I have it good. I have a loving family who is supportive and patient and I get to work time with some of the most wonderful people in the world. I have a passion for creating artwork and a place in which to pursue that passion.
Those people I get to work with? Students! And the ideal students at that. They are there because they really want to be there. They are inquisitive, talented, and open to what they are taught. Even if they don't admit to being any of those three things - they are. I always learn so much from them as well.
The space I have to create art in is a blessing. I'm next to the main living area so that I can hear and see what is going on with the kids. I can look out the window and see them when they are playing outside. The space perfect for me to freely create whatever my brain can put together.
In a few weeks I get to combine the last two - students - studio! (The family will be gently kept elsewhere.) Students will have the opportunity to come to my home and my studio in Cary, North Carolina, and lean, play, and create for two days.
Thursday April 8th: Surface Design Sampler Platter
It's truly a little taste of everything and one of the funnest classes I teach. We dip into techniques such as printing, stamp carving, stenciling, photo transfer, thermofax screen printing, and foiling! Oops! I almost forgot beadwork. Elizabeth and Ellen both took this class at the Virginia Quilt Celebration in 2008 - the fabric says it all!
Friday April 9th: The Forgotten Fabrics and Screen Printing
There are some wonderfully fun things you can do with synthetic fabrics (gasp!) Disperse dyes are completely different than Procion dyes, and totally fun to work with.
The screen printing we'll do this day is very free, fast, and fun. We'll use regular full sized screens in some very interesting and improvisational ways.
There are still a few spots available. If you are interested in joining us please contact me at Lyric (at) pobox.com.