DLC需要提供的资料 需要提供的资料Ø 1、LM-79 test report with THD data
Ø 2、LM-80 test report
Ø 3、ISTMT test report
Ø 4、Manufacturer product specification sheet
Ø 5、LED package specification sheet
Ø 6、IES File
Ø 7、Warranty document: Legal warranty document explaining warranty terms and conditions
Ø 8、Product installation instructions (retrofit kits and linear replacement lamps only)
Ø 9、Proof of safety certification (retrofit kits and linear replacement lamps only)
Ø 10、Lumen maintenance information: select one of the two options and submit all of its corresponding
required documents listed below
Ø 2、LM-80 test report
Ø 3、ISTMT test report
Ø 4、Manufacturer product specification sheet
Ø 5、LED package specification sheet
Ø 6、IES File
Ø 7、Warranty document: Legal warranty document explaining warranty terms and conditions
Ø 8、Product installation instructions (retrofit kits and linear replacement lamps only)
Ø 9、Proof of safety certification (retrofit kits and linear replacement lamps only)
Ø 10、Lumen maintenance information: select one of the two options and submit all of its corresponding
required documents listed below
安博检测成立于2004年4月,总部深圳,在上海,广州,香港,东莞分别设立分公司,是专业从事LED照明及驱动电源产品的第三方安全与性能检测认证机构,是美国最知名的认可机构(International Accreditation Service)认可的测试室(TL-525),是美国环境署EPA认可的能测试所有的照明产品能源之星规范的测试室(ID 1120959);同时,也是美国能源部认可的Lightingfacts测试室,和美加LED节能补贴认可的DLC(Designlight Consortium)测试机构;安博检测也具有2013年9月1日实施的欧洲能效标签Energy Label和欧洲定向照明LED灯泡LED灯具法规的测试资质;安博检测也拥有UL,ETL,CSA,TUV,MET,SGS,SAA,CNAS,CMA等认证资质,能为大中华的客户进入国际市场提供所需的便捷快速服务.
Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Ltd
MP: 13480686521 QQ 2213430959 E-mail:ivy.liu@Anbotek.com
发布时间:2025-02-20 18:08:11
联系电话:13480686521 刘维文
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