My world, my life
Pigen med linhåret... the girl with the linen hair...
Sunday, 2 March 2025
March already?
Tuesday, 3 December 2024
Advent time
Monday, 25 November 2024
New Dreams
Monday, 15 April 2024
April dreams
We are in the middle of April, a while back we went to visit Doune Castle, it was great fun to go inside and see all the rooms. We had not yet seen any of the famous Outlander tv show, but some of it was filmed at Doune Castle. Monty Python's Holy Grail was also filmed here.
We also decided to finally get rid of our garden hut, it was old, and the ceiling had caved in. It took my daughter and I less then two hours to demolish it. It felt fantastic to finally get rid of it. For me, it feels so great to do phyical work, it truly refreshes me somehow.
This was the result.
Monday, 4 March 2024
Tuesday, 16 January 2024
2023 recap
Tuesday, 19 September 2023
Oh sweet September
Wednesday, 8 February 2023
New Beginnings
Monday, 30 January 2023
1st Book
I'm glad my mom died
Friday, 27 January 2023
A catch up
Tuesday, 9 August 2022
My holiday
Thursday, 21 July 2022
Spend Freeze
Tuesday, 19 July 2022
books, books and more books
Thursday, 14 July 2022
Hi everyone,
- Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrel
- Jingo by Terry Pratchett
- Lessons from Madame Chic, by Jennifer L.Scott
- The Minimalist Way by Erica Layne
- Keeping Life simple by Karen Levine
- Coming home to Cuckoo Cottage by Heidi Swain
Monday, 6 December 2021
Happy Hanukah
Happy Hanukah
For all my friends that celebrate these 8 special days. I wish you all a very happy last day of Hannakah this evening,
Sunday, 19 September 2021
EPP pictures
Here are my some photos of my EPP project. This is 1" x 1" hexagons that I found at Geta's quilting studio, that I linked in my previous post.
He whose words are always fair
Friday, 17 September 2021
(EPP) English paper piecing
Sunday, 6 June 2021
Wednesday, 2 June 2021
June 2021
Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Hair , March 22
A little hair update. A month has gone by, and I have been busy working so I haven't oiled my hair at all this month. Still, here's the picture for this month. It's a little hard to see when I'm wearing such a light top, but I just had to get the picture taken. I also just brushed my hair, so it's definitely looking a bit frizzy at the bottom!
Monday, 22 February 2021
Hair update
Saturday, 29 August 2020
New beginnings
Friday, 3 July 2020
Major haircut
Monday, 17 February 2020
A Monday in February
Still, life goes on and things needs to get done. I managed to talk Kris into changing around the living room. But oh my goodness was is difficult to get him on board and the amount of arguing he produced..just to move the television and the stand. Well, we did it. Moved television and stand, and put the huge dug cage where the television used to be.
Oh it looks so much nicer, it's almost unbelievable.
Today, I have planned to just tidy up the rest of the living room, and most definitely my own crafty corner. It is really messy at the moment, so today I'll focus on that.
It feels so great to have stuff changed around and to make it better than it was before.
But first, one has to try and find some important papers that work has requested. Wish me luck,. I have no idea where I have put them!!!
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Home alone
Kris left at 7 this morning and he won't be back until tomorrow evening. He's away down in Bristol for work. Maria is still at school, she usually has orchestra practise after school, so she doesn't finish until 16.45. I assume she'll be home in about an hour.
I have been really good today, I have done some laundry and I have tidied up in the bookcases in the living room. I also dusted of course. I tried to organise the books a bit better, so now I have the ones I am keeping separate from the ones I'll probably donate back to the charity shops when I bought them.
Some of these books are old, and used to belong to my grandparents. I will keep those for sure.
I miss my cat, I miss her purrs and her soft fur. I miss her reply every time I'd look at her or just say her name. I miss burying my face in her fur and smell the outdoors in her fur. I miss the best cat in the world.
I like dogs, I like them a lot. But I love cats. It is how it is.
Also, after watching a YouTube channel quite a bit the last few months, I have once again realised how fragile life can be.
So, people..take care of each other.
God Bless , Linn
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
We are :
myself: the mother and the wife,
one husband
one daughter
one dog.
Our beautiful, friendly, noisy, annoying, lovely, loyal, purring, meowing, sleeping, playful, amazing, ever best friend any girl could ask for.
Our lovely Solveig is no more. I hate cars.
Friday, 18 October 2019
Time to breathe
Not that anything special is happening or going on, I just do not feel relaxed, I don't even feel like I am happy or satisfied.
I am not sure what the reason is, I am trying to figure it out.
So, things has changed in my mind and I don't feel like writing a knitting blog I considered starting a brand new blog, with a clean slate and all that jazz.
But, I am still here, still on this same place, just continuing my journey and expanding my blogging horizon.
So I am starting fresh at the old place.
Hi everyone, I am Linn, I am from Norway and I live in Scotland, I have one husband, one daughter, one cat and one dog.
I enjoy knitting, reading, writing, sewing, penpalling and I enjoy trying to keep my house simple and tidy.
The last one, keeping the house simple and tidy is an everlasting journey and battle.
I will try to be very honest in everything I write and show.
The plan is to try to get into writing every day, when I am not at work. I am working this weekend, so unless I post something later today, I won't be back until Monday.
Have a great Friday lovelies, Linn
Friday, 18 January 2019
Good afternoon, I am here once again. It has been a while since I was here regularly. But, I am planning to be here quite a bit more in the future.
Not posting about anything special, just whatever is going on in my life.
For some time I have felt uneasy using Facebook, so over the last months I have used it less and less. On purpose. I joined Facebook back in 2007, that is quite a while ago and I think I may have outgrown it by now.
There are a few things I am interested in these days, and this is probably what I will cover here.
I will try to be here on my days off work, which will not be many this month, but something is better than nothing.
Until next time, do take care.
Linn x
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Good moning NaNoWriMo
And with November comes NaNoWroMo again.
This will be my third time trying to write a novel, and this time I will get further than before.
My Novel is called Codename: Bear Island
That is all I have to say for now about this topic.
I hope to write alot this month, but it will probably never be published..still, it's fun to get it out of my head
The sun is shining, housework needs to be done, I have worked 40 hours in 4 days, so today I feel a little tired.'s time to get the dog out for a walk, and enjoy the sunshine.
Dinner today will probably be a chinese...last day before I start eating properly again.
Honestly, this sugary high carbohydrate foods I have been eating is not good for me..I am tired, sluggish and I feel hungry all the time. I have had enough. And next time we go shopping, I will for sure get some decent food in the house. I will try to update a little on what I will eat this month.
But for now, enjoy the day friends. Smiles and sunshine coming your way.
Friday, 26 October 2018
OH dear
October is nearly finished and I can't say that is has been a slow month at all. I have walked the dog...alot and i have done nothing..alot.
And I have visited the shop Locavore and bought a new shampoo, well I have actually tried it before, so not "really" new.
I have also found a new channel on YouTube to watch...1000's of roots. I am so inspired by their kindness and smiling faces, watching them lifts my mind and heart.
Paris the greyhound is officially a member of this clan, and here she is enjoying life on her biscuit.
Her doggie personality is shining through more and more every day.
She is a good dog for sure.
What's is left to mention... Right, here we go.... I am kind of dabbling in giving up Facebook, can you believe that? I am not sure how easy it will be, but it is a timewaster and I donot spend super much time on there anymore anyway .
Has anyone else given up Facebook? How did THAT go?
I am getting in the stage on my life where I am ready to possibly give up this phenomenon.
So, I am thinking about doing my penpalling stuff in here, instead of on FB..atleast update here as well as in my private group.
I WANT to blog more often, about everything that goes I am going to try to schedule this in my calendar to see if that makes a difference at all.
Highlands |
I will be very busy the next couple of days, work, work, work, double shifts both Saturday and Sunday, so I probably won't have much time to do anything else.
This is all for now really, I am sure I'll be back soon with something else at some point soon.
Hugs, from Linn
Monday, 10 September 2018
Friday, 31 August 2018
Hello again!
It's pretty simple, I have been working, kid has been to school and husband has been working too.
THEN we went on holiday to Norway and spend almost two weeks there which was really nice <3 nbsp="" p="">But , here we are..several weeks later and things are back to every day life.
I am still working on my minimalist project, and I plan to write about this in another post when i have more time.
Right now I finished my last day of freedom, no just kidding, but I do have double shifts at work the whole weekend.
So have a great weekend, and hopefully I'll be back next week.