Showing posts with label workspace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workspace. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Just a little crafty re-organizing. Here is a peek at my newly (almost finished) craft space. My work space is wedged between the second fridge and the furnace in the garage. But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do! right?!
Anyway, I couldn't take the yucky garage walls so I cracked open a can of "Ballet slipper Pink" paint. (I love that name don't you?)
And, what a difference a can of paint and a little re-organizing can do. Unfortunately, I've got lots of stuff piled behind these pictures still to be put away. I haven't put it all away yet because it looks so pretty, I don't want to mess it up.
Here's a close up of the shelf. Don't you love that antique German Prayer book. My daughter threatened to kill me if i cut it up. LOL
O.K. so back to the mess behind me. My husband is getting a little impatient so I thought I better hurry up and get some pictures of the niceness before it becomes messiness again.
It's fun to look at these pictures and see all of the neat little goodies I've gotten in swaps or the beauties I've created with the fabulous kits I've ordered.
(This, well..........ahhhhhh!!! right?
nothing else to say about this.)
Alright, so even my organized desk is still a bit unorganized but still inspiring!!
I've got a couple of post ideas brewing, I've got 2 swaps to show you and a little something else. I've got to work on them now because the kiddos are off for 9 days in 3 days. I better hurry!!!