Many people comment on how much I create. Sometimes I am surprised by that because I don't feel like I spend enough time and I don't have as many completed things to share as I would like! Keeping the blog going helps to motivate so I have something to post about and my monthly reviews remind me that I do more than I realise. Really my art practice is a combination of being able to leave things out in my studio (so blessed to have this space), of doing a little often...and I'm not much concerned with housework ;-) I work 25-30 hours a week and have school holidays off so that all helps, but I really believe that if you want to be creative you have to make that a priority. Read my original blog post about finding time to create HERE. I talk in quite a bit of detail about micro-movements = doing 15 minutes a day soon adds up. In this post in March, I shared how I went from background
to completed spread
in 7 days. Must try that again!
The other thing that helps my art practice is taking a photo as a record to make sure I #arteveryday. This gives me an incentive to have something to photograph and sometimes I pop some paint down on a background in the evening just to have done something - and that's a start for a new project. I began this practice back in November last year and I am now Week 42! If you go to that November link you'll see micro-movements in action. My practice has evolved as I've got busier taking on more work hours and I recognise there are many different ways to be creative - Creating blogposts count, as does shopping for supplies, watching lessons, preparing for school quilt club, and sometimes it just doesn't happen....I thought I'd share a few examples of weeks here to hopefully inspire you. Not sharing holidays cos they're not a reflection of my usual busy. And if you want to see all my posts on this topic click on the label below this post. Click on any photo to see it larger.
Week 17 :
Week 35 :
Week 40 :
How can you fit more creativity into your week or into this weekend? Happy FriYAY