Showing posts with label art cloth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art cloth. Show all posts

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Studio Class - Inspiration

Now THAT was fun. Last week a fantastic group of ladies drove up from the Charleston South Carolina area and spent two days playing here with me in the Studio... and dining room and sun room. We basically took over the downstairs living area. We ate chocolate, played with paint, ate more chocolate, screen printed.... you get the idea. I had so much fun that I totally forgot to take out my camera. Arggg! 

I did get inspired though - teaching a technique that I haven't taught for a very long time. Hey - as long as all of the supplies are out I might as well play. Here is a length of cloth that I dyed with heat transfer dyes. You mix up the disperse dyes which look kind of yucky and boring, play with them like paint on paper. When you turn them over and heat press them onto a synthetic fabric magic happens!

I've got the house put back together (and the kids immediately took it back apart of course!) Most of the studio stuff is put back away. I love having it all cleaned up. It stays that way for a bit since the kids don't play in here. For some reason it makes me really want to get busy with the art. As soon as my "to do" list is taken care of tomorrow I'm going to reward myself with some art time.

And now might I ask a little favor of you? If you've had a class from me would you mind posting a one or two sentence review here? I need to put together some new teaching brochures and would love to include some testimonials. I'd really, really appreciate it! Really.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Coming Right Up!

What do each of these things have in common?

You might end up using all of them in my upcoming on-line class through

begins on February 19th
four lessons
five weeks of time with the instructor (me)
for only $36.00
waaaaay too much fun

registration is open now - hope to see you there!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Fun, fun, fun

More Screen printing fun.
Discharge printing with Cascade Dishwashing Gel.

 A variation on a theme. Music soaring on dragonfly wings.

Sometimes eye candy is as good as chocolate. 
Um. Well. Maybe not.
I really like chocolate.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Silk Purse from a Sow's Ear

Take the ugliest piece of fabric (or at least the one that least appealed to me) and spend a few days in photoshop and with some screens and paint.... and I totally surprised myself. I think I'm in love.

Just thought I'd share a little something pretty with you.