Showing posts with label scrap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scrap. Show all posts

Friday, July 06, 2012

Little Darlings Collection, Graphics 45

Yesterday, was a great day. Marjanne was in Holland for only one day to see her son graduate. Before she took the Thalys back home (France) in the afternoon we had lunch together.
Ofcourse we couldn't resist the craft store and we both fell in love with this beautiful Graphics 45 paper and both bought the Little Bundle of Joy and the New arrival.
When I came home I saw a garland hanging before one of my neigbours window, they got a son. What a coincidence.
With this beautiful paper it was so easy to make a nice card. Hopefully they like it.

Gisteren was een leuke dag! Marjanne was een dagje in Nederland om haar zoon te zien afstuderen. Voordat ze de volgende dag de Thalys terug naar Boufflers nam hebben we nog samen geluncht in Utrecht. Helaas was onze swapmusketier Sandra er niet bij maar om helemaal uit Friesland te komen voor een uurtje of 2,3 was toch een beetje te gortig.

Toen we voorbij Pippoos kwamen konden we de verleiding uiteraard niet weerstaan en gingen we naar binnen.

We waren allebei weg van de Little Darlings Collection van Graphics 45 en kochten allebei een velletje van Little Bundle of Joy en New Arrival.
Toen ik de straat in reed zag ik bij één van de buren een slinger voor het raam hangen. Hoera een Zoon! Nou, kwam dat even goed uit.
Met dit papier zit een mooie kaart zo in elkaar. 

Click the image to see more details.
Klik even op de foto om alle details beter te kunnen zien.

Background Paper: Action paperpad Vintage 16.
Tasselribbon: Tilda
Dies: Marjanne Design and Tim H.

Achtergrond Papier: Action Papierblok Vintage 16.
Tasselribbon: Tilda
Stansen: Marjanne Design and Tim H.

What I like about it is that finally I found a vintage baby image with a baby with coloured skin. One of my friends is about to give birth to a baby with a coloured skin (if not, she is gonna be in big trouble :-)) and I couldn't find a right image to make her a card. So happy to have found this paper!

En wat ik fantastisch aan dit papier vind is dat er ook vintage babyplaatjes op staan van babies met een gekleurd huidje.
Een vriendin van me staat op het punt om een baby met een gekleurd huidje te krijgen (zo niet, dan heeft ze een probleem :-)) en ik kon het juiste plaatje niet vinden. 
Echt blij dat ik dit papier heb gevonden.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kazan's sketch 33

Here is my take at Kazan's sketch 33 at 2 Sketches 4 you.

Paper: Imaginisce (Fairest of them all, Royal Procession).
Paper Stripes: Crea Motion (Wedding Romance)

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Laura's sketch 29

Don't you just love this nostalgic pic? I bought a lot more of them this afternoon. I think I am into nostalgic now.
I used the pic to make a card with Laura's sketch 29 and I think the result is okay.
What do you think?

Monday, June 29, 2009

A card just happened

Some cards take you 4 days to make and than all of a sudden a card just happens. You don't hesitate what is nice, what looks good and what doesn't.
One hour later it is just there and you are all happy about it.

DCL, sketch # 5

The fifth sketch of dutch card lovers already. The DT made some absolutely gorgeous cards themselves.
Momentarilly I am abolutely in love with the flowers I used and bought at

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Kazan's sketsch 29

This card has been on my table for I think about 4 days. I just couldn't finish it. I was so tired of working a lot at odd hours.
Somehow I just couldn't follow the sketch good enough without it not being my own style. I really thought about giving up and just throw it away.
Today the plane broke down and us, crew, could go home again. Now I finally finished it.
I am not real sure or it still is totally according to the sketch but that is up to Kazan ofcourse. I finished it and am kind of glad with that.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


This card is for my spanish teacher who is such a great person. I had to send her something and thought it would be nice to add a card.
Don't you just love the angel?
I added the flowers my mom made me again.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Have fun on your birthday

This one looks a little like one of the cards I made monday. I liked it very much so I tried making another color, other papers etc.
What do you think?
Recognize something Martha? Hihi.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Dutch card lovers, sketch 2

I made the above card for the dutch card lovers challenge. You can only guess once who I am gonna send it to ;-),
I just love this paper and made another little card with the pieces I had left.
Paper orange: Peach Rose Trellis Printed Flat Paper (K&Company)
Paper blue: Flowers on Blue Printed Flat Paper (K&Company)

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Blog Candy Scraps 4 Fun

Sonia from Scraps 4 fun is having a blog candy. What it is gonna be is a suprise. We'll have to wait for the pic a little bit longer.

Just click the blinky and visit her blog to have a look.

Monday, June 01, 2009

It's a cat's life

This cat embellishments I got, along with a lot of other scrap stuff, from my mother and her husband and they were just waiting to be used.
Today was the day. I found great use for them in this green/brown/yellow card.

The weather here in Holland is to die for. I took the pic outside in the garden because the light out there is great when it is sunny.

Well, ladies, I am gonna enjoy my sunny garden now.

Paper with flowers from, Waterford collection
Paper lacey and dots from, spring fling collection, Holly Mc Caig, Green Lace
Polka dot ribbon from Kars

Saturday, May 30, 2009

2 sketches 4 you, the second time

I love the 2 sketches 4 you challenges, the girls entering the challenge are so gifted. I often go and have a look at their results.
I only entered the challenge myself once. I didn't like my card that much. I found that by trying to meet the conditions the card has to answer to I somehow lost my own style in the proces.

But I wanted to enter the challenge again so badly that this time I gave it another go telling myself that I should keep my own style in mind.
This is what I made of Kazan's sketch 27

I just like my cards to look old and shabby and I wasn't going to be satisfied until my own style just jumped right off the card.

This time I am more satisfied than last time.

I am very curious what you think about it.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Fantastic pink

Not a lot of time lately but I am happy with this one card I made yesterday.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Have a magical day

I started out making a green card with flowers and ended up with this card eventually.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

NIeuwe Woning

Not to much time to scrap but when a dear friend called me to tell she got the house she wanted so badly this inspired me to make this card.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Creamy colors

Creamy colours this time. Beige, white with a little brown. I think the happy birthday embossing is from cuttle bug or another machine like the cuttle bug. Bought it in a scrapstore.

I just love this paper with buttons and added some real look a likes.
Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


My niece Rowan is turning 18 in May. Yesterday I made her this card but I might make another one. I am not sure I like it.