I used Carried Away Quilting's "Next Up" pattern and added his name at the top using the "Spell it With Moda" letters.
During last week I sewed up another bunch of "Sweet Escape" log cabin blocks.
Karen quilted "Christmas Cheer" on Friday. Hoping to pick it up this week.
It will be lovely to have this quilt on my bed for Christmas. I now have three quilts to bind.
As soon as Little Sweetheart heard that Jenni and Kurt were coming for the weekend, she wanted to stay over Friday night to help with the painting. She was pretty disappointed that the whole time she was there not a tin of paint was opened. We spent all Friday night and Saturday until dinner time scraping, sanding, filling repeat. The walls in this part of my house would be at least 80 years old and have the old horse hair plaster.
On Saturday afternoon, before Little Sweetheart went home, we did open the paint can of jelly beans.
There was a nice surprise for her inside the tin - Milly the English Sheep Dog puppy (and a bag of jelly beans).
After dinner on Saturday night we starting undercoating and ran out of paint around 10.30 pm. By the time we finished on Sunday dinner time all the walls and ceiling had been undercoated, there was some cutting in with the coloured topcoat
and the front door had one coat of topcoat gloss.
This is a huge job but we're now over the worst part. No painting next weekend because it's Kurt's birthday on Saturday, but maybe the weekend after. The biggest part of cutting in painting will be the double fancy cornice.
No sewing over the weekend.
Tonight we're going to the basketball - hope the Hawks play well. It's about time they had a win.