Loving the latest Art Journaling magazine :
It has a lot of lovely work in it which makes me just want to run off and try the techniques. Included is Roben-Marie Smith who is greatly inspired by Dina Wakley - and it shows in the work featured in this publication :-) I ordered the digital publication of this -
also a goodie to have, and featuring some of my favourite artists. Go here if you want your own.
This book was a good discovery at the library.
Click on the cover to go to the Amazon preview. The introduction poses interesting questions around perceptions about quilts and their place in the art world. Some fantastic quilts/fibre art featured in here. My fav new or re- discoveries were Deirdre Adams, Karen Kamenetzky, and Margot Lovinger. I was happy to see Robbi Joy Eklow in there too. I have been watching
We own them all on DVD now and are up to watching Season 3. My husband and I can watch this together and both find it hilarious :-) I have been creating
Another simple image transfer -
this time a photocopy (not a newly made one either) onto a painted page : go here for the YouTube instructions. And I am gathering materials for the next lesson for Mixed Media Melange....mmmmm sheer lovelies.
If you need some new project ideas or a new challenge
There is also a new crusade for this month from Michelle Ward - they are worth checking out to do yourself, or to check out the people who participate. If you want to take an online class
And I am also tempted by ALL of these :
Kiwi Carole has another online book class coming up which looks divine : April - Dec 2011 And you may remember I have had some past fun with spray paints and stencils, so this mixed media course by Roben-Marie Smith (yes the chicky from the Art Journalling mag above) is a great temptation - Mixed Media Mayhem Online - Ahhhhh - check out the slide show : open now If you just want to look at some lovely stuff
Here's a very cool and different textile 'take' on the sketchbook project by Carol McFee And another stunner (gorgeous in its 'bloodiness'!) by Carolyn Saxby Beautiful in an entirely different way - go to Teesha Moore's latest absolutely stunningly gorgeously composed and colourful journal pages And let's finish with this very pretty post from Alisa Burke at CHA - love the butterflies (CHA is a tradeshow for vendors in the states from the Craft & Hobby Association)
Whew - Hope you made it all the way through with me!