Showing posts with label Scissor Fob. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scissor Fob. Show all posts

Thursday, 29 April 2010

A Win, A Surprise & A Sewing Project

Yesterday when I got home there was a little white envelope on my mat. I was pathetically excited to get it open as I knew what it was. Last week I won a giveaway on Carols blog, iStitch. It's the most wonderful little scissor fob & along with it in the jiffy bag is some pure silk hand-dyed threads from Dinky Dyes... what a wonderful surprise.

If you get chance please stop by at Carols iStitch blog, she is a wonderful designer & has created some beautiful samplers. I have some of them myself sitting in my "to do" folder & have promised myself I won't buy anymore until I've done at least one.... it is hard though as they are soooooo nice.

I have another photo to share with you, this is my latest sewing project. Nothing too big or exciting but I thought they were quite nice. Double sided fabric bookmarks. These were my first attempt at the bookmarks so hopefully they will improve.

My end game here is to gradually get enough little sewn items together to do a craft fair or indoor market type thing. This is why the cross stitch has taken a bit of back seat but it is still getting done. I am enjoying doing work with lots of different fabrics & shapes, I've also learnt alot about my sewing machine since January & I'm loving it.

Happy Stitching :-)