Short: P96 Preferences Editor Author: (Thomas Richter) Uploader: thomas richter alumni tu-berlin de (Thomas Richter) Type: driver/video Version: 47.17 Requires: P96 >= 3.0.0, AmigaOs 3.2 Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.2 P96Prefs is an alternative (and hopefully improved) P96 Preferences editor. What does P96Prefs offer: - configuration of all P96 preferences including environment variables, monitor tool types, boards, resolutions and graphics modes. - scalable font-sensitive GUI - online help system - fully localizable (Italian and German included) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- New in release 47.1: - This is the first beta release. Release 47.2: - This is the second beta release. The program now checks for duplicate mode IDs and re-assigns them potentially when pasting or loading. The environment variables to adjust the handling of the native blitter are now removed if the "Native" driver is active as it overloads such settings anyhow. Added an "Undo" button to the menu which will revert the edits in the selected board, resolution or mode. The HELP key now works exactly like the HELP menu item and loads the guide at a particular page. Fixed handling of AmigaGuide infrastructure. Fixed handling of out-of-range board types. Fixed handling of Cut, which forgot to update the GUI and request a reboot. Fixed a couple of GUI glitches at which entries or menu items were not updated correctly when making changes. Added a configuration editor for monitors and auto-configuration for monitors. Updated and restructured the guide. Release 47.3: - This is the third beta release. More glitches of the GUI interface had been fixed, in particular when restoring the GUI after iconification or when adding or removing nodes to the configurable items. P96Prefs has now the ability to add monitor specifications to its preferences, and verify whether modes are compatible to the monitor. It also attemps to create modes such that they are compatible to the monitor. P96Prefs can now also create such specifications from binary dumps of monitor EDID data, and when creating modes, it will include modes found there. Release 47.4: - This is the fourth beta release. The GUI has been improved slightly, with some GUI elements moved or rescaled a little bit. Also, the online help system provides now help for each tool type or each variable setting. The online manual is now also searched in the program installation directory. Release 47.5: - This is the fifth beta release. The list view on the left window side now shows only the short names corresponding to the tool types and viarable names instead of the full names, saving some space. P96Prefs now also shows the modes injected by boards rather than coming from the settings file. Such modes cannot be edited or copied, only tested. The gadgets of the mode editor are thus all ghosted. The editor can now be aborted with Ctrl-C. Release 47.6: - Another beta release, the sixth. Resolution names were not correctly derived from the board name. In case a settings file contained monitor information, this information was not always added to the database. The monitor information was formatted wrongly in the list view gadget. When modes were changed, P96 did not always remind the user to verify them, the verification is now also added when saving modes. The resolution ID of resolutions added by the driver remained editable even though they should not have been. If the board and the settings contained duplicate IDs, both were added, even though only those from the settings should have been present. Tooltypes and variables are now sorted by type and name. The cursor keys now navigate through the list view. Release 47.7: - Another beta, the seventh. Saving did not show the reboot selection requester anymore, it vanished shortly after being displayed. The board name and configuration name were confused, this should be fixed now. In case the board did not have an icon (yet, or not at all), the resolution page did not show a board name, and it may have caused a MuForce hit. Another MuForce hit was caused by saving configurations into icons with tool types not containing an equals("=") sign. This release comes now finally with a localization, this time for German. Release 47.7.1: - The first Aminet release. The actual P96Prefs binary does not differ from the beta version as no further defects had been identified so far. However, the archive now includes also an Italian catalog by Samir Hawamdeh, and catalogs are now placed in a properly named directory. Thanks, Samir! Release 47.8: Enabling or disabling an element by the menu did not indicate this as a change of the configuration, and thus the modifications were never saved back. The error requester failed to show the error message because the wrong function prototype was used for creating the requester. Samir kindly updated the italian translation of P96Prefs. Also, Javier de las Rivas provided a spanish translation of the catalog, thanks Javier! Release 47.9: This release adds support of tooltypes that are supported as of P96 3.4.0, namely the RainbowII and the CBMs only graphics card, the A2410. The BSC FrameMaster is technically identical and thus also supported by this release. Added some idiocracies of the above cards as well when creating modes. Added support for the new monitor width and height tool types added to P96 3.4.0. In case more than one board was installed, P96Prefs could have shown a dummy resolution of 320x200 pixels that is only for internal use. P96Prefs disabled modes if the requested clock frequency differed too much from the actual clock frequency. This is no longer the case. Again, I want to thank Samir and Javier for updating the Italian and Spanish catalogs of P96Prefs. Release 47.10: One GUI glitch in the German translation was fixed where one string in the control panel for numerical elements was taking too much space. Release 47.11: In case a board is ghosted, P96Prefs now prints a reason under the (assumed) board name, either providing information that the board driver is not loaded, the monitor icon was not found, or the settings are not assigned to a board. Release 47.12: P96Prefs now requests a reboot in case a board assignment changed implicitly because an installed board was assigned to an already existing preferences setting. P96Prefs now also loads the monitor dimensions from the EDID data and fills them in. Setting the knob position of numerical tool types was not always set to scale correctly. Release 47.12.1: The binaries remained unchanged, just catalogs had been updated. Thanks again to Samir and Javier! Release 47.13: Only very minor changes have been made in this release, this version is now more verbose in case it cannot open its window and prints error messages if opening the window fails. Note that P96Prefs is designed for classical Amiga Systems, it will not work on PPC systems. Release 47.14: P96Prefs re-evaluates now the double scan and interlace flags from the board driver, and thus cooperates nicer with the A2410 driver which turns off the double scan it does not support. Release 47.15: This release adds support for the new VA2000 driver and recognizes its tool types and some card pecularities. Release 47.15.1: The P96Prefs binary is unchanged, but this release contains an updated Italian catalog by Samir and an updated Spanish catalog by Javier. Thanks folks! Release 17.16: P96Prefs is now aware of the Voodoo card and the latest Voodoo driver on Aminet. Release 47.17: P96Prefs is now aware of S3ViRGE based PCI cards and the latest S3ViRGE driver. If all modes of a resolution are enabled, and the resolution is enabled, then it also enables those modes that could be verified. P96Prefs now also supports Matrox drivers, though possibly not yet all tooltypes the driver offers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: - Copy P96Prefs and its icon to SYS:Prefs, or wherever you keep all other preferences editors. Any other place works of course, too. - Copy the to the directory to which HELP: or GUIDES: is assigned to. - Copy the directory Catalogs entirely to LOCALE:. It contains the German and Italian catalogs. P96Prefs can be, in addition, configured by the following tooltypes in its icon: SETTINGSFILE= defines the path where P96 stores its settings. This is by default DEVS:Picass96Settings. MONITORPATH= defines the path to all monitor icons that are loaded into the system during startup. By default, this is DEVS:Monitors HELPPATH= full path to the AmigaGuide documentation of P96Prefs. This is the full path to the file name of the guide. By default, P96Prefs scans HELP:, GUIDES: and subdirectories of the above, according to the system default language. If you place the guide in some other directory, please indicate the path to the guide in this tool type. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The THOR-Software Licence (v3, January 2nd 2021) This License applies to the computer programs known as the "P96Prefs" and the corresponding documentation, known as ".guide" files. The "Program", below, refers to such program. The "Archive" refers to the package of distribution, as prepared by the author of the Program, Thomas Richter. Each licensee is addressed as "you". The Program and the data in the archive are freely distributable under the restrictions stated below, but are also Copyright (c) Thomas Richter. Distribution of the Program, the Archive and the data in the Archive by a commercial organization without written permission from the author to any third party is prohibited if any payment is made in connection with such distribution, whether directly (as in payment for a copy of the Program) or indirectly (as in payment for some service related to the Program, or payment for some product or service that includes a copy of the Program "without charge"; these are only examples, and not an exhaustive enumeration of prohibited activities). However, the following methods of distribution involving payment shall not in and of themselves be a violation of this restriction: (i) Distributing the Program on a physical data carrier (e.g. CD-ROM, DVD, USB-Stick, Disk...) provided that: a) the Archive is reproduced entirely and verbatim on such data carrier, including especially this licence agreement; b) the data carrier is made available to the public for a nominal fee only, i.e. for a fee that covers the costs of the data carrier, and shipment of the data carrier; c) a data carrier with the Program installed is made available to the author for free except for shipment costs, and d) provided further that all information on said data carrier is redistributable for non-commercial purposes without charge. Redistribution of a modified version of the Archive, the Program or the contents of the Archive is prohibited in any way, by any organization, regardless whether commercial or non-commercial. Everything must be kept together, in original and unmodified form. Limitations. THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED TO YOU "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY. THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS LICENCE, YOU MUST DELETE THE PROGRAM, THE ARCHIVE AND ALL DATA OF THIS ARCHIVE FROM YOUR STORAGE SYSTEM. YOU ACCEPT THIS LICENCE BY USING OR REDISTRIBUTING THE PROGRAM. Thomas Richter Note that this program is also available under license from individual Computers, Jens Sch?nfeld GmbH. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Send ideas, improvements, bug reports (please as concrete as possible) to: Thomas Richter EMail: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas Richter, September 2024