It's true ... I over think EVERYTHING....which is why the art work for the bathroom that I made yesterday just was not going to cut it.. it was super cute but every time I walked in and looked at it I just thought this is not quite right... and I saw this idea a long time ago that I have been dying to try- so I flipped the mdf over and did this instead....
Super easy.. just painted it white and cut circles out of scrap book paper... I did not worry about cutting them all exactly alike that is part of the fun... it looks better with them off a bit- then I modge podged them on and drew circles around the scrap book paper with marker- again the more off it is the better!!! Forgive me whoever came up with this amazing idea... I can't remember who it was but you are awesome!!!

I am in LOVE with this... this is how I have to feel about something in order for it to stick around!!

I had some extra paper that I did not use so I lined the inside of my bathroom cabinet with it... now I don't have to worry about trying to make my toilet paper and cotton balls pretty.. this idea was super easy too and I think it makes it look so much better!!!! What do you think of the new artwork... do you think the old one was better? Let me Know!!!!????