From your wheels, silly! (Get your mind out of the gutter! Really!) I love my wheels, but find myself wishing that some of them were mounted on wood blocks to make it easier to only ink up part of the image. So what's a girl to do? Turn her wheels into stamps of course!

I used an exacto knife to cut the seam line on the wheel, and then very carefully peeled the rubber off of the wheel base. Flip the rubber over, and smear Aleene's Tack It Over & Over glue on the flat side. Once it dries, it will give you a nice tacky surface that will stick to your wood block with ease. And just like the name implies, this glue from Aleene's will allow you to peel the rubber back off the wood if you so desire, so you can use the same block for more than one wheel. If you would like to permanently mount your wheel to the block, then use rubber cement, or use some EZ-Mount foam if you want a more cushy backing like on a regular stamp.
You can find the wood blocks pictured above at Soc's Blocks. I ordered a 2 1/4 by 7 inch block for my jumbo wheels, and a 1 1/4 by 7 inch block for my regular wheels. You can also order extra smaller blocks for those pesky word sets where you want to break the phrases up. Just measure your rubber to figure out what sizes to order. I did this with the "In My Thoughts" set and turned it into an 11 piece set instead of an 8 piece set. I like it much better that way!