Showing posts with label master bedroom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label master bedroom. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2012

I am in LOVE.....

with my handy husband... and this HEADBOARD!!
I have been drooling over this head board for like ever and wishing I could find a way to talk my husband into making it with me. I am pretty savvy in the tool area but our OLDER THEN DIRT hand held jigsaw is a little too sketchy for me. This is where the hubsters comes in.. he can man handle that thing in ways I can not:)
We have an abundance of old barn wood out in the middle of the field behind our house and he agreed to take a trip out there with me to snag some. It was so much easier to put together then I thought. The hubby LOVES it too - he said it looks so much better then the picture he had in his head!! YEAH!!

I love how it looks with our new bedding. This bed set is from Ikea- I had to go back 3 times to get it, but I am so glad I didn't settle for another one.

There you have it.. hope you adore it as much as I do. I seriously can't stop staring at it:)

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Our master bedroom is sad.. it has no idea who it is anymore!! All the furniture in this room has been painted atleast 2 times. There is one piece of furniture that has been painted 5 times.. yes you heard that right!! Funny side note - that piece of furniture is on my list to strip as soon as we get warmer weather- I want to restore it to natural wood . My husband thinks this is pretty comical since he told me to leave it that way 5 paint colors ago...
Anyways I digress...
This dresser used to be white as seen here .. but is was always meant to be yellow!!

Can I tell you how much I wish I had a better camera that didn't make my pictures look so shadowy...

After I painted it I glazed it and used Minwax Paster Finishing wax to protect the finish. It was my first time using it .. and I love it. I have used it several times since and am very happy with the shiny finish it gives.

I also changed the gallery wall above the dresser.. I am a frame hoarder!! I just think you should know that before we continue :)
I spray painted some of the frames gold and some white and filled them with fun family photos and a cute card from this shop

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Owl lamp makeover

I was not going to spend $10.00 on this lamp. I walked away from it several times but could not leave it there all alone and sad. My husband actually stepped in (probably because I looked pretty crazy hovering over this thing trying to decide if it was worth it, and freaking out anytime someone came near it ) he politely said "Listen you will be mad if you leave it here .. so just pick it up and pay for it already!!" So I did.. who am I to argue with the man!!
Here she is before-sad little orange eyes begging me to make her pretty ...

A can of grey spray paint later and here she is..

I snagged a lamp shade at Lowes for $5.00 . I am going to look for some white and yellow damask fabric to recover the lamp shade.

What do you think? Was it worth the $10.00? I have to admit I kinda love it !!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Some master bedroom updates

I struggle with this room... I can't seem to get it right. I think I am finally headed in the right direction though...

I repainted the yellow cedar chest that I posted about here.. do you want to know the sad part... ok I am going to tell you. It started out white - I should have just left it alone. But what fun would that be ? I repainted the headboard also.. it used to be black. I got the sunburst mirror from family dollar for $10.00. It was gold but nothing some silver spray paint wont fix.

I also remade this pillow cover - original here

My husband and I built these cute little night stand.. maybe someday we will get to building the other one. I am also debating painting this white.. is that too much white?

I got this dresser from the D.I for $15.00 - is was such a score. What a surprise I painted it white!! The frames above the dresser hold printables from Sprik Space and eighteen 25

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Yummy Yellow

I am having a love affair with yellow!! I don't care what anyone says.. I LOVE IT!! Ok i lie.. I totally care what you guys think.. so tell me you like it :)

It looks like it was made to be best friends with my yellow pillow!! I think it fits in nicely with the colors in the room!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Love art....

This idea came from the cutest head board at House*Tweaking!!
When I saw this idea I knew it would look perfect in our new,grey and yellow bedroom. I knew I did not want to try and paint pallet wood- I have done this before and it is a little tricky. So I searched for a pallet that already had a grey tone to it!! I found this one on the side of the road. I just ripped the pallet apart... with my husbands help. Some of those nails are not messing around.. it took some serious muscle!! I sanded the board down a little.. I didn't want to take the finish off but I didn't want to worry about splinters. Then I nailed them all together and painted the love on the front.. It was such an easy project and it makes such a huge statement.

I thought this wall art might even be cute to use in a kids room with there names instead. Or in a kitchen with the word eat, or the laundry room with the word wash &dry or something laundryish..SO MANY IDEAS!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Finish Pillows - Check

I had these little throw pillows that I wanted to recover for our bed..
I bought the fabric for them from Walmart.. I will go to Joannes someday and look at fabric and I am sure I will ask myself why I ever bought it from Walmart! But for now this will do :

This one is my fav!!! I just hot glued the rosette to the front of the pillow!! SO EASY!!!

I love this zebra print pillow.. I just added some lace to the front!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Master Bedroom RE-redo

Yep.. I know I just re did my master bedroom in green and orange.. this is a fact not lost on my husband either!! When I paint something and say I love it he says" I am going to grab my timer and see how long this one lasts!!" Thanks for the vote of faith but dangit if he isn't totally right!! Good thing he loves me so much - I remind him all the time how great I am!! :)

Don't be jealous of my high quality picture taking skills- it takes a lot of work to get your camera to take pictures on the setting I use. Here is what you do : Give your camera to your 3 year old let them drop it atleast 100 times then take it to the beach and roll it around in the sand. TA -DA - you will now have the best grainy shadowy looking pictures you could ever dream of. Yep - your welcome:)

It all started with this grey color - I could eat it if it wasn't toxic. My husband says he likes it because it reminds him of his car-reconstructing days when they would prime and paint all there cars. Should it worry me that when he saw it he said .. you did a really good job priming but what color is it going to be?

Here is our new bedding- super plain right now but It wont stay that way!! Wait until you see the funky lunky fabric I have picked out to upholster that headboard. I also have a few throw pillows that I am going to recover in some yummy yellow fabric.

Here are my wall ledge shelves.. I wipped these up all by myself!! But you can totally tell- I am good at the finishing work but not so much the building part. The fun I LOVE US printable was snagged from eighteen 25. I have another cute one ordered for the other frame.. I just have to get off my butt and go pick it up.

Our new black curtains that I got for$ 6.25 from Walmart!! I would tell you to not pay attention to the wrinked throw blanket at the end of my bed.. but I am sure you already noticed it!! My kids are convinced that my bed is a trampoline.. until I can talk them out of that idea wrinkled it will stay!!

IF this armoire could talk it would tell you " Tell this crazy lady to stop painting me!!" No lie .. I have painted it ALOT!!! I think it will stay this way .. for a little while!! The sign up on top is our wedding date!! I took pictures of random numbers and printed them out!! So fun and I am copying this idea for a wedding gift .. so I will post more about it later!!!