Sunday, 2 March 2025

March already?

How did we get here so quickly? 
I thought that January lasted forever, when we were only half way through, I felt it should have been the end of the month. 
Then we have February, it literally flew by and now it's already March 2. 

After several years of having a muddled up mind, things feel clearer. 
I have several goals to work towards, one of these goals is minimalism. 

I will probably never be a minimalist in the way that some people are thinking. But I want to be happy with the things I surround myself with, and I don't want to have too many things, including books. I want to hold on to the ones I really love. Going forward, i will try to mention the books I will hold on to, and which I'm not. 

I hope to make some changes in my life, and I do plan to share them here on the blog. 

Hurrah for March! 
Thanks for visiting me, love Linn 

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Advent time


Ho Ho Ho, it's Christmas time. 
I have an advent calendar for the first time in many years. 
This is the Amazing Inkvent calendar , with 25 bottles of ink. 
As it is the 3.Decmber already, I have so far opened three doors, as it should be. 
The name of the inks are:
 Baltic Breeze, a blue shimmery ink, 
Wilted Rose, brownish red ink
Noble fir, a very glimmery or glittery green ink. 

I am unfortunately not someone that swatches inks, but I may put them all in my Bullet journal when Advent is over and all the inks are sitting on top of my bureau.
I'll do a swatch page, and show you all. 
I know, loads of people swatch these, and you can just google it. But it wont be my swatch.

So, December...
Do you all have any plans for the three next weeks? 
I will be working, and then I have one week of annual leave coming up (phew). I feel that I really need it. 
It's the same every time Annual Leave comes round. 
A week of nothingness, just trying to catch up with housework, letters, reading and just "stuff"around the house. 

This time, I think I want to head to Glasgow for a change of scenery. We all need a change of scenery every so often, if just for a day. 

Have a nice first week of December everyone. 



Monday, 25 November 2024

New Dreams

Good evening, or morning Perhaps even afternoon?  

Hello again friends. 
One month to Christmas!  
Where does the time go?
So much has been going on these last few years, I feel like I have lost myself.

How does one go around trying to find oneself? Does anyone have any good ideas on how to not forget yourself in all the stress of trying to keep up with work, children and just existing in this world? 

This is in addition to the changing of several other things in my life. 
I feel stressed today, worried. 

I haven't been writing much in this blog, and I certainly have no practise in writing well. 
All I can do I try to keep this blog alive by writing more often, and then perhaps I will end up being a better writer. 

I can only try, 
Tomorrow is another day, it's a day of work and probably more stress. But I will do my best to survive another day at work. 

If you are inclined to pray, I will ask if you pray for me that the work situation will get sorted, and for my husbands health and my daughters studies and mental health. 
We need the extra help these days. 

Thanks for reading, friends. Come back to visit me soon. 
Love, Linn

Monday, 15 April 2024

April dreams

 We are in the middle of April, a while back we went to visit Doune Castle, it was great fun to go inside and see all the rooms. We had not yet seen any of the famous Outlander tv show, but some of it was filmed at Doune Castle. Monty Python's Holy Grail was also filmed here. 


 We also decided to finally get rid of our garden hut, it was old, and the ceiling had caved in. It took my daughter and I less then two hours to demolish it. It felt fantastic to finally get rid of it. For me, it feels so great to do phyical work, it truly refreshes me somehow. 

This was the result.

After several trips to the local reycling centre, most of the wood is gone. There's still a bit to clean up, but I am waiting for a warmer dry day before I get on with that. It has been pretty wet and miserable around here the last few weeks, that is for sure.

It is raining today as well, and there are things on my mind, things that needs fixing. It is not easy. 

If anyone finds themselves inclined to prayer, please pray that everything will be fine. 
There are three major issues, and the Lord knows what they are. 

I have watched a couple of you tube videos this morning, just trying to keep calm. They did inspire me to do some decluttering in the house (again). 
I haven't really started yet, but I think I may be able to tidy up a little today. Maybe i should share my storage room with you all, the plan is that it will be my workroom ,where I can sit and do my sewing and cutting and planning. 

Thank you for your prayers ladies and gentlemen. 

much love, Linn xx

Monday, 4 March 2024


Hello everyone, 
A very good morning to you all.
The sun is shining, and it's the start of a new week. It is also the first Monday of March.

I thought today was as good a day as any to update the blog and refocus on important things in my life. 

Going forward, I will talk about many different things from health and food, to gardening, travel, books and ideas in general. 

A little bit later I will introduce myself a little again, and tell you all a about myself and my plans going forward. 

Thank you for visiting, and Bless you all . 

Tuesday, 16 January 2024

2023 recap

Hello again, 
It has been a very long time since I have been here, on my blog. 
2023 is over, and I am very glas that is is. 
It was not a good year for me, or my family. 

1. Husband has a new job.
2. Our dog God bless her soul; she got sick, and we said goodbye in June.
So sweet little Misomis our only pet, a hamster who will soon be two years old, and I ecpect he will also soon no longer be with us (hamsters generally don't live much more than 2 years.)
3. Just before Christmas every warning light possible on the car lit up. 

Now we are at the start of 2024, and I'm praying that this next year will be better.
Actually, I haven't prayed about that, but it is a very good idea. 

This morning I saw a fox in our back garden, which was alot on fun, They seem to like our back garden, probably because it's such a mess.

I am planning some major work out there in the spring. Watch this space.

Here is a picture I took a few months ago, when it was autumn, and the car was still happy. 
This is a view of Loch Lomond.

Happy new year everyone! 

Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Oh sweet September


How can it already be September, The sweet month of Autumn.
The Rains are on, the winds are here. 
The sadness and blues have already started. 

Today was the start of something new, something unknown. 
Something I have not done before, and I have no choice but to throw myself into it. 

I am learning to let go.
Letting go of all the best laid plans.
All this is left is to start over again.
Starting fresh
Nothing seems to matter equally much anymore. 
I guess it's The Blues talking. 

I'm grumpy, I'm told
I am not grumpy. 
I am sad.

But maybe, just maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel. 
My journey is not over, it's just started. 
It turned dark just yesterday.
Now to find that rope, and pull myself up the mountain. 
Go me.

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

New Beginnings

It is time. 
I depend on it. 
I will change my Way Of Eating.
I will keep myself accountable for what I put in my body.
I am changing things today. 

My starting point is roughly 98 kilos. 

I will take my measurements later on today, and update this when I have the chance. 

I am taking control over what I do. This is it. 

My plan is to motivate myself , and also document what happens on my journey.
God bless you all, Shalom


My old friend, not  a very close friend but he was a friend. 
We spoke a lot and hung out as teenagers. 
I haven't seen him for years, but he is the father of my Goddaughter. 

I have often thought of him throughout the years, just like I do with a lot of people. 
Yes, I do think of the friends I had when I was young.

A few days back, I received a phone call, from the mother of my Goddaughter. 
He is dead. He died.

Completely out of the blue. No health issues, no depression, no nothing. He just fell asleep.
I suppose it can happen, it's how I wish to go, but not when I'm 44. I want to be about 95. 

We cannot choose when and how we leave this world, but I will try to make each day valuable.
I will strive for good health, joy and happiness. 

You will be dearly missed Øyvind, 
mostly by your  wife and your four children. 
But I will also miss you. 
God Bless you all. 

Monday, 30 January 2023

1st Book

I'm glad my mom died
This is the title on Jennette McCurdy's book. The book is about her life and her career and her relationship with her abusive mother. 

I enjoyed the book, as to learn more about Jennette but it was heartbreaking to read what she went through from a little girl all the way until her recovery from an eating disorder and alcohol abuse. 

I liked Jennette, I just did, I had a good feeling about her as a person. Also: she shares her name with my best friend though my teenage years, who also suffered from (by her father as a teenager and also in her late teenage, early twenties by her landlord. 
And Jennette and I are birthday twins, which is always nice. This book had made me understand what went on with jennette during her years on ICarly and Sam and Cat. 

I recommend reading this book , and to support Jennette in her future away from acting. 

Love, Linn

Friday, 27 January 2023

A catch up

Hi. Hello.  Long time, no see. 
Yes, it has most certainly been a long while ago since I have regularly updated anything. 
It is a brand new year, with hopefully new successes. 
I finished 2022 with a win in NaNoWriMo for the first time ever. It was hard going and I haven't written a single word since Nov. 30. 

Nevermind. I'll get back to it soon. As it it a new year, I decided to start knitting a temperature blanket. Just a plain blanket with the colour matching today's temperature.  Here's a picture of my little meager start of a year long project. By now, it has been 14 days (started on Friday 13th of Jan) and I will try to update every once in a while.

What else, I guess I am thinking... a lot, about this and that and everything. My mind is overrun by thoughts. We're watching The Walking Dead, from start to finish, it's fun and it's scary. I am not worried about zombies exactly, but I do think of how the world that we know could end. Especially with things going on in the world, from war to greedy people that want to exploit others to be richer than rich. 

I'd rather live in peace with nature, use only natural clothing and eat only foods from natural sources. It's just not that easy, it seems that meat is more and more difficult to get a hold of. And I eat meat. Maybe I just need to get my own cow, bull and calf and grow a heard from scratch. Just a shame that my small garden behind the house is barely enough to keep chickens. Which I don't. I would very much like to though. One day maybe... 

But for now, I'll just try to avoid certain things. I avoid fast fashion, and the goal is to wear something me- made every day. It's easy enough in the winter with all my knitted sweaters and scarves, but for the's a little more tricky. I'm trying to finish a dress, and I sew only by hand, so it definitely takes time. But I really enjoy it. 
Will share a picture sometime soon.

 I wonder...
Maybe I'll share some of my houseplants too, I like plants and have done so since I was about 14 years old. That's like.....30 years ago!! wow. Nevermind, age is but a number. 

And honestly, I think I have a different view than some. Maybe most? 
I hope I'll be back soon, with another update. Perhaps more often than before. Maybe 2023 is the year I return fully to my blogging life. 

We shall see. 
Until next time. Much love to you all, Linn

Tuesday, 9 August 2022

My holiday

Good morning friends, 
I have been away on holiday in Norway for 12 days and I am back in Scotland by now. 
Travelling to Norway went great, we drove to Aberdeen and spent the night at a hotel next to the airport. There were hundreds of little wild bunnies  running around, they were ever so cute.

We had dinner at the only restuarant that didn't belong to any of the hotels, Dyce Farm I think. 

When we went back to the hotel we caught the sunset. 
The flight went really well, no issues and no delays. Yay! 

Finally arrived in Norway, we relaxed the first day and just enjoyed the sunshine. The following day it was a birthday step sister's son turned 8. Obviously we're not really close as our parents got married when we were all adults, and we live in different countries. Just how it is. 

We also went for a day trip in our sailboat, I loved it, but not sure if my husband and daughter enjoyed it equally much. I grew up spending weeks on end sailing every summer, so I am really at home on the ocean. 

Here's some pictures from that day.

We also went to our Hytte, which is a holiday house or perhaps you want to call it a cottage. I have also spent a great amount of time at this place during my childhood and teenage years. 

Another thing we managed to do , was to get tickets for the Kaptein Sabeltann show (Captain Sabertooth), The first time I went to this was only the second year of the shows, I think it started at 9 pm and finished maybe at 10 pm. I am not sure, as it is a few years ago by now. 
The second time was around ten years ago and now this summer. It started at 11pm and finished half past midnight. YES, this is a childrens show!! 

It has been running for 30 years this year, and still children really love it, I bet the patens of these kids that love it now, they loved the Kaptein Sabeltann themselves when they were little. I was 13 or so when it started, so just that little bit too old to love it. Here's a link to  Wikipedia, where you can read a little about it, it has not been updated the last couple of year.
And here's the official You Tube channel where you can hear and see the songs

I think these were probably the highlights of our stay in Southern Norway, apart from spending time with family and friends.

Now, it's back to normal here in Scotland. I have already worked one day, and been asked to do a few extra shifts during my next working days. 
The manager is 6 staff down, so she was very thankful that I could help out. 

I don't mind, but I would really like to receive some cash bonus for all the extra affort I have put in this last year. 
It wont happen, but it would be nice!

For the rest of this day off, I plan to try and tidy up in the spare bedroom. It seems to never ever get fully tidyed up. I must be doing something wrong. 

I'll be back soon, until then. Take care of yourself, and thank you for visiting me here. 

Much love, Linn

Thursday, 21 July 2022

Spend Freeze

Hello, and good morning, afternoon or evening, all depending on when you are visiting me here.

Today, on this lovely Thursday I have been spending my day reading, on and off throughout the day, flitting from one book to the other. I also finished a book, the one about minimalism. Well, there's several good ideas in that book, and it has made me think even more about my own life.
I started 2022 with plenty of plans, but now it feels like I have fallen off the rail a little. While I mostly go to charity shops these days, strictly speaking....
There's nothing I really need. 
So, i am embarking on year long project called Spend Freeze. 
I may have to purchase some things, but they will be planned for. I am thinking undergarments, socks and possibly shoes if needed. 
I will try to document my journey here on the blog, the posts will be labelled "SPEND FREEZE".
I am going on holiday very soon, for the first time since December 2019, but I'm NOT planning to purchase anything other than food while we're away. 
I'm actually planning to go through some of my belongings at my dad's house, and possibly let some of them go. 
Let's see how many pounds I can save this next year then .
I am starting with as much as 14 pounds in my bank account, and 9 pounds in my savings account. 
What can one year do for me? 
We shall see. 
Thank you for stopping by, my friend  hope to see you again very soon.
Much love, Linn XX 

Tuesday, 19 July 2022

books, books and more books

Good morning everyone, 
I am testing out mobile blogging, hoping it works better than the last time I tried. 
I wanted to talk about books, my reading list is getting so very long, but I don't have as much time to read as I'd like. 

At this time , I'm halfway through Hamnet, and I am really enjoying it. I suppose I can relate to Agnes quite a bit, at least at this time I'm the book. 

We will be going on holiday soon, and I hope to be able to still continue to post while I'm away. 

After I posted my previous entry, I thought I had written so very much, but after it was posted it looked really short. I can only assume and hope that my writing and posts will become better with time. 
On my holiday, I think I may bring a notebook and make a start on a brand new idea what it will be about, but I will try to finish it before 2023 starts. How is that for a goal? 

Let me know your thoughts my friend, and thank you for stopping by my place today. 
Much love, Linn xx 

Thursday, 14 July 2022


Hi everyone, 

It has been a very long time since I have spent much or any time at all on this blog. I have for a very long time wondered if I should just start a brand new blog, or continue here.

I have come to the conclusion that I want to continue using this site, as it has been with me for many years already.

I have many projects on the go, and I will tell you about them little by little. 

Firstly, over the last few years I have been yearning to read more books, and finally..I am finally actually reading more books. Here is a little look at my pile of books to read, they are sitting here next to me waiting patientely. 

At the moment I am currently reading ...oh I don't know, several books 
  • Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrel
  • Jingo by Terry Pratchett
  • Lessons from Madame Chic, by Jennifer L.Scott
  • The Minimalist Way by Erica Layne
  • Keeping Life simple by Karen Levine
  • Coming home to Cuckoo Cottage by Heidi Swain
If you wonder why I am reading so many books at the same time, there's a reason. 

I have one book in the livingroom, one in the bedroom, one is on the Kindle, two are on my phone on two different reading apps and lastly one is on my desk.

I read in them when I have the chance, usually a little every day. 

I am really enjoying going somewhere else for just a little while, to disappear into another world, someone elses's world. 

Do you read alot?
Do you recommend any books that you think I ought to put on my reading list? 
Please let me know in the comments. 

Thank you so much for coming by. I hope you have a lovely day wherever you are. 

Linn xx



Monday, 6 December 2021

Happy Hanukah

Happy Hanukah

For all my friends that celebrate these 8 special days. I wish you  all a very happy last day of Hannakah this evening, 

Love, Linn





Sunday, 19 September 2021

EPP pictures

Here are my some photos of my EPP project. This is 1" x 1" hexagons that I found at Geta's quilting studio, that I linked in my previous post.

This is just a very small start on this project, and I don't expect to finish it for a long time yet. I will update as the months go by. 

This is my EPP 1 , so whenever I mentionany EPP's, this is the first, my denim is my EPP 2. I will probably show some photos at a later point. 

At the moment I'm only focusing on this EPP 1 project.

Here's a little Viking saying. 

Affection is mutual when men can open
All their heart to each other:
He whose words are always fair
Is untrue and not to be trusted. 

Enjoy your day , Linn 

Friday, 17 September 2021

(EPP) English paper piecing

I am not sure if I have mentioned EPP (English Paper Piecing) before? 
I don't think so. 

I read a book, maybe it was in 2020, I am not sure. I don't even remember which book it was..let me try to find out. 
The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier, I read it in January 2020 according to Goodreads.

In this book they mention quilting, and English paper piecing. I had never heard of that before, so off i went to Google or Duck Duck Go it.  And that's when I found my newest hobby.

I started back in January 2020, gave it a go, then I started on another EPP quilt using old denim. 
...but then I got into sewing skirts instead, 

It has been a while since I last did Paper Piecing now, but once again I have been bitten by the bug. I have a fair amount of leftover fabric from the skirts I made this last year, I also have a bedsheet and duvet cover. They are no longer good for their intended use, so instead of thowing them out and for them end up on the landfill I have chosen to use them in my EPP project. I am also using a few shirts, and will use my daughters shirts when she finished school next spring. 

This is my choice, to try to have less of a footprint on this earth. 
I think that the pollution of our planet is one of the most important topics of our time, and I am doing my best to minimise my personal pollution. That topic is for another day though. 
Today it's English Paper Piecing. 

I am trying to get my photos up and running here on the blog, but they are not agreeing with me. I will have to just inset them in a separate blogpost later on. 

I have found inspiration on you tube and Geta's quilting studio. She has some helpful tips, hints and patterns. 

I am still very new to epp, and I don't know the inns and outs. I do have an idea on how to do this, and **I will try to show you how I get on throughout the year. 

Until next time, take care. 

Linn x

Sunday, 6 June 2021


After all the stress since March, with work and long hours at work..and the dog during the last weekend, I really need to slow down and try to relax a bit and take better care of myself. 

The best way for me to do this is to get my sewing out. It has been lying in a drawer for weeks and it's been at the back of my mind almost every day. 
Yesterday I dug it out and started to sew a new dress. I have misplaced the instructions for sewing, so I am just whinging it. 

The material is very thin, so it's really just a tester and I'm not too worried about it. I am sure I'll learn something on the way. The more I sew, the better I'll be at sewing. 

I still call myself a novice mantuamaker, but with each day I sew and every seam I finish, I'll be just that bit better at it. 
This is my whole goal really. Wish I had started 20 years ago, but I was just not really ready at that time. 

Never to late to start someting you enjoy, and I enjoy sewing. 

Linn x

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

June 2021

It's june, and I wonder how we got here. 
My work has changed quite a bit lately, from supporting only one client for over three years, I have been supporting several others since March and the last month I am supporting some clients that I get on with really well. 
I did not enjoy my work in March and the beginning of April, but at the moment I am loving it. The hours are long, and I am starting to get really exhausted so I hope I can get some colleagues to take over some of my shifts so I don't have to have shifts between 8 -21 five days every week. 

That was all about work. 
Next is dog. 
Our precious dog was bitten by another dog last Thursday night when out for her evening walk. Two emergency surgeries later, removal of 20% of her lungs and 4 days in intensive care, doggie is recovering at home. 
So far we are half way, another 5 days and she should be out of danger. 
Medication three times a day and a nasty wound on her side...I really hope she will be ok!! 

The hospital sent her home with an air filled collar to make sure she doesn't lick her wound, much better than the lampshade type collar she has used before. 

So, the last few days has been very dramatic here in our house, and she is still not out of danger and greyhound can get bloodclots alot easier than other breeds. 
I will just pray she'll continue to heal and that all will go well. 

I do have a few other things on my mind, but I will save them for another day. 

Here's a nice picture to finish off today

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Hair , March 22

A little hair update. A month has gone by, and I have been busy working so I haven't oiled my hair at all this month. Still, here's the picture for this month. It's a little hard to see when I'm wearing such a light top, but I just had to get the picture taken. I also just brushed my hair, so it's definitely looking a bit frizzy at the bottom!

I'll try to get it oiled next month, but all in all, my hair feels pretty good. 


Monday, 22 February 2021

Hair update

Finally a hair update from me. I haven't touched my hair with scissors since June 2020. I have no plans to cut my hair any time soon.

This picture is taken today 22.Feb, 2021

I am trying to take better care of my hair again, and currently I oil my hair every two weeks. I have made my own oil mixture, using almond, olive, jojoba, argan and macadamia oil. 
No measurements, I just dump a bit of all in a little dish, and use that. 
I remember from earlier years, that my hair really like Almond oil, so that it what I use most of. 

I have just done the oiling twice so far, but I will definitely continue doing this. 
Also, going to be a bit more active on LHF again, so much good advice and people helping out when needed. 

Hopefully I'll manage to get a picture taken every month. 

Saturday, 29 August 2020

New beginnings

Once upon a time, many years ago...

I made some changes to my life, the changes lasted well over a year. 
But then...
An accident happened, involving milkshake..and it shook me and I couldn't stay focused any more. 

Now I have spiralled out of control for a few years already, and now it's time to get back to my healthy living.

I will keep myself accountable for my way of eating. I will do my best to not stray from what I know works for me. 

Starting at: 

29.08.2020 : 95.5 kg

Friday, 3 July 2020

Major haircut

I cut my hair one month ago. My long hair was thin and not so nice looking after being ignored and not cared for very well. So I chopped, quite a bit. This was my last haircut for quite some time.
I popped into LHF again, for some inspiration and joined a no chop challenge. 
I even made myself a t shirt to see the difference as the months go by. 
So here I am. 

Monday, 17 February 2020

A Monday in February

Another Monday has arrived, I have been feeling ill with a cold. Not terribly horrible, but you know how it is, Either a blocked nose or a runny nose, on and off headaches and not a ton of energy.

Still, life goes on and things needs to get done. I managed to talk Kris into changing around the living room. But oh my goodness was is difficult to get him on board and the amount of arguing he produced..just to move the television and the stand.  Well, we did it. Moved television and stand, and put the huge dug cage where the television used to be.

Oh it looks so much nicer, it's almost unbelievable.

Today, I have planned to just tidy up the rest of the living room, and most definitely my own crafty corner.  It is really messy at the moment, so today I'll focus on that.
It feels so great to have stuff changed around and to make it better than it was before.

But first, one has to try and find some important papers that work has requested. Wish me luck,. I have no idea where I have put them!!!


Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Home alone

It is Wednesday, and I have been home alone all day.
Kris left at 7 this morning and he won't be back until tomorrow evening. He's away down in Bristol for work. Maria is still at school, she usually has orchestra practise after school, so she doesn't finish until 16.45. I assume she'll be home in about an hour.

I have been really good today, I have done some laundry and I have tidied up in the bookcases in the living room. I also dusted of course. I tried to organise the books a bit better, so now I have the ones I am keeping separate from the ones I'll probably donate back to the charity shops when I bought them.

Some of these books are old, and used to belong to my grandparents. I will keep those for sure.

I miss my cat, I miss her purrs and her soft fur.  I miss her reply every time I'd look at her or just say her name. I miss burying my face in her fur and smell the outdoors in her fur. I  miss the best cat in the world.
I like dogs, I like them a lot. But I love cats.  It is how it is.

Also, after watching a YouTube channel quite a bit the last few months, I have once again realised how fragile life can be.
So, people..take care of each other.

God Bless , Linn

Tuesday, 22 October 2019


Here in a new little introduction and the other one only lasted one day..
We are :
myself: the mother and the wife,
one husband
one daughter
one dog.

Our beautiful, friendly, noisy, annoying, lovely, loyal, purring, meowing, sleeping, playful, amazing, ever best friend any girl could ask for.

Our lovely Solveig is no more. I hate cars.

RIP 19.10.19

Solveig-designstyle-love-heart-l.png (150×150)

I will miss you forever and ever...!

Friday, 18 October 2019

Time to breathe

Times goes by ever so fast these days, and it feels like I hardly have time to stop and breathe.
Not that anything special is happening or going on, I just do not feel relaxed, I don't even feel like I am happy or satisfied.

I am not sure what the reason is, I am trying to figure it out.
So, things has changed in my mind and I don't feel like writing a knitting blog I considered starting a brand new blog, with a clean slate and all that jazz.
But, I am still here,  still on this same place, just continuing my journey and expanding my blogging horizon.

So I am starting fresh at the old place.

Hi everyone, I am Linn, I am from Norway and I live in Scotland, I have one husband, one daughter, one cat and one dog.

I enjoy knitting, reading, writing, sewing, penpalling and I enjoy trying to keep my house simple and tidy.

The last one, keeping the house simple and tidy is an everlasting journey and battle.
I will try to be very honest in everything I write and show.

The plan is to try to get into writing every day, when I am not at work. I am working this weekend, so unless I post something later today, I won't be back until Monday. 

 Have a great Friday lovelies, Linn

Friday, 18 January 2019


Good afternoon, I am here once again. It has been a while since I was here regularly. But, I am planning to be here quite a bit more in the future.

Not posting about anything special, just whatever is going on in my life.

For some time I have felt uneasy using Facebook, so over the last months I have used it less and less. On purpose. I joined Facebook back in 2007, that is quite a while ago and I think I may have outgrown it by now.

There are a few things I am interested in these days, and this is probably what I will cover here.

I will try to be here on my days off work, which will not be many this month, but something is better than nothing.

Until next time, do take care.
Linn x

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Good moning NaNoWriMo

Here's Novemeber,
And with November comes NaNoWroMo again.
This will be my third time trying to write a novel, and this time I will get further than before.

My Novel is called Codename: Bear Island
That is all I have to say for now about this topic.
I hope to write alot this month, but it will probably never be published..still, it's fun to get it out of my head

The sun is shining, housework needs to be done, I have worked 40 hours in 4 days, so today I feel a little tired.'s time to get the dog out for a walk, and enjoy the sunshine.
Dinner today will probably be a chinese...last day before I start  eating properly again.

Honestly, this sugary high carbohydrate foods I have been eating is not good for me..I am tired, sluggish and I feel hungry all the time. I have had enough. And next time we go shopping, I will for sure get some decent food in the house. I will try to update a little on what I will eat this month.

But for now, enjoy the day friends. Smiles and sunshine coming your way.

Friday, 26 October 2018

OH dear

Ummm, hello there...

October is nearly finished and I can't say that is has been a slow month at all. I have walked the dog...alot and i have done nothing..alot.

And I have visited the shop Locavore and bought a new shampoo, well I have actually tried it before, so not "really" new.

I have also found a new channel on YouTube to watch...1000's of roots. I am so inspired by their kindness and smiling faces, watching them lifts my mind and heart.

Paris the greyhound is officially a member of this clan, and here she is enjoying life on her biscuit.

Her doggie personality is shining through more and more every day.

She is  a good dog for sure.

What's is left to mention... Right, here we go.... I am kind of dabbling in giving up Facebook, can you believe that? I am not sure how easy it will be, but it is a timewaster and I donot spend super much time on there anymore anyway .

Has anyone else given up Facebook? How did THAT  go?
I am getting in the stage on my life where I am ready to possibly give up this phenomenon.

So, I am thinking about doing my penpalling stuff in here, instead of on FB..atleast update here as well as in my private group.

I WANT to blog more often, about everything that goes I am going to try to schedule this in my calendar to see if that makes a difference at all.

Today the child is coming home from a residential trip up to Fort William, she has had a great time and she sent me this photo from the bus.

I will be very busy the next couple of days, work, work, work, double shifts both Saturday and Sunday, so I probably won't have much time to do anything else.

This is all for now really, I am sure I'll be back soon with something else at some point soon.

Hugs, from Linn

Monday, 10 September 2018


Here we are now...September has now started and we are already almost halfway, but not quite. 
Since my last blog, I have been dumped by a penpal I have written a letter to a penpal that has not given up on me..

I have nearly finished my journal, and have a new one ready for use. 
And we are trying something new....

We have a little visitor. 
Her name is Paris and she is staying with us until the end of the month.

We also of course still have our cat, and hopefully if these two can get used to each other and get on well...Paris may well keep on staying here next month also. 

She is a retired racer, her last race was only in June, so not long since she stopped.

Yesterday we went for a long walk, and we met another Greyhound, his name was Moyes, and he had also retired from racing recently (in May). 

Through talking, we found out they came from the same place (Sunderland) and checking it out online....Moyes' last race was in a race with "our" Paris. 

That is so weird and funny! is my first day alone with the dogness...she is lying in her den sleeping I believe. 

 Child and dog
Paris, used to be trap 6.

No more racing for you, Paris. 

Friday, 31 August 2018

Hello again!


Hasn't time flown like crazy? 

I can't believe we are already at the very end of August,and here in Scotland it has been a super hot and sunny summer, but now it seems we are for sure heading towards the autumn.

So, I guess the question is; what have we been up all these months?
It's pretty simple, I have been working, kid has been to school and husband has been working too.

THEN we went on holiday to Norway and spend almost two weeks there which was really nice <3 nbsp="" p="">But , here we are..several weeks later and things are back to every day life.

I am still working on my minimalist project, and I plan to write about this in another post when i have more time.

Right now I finished my last day of freedom, no just kidding, but I do have double shifts at work the whole weekend.

So have a great weekend, and hopefully I'll be back next week.
