a healthy baby to asking the Lord to use this in ANY WAY He wanted to - in any way He saw fit to grow us, to build our faith, to glorify Him - any way! To not waste this grief and allow it to bring Him honor and minister to others. There is such freedom in that!
So where do we stand now?
We go back Monday at 1:45 for an ultrasound to “confirm” their original diagnosis. We are asking for a miracle, but we don’t need it. We know that He can do it - that He is the giver of all life and that He can make ALL THINGS new! We know that He is able and we are asking Him to do just that.
But we have come to the sweet truth that if there is a heart beat on Monday then our God is SO GOOD! And if there isn’t a heartbeat on Monday, then our God is STILL SO GOOD!
Do we want a heart beat? Heck Yea!
Do we want a miracle? Absolutely!
But what do we NEED? Jesus
Just Jesus. That’s it.
Will you join us and pray for us? Pray that on Monday the doctor and ultrasound tech will be able to witness a miracle that only the Lord can do, and that we give me ALL THE GLORY FOR IT! But pray that if the Lord sees fit to keep the "diagnosis" the same,that they will be able to see the goodness of God through us and through the response to our trial.
He has been so good to us, He is so good to us, and He will ALWAYS be good to us!
"No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised." -Romans 4:20-21
Friday, March 23, 2012
Returning to Blogger World
Oh dear, it has been way too long!
My apologies for lack of blogging. We have had such a busy year with most of our time consumed with family and church, so the blogging got to the back burner. I am hoping to spring back into it, even if I just do it once a week. So stick with me! :)
My apologies for lack of blogging. We have had such a busy year with most of our time consumed with family and church, so the blogging got to the back burner. I am hoping to spring back into it, even if I just do it once a week. So stick with me! :)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Day Seventy-Three: March 14, 2011 - Day Seventy-Five: March 16, 2011
I am WAY behind on the blogging and I think I just keep getting behind that it overwhelms me to catch up, so I just put it off. So to start updating I will do three days at a time until I am caught up!
So here it goes :)
Monday: Day Seventy-Three: March 14, 2011
Monday is our Bible Study days. I was running late that day and just made it for half of it, but was still blessed by it! I have LOVED our study, Breaking Free and the Lord has done so much in my walk with Him through it! I love it!
After the Bible Study I met Margaret and Natalie for an impromptu lunch! Margaret is a teacher at the High School and some seniors played a prank that required the whole school to be cancelled and so we were able to meet up for lunch! And Natalie was in Vidalia for her job and so she showed up at Zaxby's, so that was a very pleasant surprise! I love hanging out with both those girls and I am so thankful to the Lord that we have become friends!
A funny side story about them - they are also known as "106" and "107". Margaret and Natalie ordered their food as I waited with the boys at our table. They got their drinks and then stood up front talking. The lady called out "106, 107" and waited a few minutes, then called again "106, 107" waited and repeated this about 10 times! The whole time Natalie and Margaret are just talking away with no clue at all that this lady as impatiently called their numbers 10 times! Then they heard their number be called, which they assumed was the first time it was called! ha! When they got to the table I told them that the lady had been repeatedly calling their numbers! So now, they can be referred to as "106" and "107" (They'll answer now!)
Day #73: March 14, 2011

Tuesday: Day Seventy-Four: March 15, 2011
I made a bunch of these magnets the other day:

It is very easy - you just take clear stones and cut out fun things in magazines. Then glue it to the bottom of the stone with clear spray glue and then stick a magnet on it. Easy as Pie! (Is that a real phrase, because I have been using it a lot lately?)
The boys have LOVED them and they will take them all off the refrigerator and line them up to make a train! I love when they are working together and here Jeremiah stood on the chair to hand them to Michael for him to put in the right places! I love these kids!
Picking out the magnet he wants
Passing it on to Michael
Putting it in it's place!
Day #74: March 15, 2011

Wednesday: Day Seventy-Five: March 16, 2011
Honestly, other then church on Wednesday I don't remember at all what we did that day. So sorry :(
But the boys love to fly in the air like "Buzz Light" and they ask Mike to toss them "high in the clouds!" After church the boys kept asking Mike to throw them - so here is a picture of Michael in the nude in the sky!
Day #75: March 16, 2011
So here it goes :)
Monday: Day Seventy-Three: March 14, 2011
Monday is our Bible Study days. I was running late that day and just made it for half of it, but was still blessed by it! I have LOVED our study, Breaking Free and the Lord has done so much in my walk with Him through it! I love it!
After the Bible Study I met Margaret and Natalie for an impromptu lunch! Margaret is a teacher at the High School and some seniors played a prank that required the whole school to be cancelled and so we were able to meet up for lunch! And Natalie was in Vidalia for her job and so she showed up at Zaxby's, so that was a very pleasant surprise! I love hanging out with both those girls and I am so thankful to the Lord that we have become friends!
A funny side story about them - they are also known as "106" and "107". Margaret and Natalie ordered their food as I waited with the boys at our table. They got their drinks and then stood up front talking. The lady called out "106, 107" and waited a few minutes, then called again "106, 107" waited and repeated this about 10 times! The whole time Natalie and Margaret are just talking away with no clue at all that this lady as impatiently called their numbers 10 times! Then they heard their number be called, which they assumed was the first time it was called! ha! When they got to the table I told them that the lady had been repeatedly calling their numbers! So now, they can be referred to as "106" and "107" (They'll answer now!)
Tuesday: Day Seventy-Four: March 15, 2011
I made a bunch of these magnets the other day:
It is very easy - you just take clear stones and cut out fun things in magazines. Then glue it to the bottom of the stone with clear spray glue and then stick a magnet on it. Easy as Pie! (Is that a real phrase, because I have been using it a lot lately?)
The boys have LOVED them and they will take them all off the refrigerator and line them up to make a train! I love when they are working together and here Jeremiah stood on the chair to hand them to Michael for him to put in the right places! I love these kids!
Wednesday: Day Seventy-Five: March 16, 2011
Honestly, other then church on Wednesday I don't remember at all what we did that day. So sorry :(
But the boys love to fly in the air like "Buzz Light" and they ask Mike to toss them "high in the clouds!" After church the boys kept asking Mike to throw them - so here is a picture of Michael in the nude in the sky!
Day #75: March 16, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Day Seventy-Two: March 13, 2011
Look at that! I posted the day after the catch up post!!! I may be back on schedule, we shall see!
What a good day today! As I sat on our pew at church, with 6 friends from TRBC in Montgomery with us, my heart was full of joy! And so thankful that the Lord has called us into the ministry! I love people. I love forming friendships with people. I love sitting in our current church, that I am so thankful for the Lord's goodness to us by allowing us to live and serve here in Soperton! We are so blessed and every Sunday I leave with more love for the folks here! I love sitting in our current church, with people from our former church with us! It is just a blessing and a sweet reminder of one of the best things about being in the ministry!
The Beaudry's and Gober's joined us in church this morning and then we all went to Cracker Barrel for lunch! It was a great time and a sweet time of fellowship. It was sad to see them leave, but they assured us that they would return soon and stay longer. We are holding them to that! :)
Day #72: March 13, 2011
What a good day today! As I sat on our pew at church, with 6 friends from TRBC in Montgomery with us, my heart was full of joy! And so thankful that the Lord has called us into the ministry! I love people. I love forming friendships with people. I love sitting in our current church, that I am so thankful for the Lord's goodness to us by allowing us to live and serve here in Soperton! We are so blessed and every Sunday I leave with more love for the folks here! I love sitting in our current church, with people from our former church with us! It is just a blessing and a sweet reminder of one of the best things about being in the ministry!
The Beaudry's and Gober's joined us in church this morning and then we all went to Cracker Barrel for lunch! It was a great time and a sweet time of fellowship. It was sad to see them leave, but they assured us that they would return soon and stay longer. We are holding them to that! :)
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