Showing posts with label wall art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wall art. Show all posts

Friday, September 16, 2011

H to the O

I have had this idea saved for a looooong time.. I found the image at odd girl out - she has seriously inspired me to try new colors and ideas in my home. I love her house and would ask to come move in if I thought my husband could take care of things here with out me :)
Here is hers....

And mine....

I found the letters at Michaels, I could not find numbers to fit so I used this little frame I also found in the $1 section of Michaels...
P.S do you spot the little bit of halloween in this picture - my son loves hiding these little grey rats everywhere to try and scare me.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Birthday trip to Ikea

This year for my birthday we took a girls trip to Ikea.. here are some of the fun things I scored there :

Ugh.. sorry about how dark these pictures are- my camera is sad and about to give out on me!!
Been dying for this zebra canvas for a long time.. my mom bought it for me!!

Love this cute little bowl.. had to have it!!

Cutest frame ever.. I took it home painted the glass with chalkboard paint and the frame with aqua paint. It's the perfect spot for little notes :)

Friday, June 10, 2011

You are my sunshine...

One of my most favorite friends came over and was trying to think of a cute gift for a friend.. This is the same type of sign as the ones I made here for my sons room ..
I just used some left over yellow paint from my dresser and added vinyl!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Boys room wall art....

I am so stoked about how these turned out!! I am so glad to be finished with this wall art. I tried so many different ideas and just could not get down with the way it looked. I was at a dead end until I thought up these guys! These were surprisingly easy to make..

I used some spare plywood and cut it into 12X12 pieces... I wanted it to look like a canvas with the wider sides.. so I cut some 1X2's and nailed them to the plywood. I just googled die cut stickers and found some cool motorcycle and four wheeler images. I cut them out with my cricut and used that as a stencil.Then sanded it down a little - which is a nice way to hide all the mistakes I made when painting- trust me there are ALOT!! In fact.. as I am looking over these pictures I am noticing that I left a little green paint on the side of one of these boxes... not even sure how it got there!! You might be surprised where I find paint after I finish some of these projects!!!

TADA!! I am in LOVE :) I had enough left over to make one more that is a little bit bigger in size- I have a cool idea for mothers day .. hopefully I will finish it before the day comes and goes!! I am doing great at starting projects but not so good on the follow through and finish part!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Love art....

This idea came from the cutest head board at House*Tweaking!!
When I saw this idea I knew it would look perfect in our new,grey and yellow bedroom. I knew I did not want to try and paint pallet wood- I have done this before and it is a little tricky. So I searched for a pallet that already had a grey tone to it!! I found this one on the side of the road. I just ripped the pallet apart... with my husbands help. Some of those nails are not messing around.. it took some serious muscle!! I sanded the board down a little.. I didn't want to take the finish off but I didn't want to worry about splinters. Then I nailed them all together and painted the love on the front.. It was such an easy project and it makes such a huge statement.

I thought this wall art might even be cute to use in a kids room with there names instead. Or in a kitchen with the word eat, or the laundry room with the word wash &dry or something laundryish..SO MANY IDEAS!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Art photo frame collage

I made this fun art collage for my sons room.. I love that we can just switch out the art in the frames for a new look!! Sorry about the very blurry pics..

This is one of my most favorite pictures from him.. this is a picture he did of himself in the sunshine!!

Some of these are printables and some more art from my son..

When I saw this printable I knew it was meant to be in my sons room.. since he was a baby he would tell me "love you to the moon and back" - plus the little monsters in the basket look like they would fit in well with my monster!!

I love these giant clothespins I found at Hobby Lobby!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I over think everything.....

It's true ... I over think EVERYTHING....which is why the art work for the bathroom that I made yesterday just was not going to cut it.. it was super cute but every time I walked in and looked at it I just thought this is not quite right... and I saw this idea a long time ago that I have been dying to try- so I flipped the mdf over and did this instead....
Super easy.. just painted it white and cut circles out of scrap book paper... I did not worry about cutting them all exactly alike that is part of the fun... it looks better with them off a bit- then I modge podged them on and drew circles around the scrap book paper with marker- again the more off it is the better!!! Forgive me whoever came up with this amazing idea... I can't remember who it was but you are awesome!!!

I am in LOVE with this... this is how I have to feel about something in order for it to stick around!!

I had some extra paper that I did not use so I lined the inside of my bathroom cabinet with it... now I don't have to worry about trying to make my toilet paper and cotton balls pretty.. this idea was super easy too and I think it makes it look so much better!!!! What do you think of the new artwork... do you think the old one was better? Let me Know!!!!????