Showing posts sorted by relevance for query family ties. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query family ties. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Passion to Create

#3 by Michael Cunningham
I'm dreadfully late in getting back to a question posed several weeks ago.... ah life. It can get in the way of the best intentions. I ruminated and pontificated on fitting art into your life in this post. It was in response to a very thoughtful and heart felt question from Michael Cuningham. Here is the long overdue answer to the second part of his question - "with all of the "life" that gets in the way of creating, how do you keep the passion going?"

As I ponder this question I think it has to do with your long term goals. Life ebbs and flows and there are seasons and times for focusing on different things. But if you have long term goals you can see past a current ebb and over the long run, life will flow in the direction of those goals.

Keep your goals realistic. I only think about one or two goals regarding my art each year. This year, they didn't even include any sort of concrete production goals. I wanted to improve my attitude (by being grateful) and develop some studio discipline. That's it. My youngest goes off to school next year and I want to be better about utilizing the uninterrupted studio time I'll gain. Right now I know I have bad habits. I waste far too much time on my computer. I need to go re-read Twyla Tharp's "The Creative Habit". It's a favorite.

Family Ties: Knit Together
So - if something fits and helps me achieve that goal then I need to work on it. If it doesn't it's OK to let it go. I let several application deadlines slide by me last week - they weren't high on my list of priorities getting towards this goal. Next year - they are part of my goal set.

Now, if you've lost the desire to finish a project or goal - is it a goal you truly want to keep working at or should you give it up? That's the first question to answer. Then ask why. Then ask why again. If you choose to keep that goal on your priority list - remember to figure out the underlying reason you have that goal. Where will it get you and is that the place you want to end up?

If yes is the answer and you still have creative ennui... first check your health. Are you taking your vitamins and getting enough sleep? Do so.

Family Ties: Knit Together
Is the task too overwhelming that you have set for yourself? Just choose to do a little chunk of it. I end up being amazingly productive if I force myself to set a timer and do actual creating of work for ten minutes BEFORE I check my email. Those ten minutes always turn into the full time I have. If I turn to the computer first whatever time I had is frittered away. 

Sometimes limitations result in greater freedom to create. Sounds a little backwards? How many times have you looked at a blank piece of cloth or canvas or sketchbook page and been frozen with fear. Or indecision. Or just plain nothing comes to mind?

What if instead, you give yourself a subject to start with. Or a color. Or a size limitation. My Family Ties series started out as a color study. Red. Using vintage and recycled cloth and lace. Funny that the first three in the series barely had any red in them at all - but I had in my minds eye an idea - a direction - a heading. Nothing says you must stick strictly to your limitations. They are simply a starting point.

I'm getting long winded again - and could go on for ages and never actually get this posted. So I'll stop for now and solicit your ideas. 

Family Ties

How do you keep the passion to create alive when LIFE gets in the way?
(Remember - I think LIFE can be more important at times - and that's OK)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Family Ties - accepted into SAQA: A Sense of Scale

The series, Family Ties has been accepted into the Studio Art Quilt Associates exhibit
A Sense of Scale
Family Ties by Lyric Kinard
 Premiere at International Quilt Festival - Houston, November 1-4, 2012
International Quilt Festival - Cincinnati, April 2013
International Quilt Festival - Long Beach, July 2013

I haven't entered many shows for the past six years or so. That happens when you have as many kids as I do. I spend much of my limited spare time teaching instead of creating. I also got a little burned out on the expense of jury fees and shipping costs. I was keeping my work "out there" and winning awards and making a few sales but only broke even with my expenses. It was  LOT of work for very little profit. No, I don't do it for the money - but right now I'm conserving my resources, both financial and emotional/mental for other things.

So this is the first year in a long time that I've entered any shows at all and most have been local fine art shows - not necessarily art quilt shows. This year I've entered five shows and have been rejected from every one so far. I've been involved in enough jury processes that rejection is not something I take personally. My finished artwork is separate from my personal identity - it's not a comment on my self worth when it is rejected. Still - rejection is no fun.

I had already received a rejection letter from "A Sense of Scale" and had forgotten that I had a third piece entered so it was a very pleasant surprise when the acceptance email came later in the day. It will be lots of fun to see it in Houston since I'll be teaching there this year.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Family Ties I: new beginnings

Hello Friends,
I've been giving you little tastes of  the Family Ties series and hope you've enjoyed seeing them as much as I've enjoyed creating them. Over the next several days I'll show you each completed piece. 

I'm putting together a small book featuring this series and I'd love YOUR input.

Family Ties I: new beginnings

If you have a poetic turn of mind I would love to publish short verses or haiku to go along with piece. 

Please join me in this creative endeavor!

If this work inspires you in any way, please add your verse to the comment section. 
I haven't thought about it yet but I'd like to thank each poet somehow.
I look forward to seeing your poetry!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Family Ties II:

I would love your verses, haiku, thoughts!
Chosen words will be displayed with the artwork in a solo show in Cary NC.

Family Ties II: innocence

I'm so happy with the verses that have come in so far.
Keep them rolling in!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Family Ties III:

More of your poetic verses would be welcome.

Family Ties III: (any suggestions?)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Work In Progress: on the road

 Can't spend all day in a car without a little collection of "stuff" to play with.
I just grabbed the leftover bag from the Family Ties series.
It's a beginning - a background.

Monday, July 12, 2010