Showing posts with label mini-book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mini-book. Show all posts

Friday, 20 May 2011

A Colour Reference

As part of the Nic H BPC class "Colour! or is it Color?", there were weekly handouts to make up a small colour reference book. It was such a lot of fun to create a small 6x6 page to go alongside a full description of the colour with all the emotions it creates. 

You would have thought that I could have kept up with this during class, but true to form, I fell behind and soon only had 2 pages done when the class was already over. Typically, it sat on the side neglected and collecting dust for a while (ok, ages!) until I decided to pull myself together and get it finished. 

It's such a great little guide to all the rainbow colours and I included some other handouts Nic gave us regarding the colour wheel and different types of combinations. 

The front and back covers got full colour decoration using up lots and lots of bright, older scraps. How refreshing it was to just mix up colours and patterns, and slap it all on together to make something that is really a joy to look at.

It sits on my window sill which is right above my scrap desk and within easy reach if I want to have a look at the different colour wheel options. It's not that I use it very often, but when I do, it's a small, funky, self-made resource that makes me happy.

That's what it's all about after all!

Other layouts/posts I've written about this wonderfully colourful class can be found hereherehere, or even here!

** And the class is running again over at BPC - info can be found here - and I would really recommend it. Nic is a fantastic instructor and the handouts, assignments, videos and interaction with Nic are fantastic. Such a fun class. I'd love to do it all over again!

More from LOAD soon. Watch this space...

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Create Free - Day 3 aka Day 2 for Lisa!

I know you don't expect anything less but yes, I am a day behind! There is no way I am able to do today's Create Free class even though it looks like a lot of fun - all layering and clustering and piling stuff up.

But I have managed to complete day 1's task of creating a front and back cover for my mini-book. (Yes, I am following the lessons in a peculiar way. There IS method to my madness!)

I am really enjoying all the layering and using odd bits and pieces together. It's all stuff that I LOVE to do, but am mostly a bit lazy to take the time to do it. So the "instructions" which I am following (sometimes more directly than others) are a great incentive to do the things that I LOVE.

Sounds a bit crazy I know, but it's really true.

Ok, looking at the photos now, I can see that the ribbon is wrong - badly wrong! Tomorrow I might try to glimmer mist the tone of it down a bit or I will remove it and replace it with something better. It looked ok at first but now I can see that the colour is just toooooo... well you know!

And my cluster might be a tad tooooo high. Guess I got carried away with the few minute scraps I did manage to track down - LOL! But it's done and tomorrow I can get on with the little collages for the inside pages.

Day 2 - Create Free

Well, true to form, I didn't manage to get day 1 done of Create Free yesterday. I wanted to. Honestly. And again today.

But the instructions called for fabric scraps and that just threw me. I don't have any - at all. And I used to design and make dresses for a living! The shame of it! I just couldn't believe that I didn't have anything to speak of at all. And I don't want to buy any specially. But me? No fabric? Hard to believe but true.

So I fished around and spent all my available time getting a small pile of possible items to use for the embellishment on the cover.

I aim to get to that tomorrow!

But I did manage today's assignment which was to put together the basic inside pages. Good job I had chosen and printed out the photos on Sunday or it would never have happened - LOL.

I have chosen some really old CC papers from the Gretchen and Wanted ranges. The Gretchen papers formed the basis of the very first Bellaboo kit which I helped to put together and I had bought an extra one so it was a great opportunity to use it - I still adore these papers and the Wanted papers were a good match so that I have different papers on each page. I have all the other elements from the kit to use as embellishments which will be great.

I LOVE using up old stash like this - makes me feel all warm and fuzzy...

And I even used my rather underused Cricut to cut out the shaped elements which will be used later in the book - again - good feeling to use it again.

And you don't get any prizes for guessing that I would use 7 favourite photos from our (still) incredible Yukon adventure back in 2007! It was a no brainer for me.

So, onto the cover for tomorrow then!

Friday, 9 July 2010

And 21 months late

Yep, here's yet another unfinished - now finished - project left over from Libby's Bellaboo days!

We all celebrated Bellaboo's birthday back in September 2008 and Cleo came along for three, fun, very Cleo, classes - a layout, a wall canvas and a mini-book.  

True to form, the mini-book involved much complicated folding and of course, true to form, I did it wrong, needed to start again and ran out of time! And so it sat, and sat, and sat on my shelf until the weekend when I picked it out and left it in the way in order to encourage me to FINISH it!

I had all the photos printed - retro, teenage, 80s photos of me and my wonderfully, poster decorated bedroom and a whole load of album covers that sum up that era for me. 

I cut them all up and slapped them on. Wrote out some strip journalling and worked out where to put it, popped on a few embellies, squeezed a title on the cover and have called it quit! 

Now, I have just looked up my reference photos of Cleo's original book and of course, it's much more detailed and wonderful than mine! Bits and pieces, flowers and twirly bits as well as Dymo strips here and there (should have thought of that!!!). Really cool and much more interesting than mine. It's unlikely I will go back to the book and spruce it up a bit now that I have seen how cool the original was, but you never know....

In the meantime, I am calling it done. Another one off the shelf. Gold star for Lisa!

Oh, and by the way, I really was pretty cool in the 80's ;-)))


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