I'd like to encourage you to enter this show - fantastic venue, always an excellent show! (Full disclosure - I'm involved in the show.)
Entry Form can be found HERE
PAQA-South has made the "receive by" date a "post mark date" to give as many people as possible an opportunity to get their work entered.
The Professional Art Quilters Alliance-South (PAQA-South)announces its eighth Annual Juried Exhibition of Innovative Quilts: ARTQUILTSmovement

Movement evokes moods as varied as the individuals contemplating it. Rhythmic strains of music, the flow of language, lithe dancers, or public change and social advocacy; all are examples that encompass the meaning of movement. Are you startled by a sudden movement, drawn in to the quickly moving plot of a good book, or feel the pulse of your heart as bloods flows through your veins? Military maneuvers, the inner workings of a watch, and a well-oiled machine all portray this basic necessity of life: movement. We invite you to share your interpretation of Movement in quiltart form.
Exhibit Opens: May 20, 2011
Postmark Deadline for entry: March 19, 2011
Entry Fee: $15 for PAQA-South members, $25 for non-members for up to three works submitted.
Size Limitations: No larger than 40 inches wide and 60 inches high.
Contact: AQtransitions@gmail.com with questions.
Note: ARTQUILTSmovement will be judged via unenhanced digital image, only.
The PAQA-South International Juried Exhibition: ARTQUILTSmovement will open in the Allenton and Siemens galleries of the Durham Arts Council of Durham, NC.
May 20 ? July 24, 2011: Durham Arts Council, Durham, NC
It is possible that the show will travel, so please be sure to check the entry form as to whether or not you give permission for your piece to travel with the show, should it be chosen.