Viser innlegg med etiketten Roses on Paper. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten Roses on Paper. Vis alle innlegg

torsdag, november 05, 2009

Papertake Weekly does Roses On Paper...

God Jul / Merry Christmas
Jeg fikk disse helt nye Magnolia stemplene fra Jolly Collection hjem i posten idag så jeg måtte bare ta fram blekket og leke litt!! Er de ikke bare helt herlige?! Jeg finner sjelden tid til å være med i andre utfordringer, men idag bestemte jeg meg rett og slett for å prioritere det og resultatet kommer her. Jeg brukte skissen på utfordringen hos Papertake Weekly Challenge og på Roses on Paper and Belles'n Whistles Combined Challenge hadde de temaet Jul så da slo jeg to fluer i ett smekk:)
Klikk på bildene for et større utgave
I got these new Magnolia stamps from the new Jolly Collection in the mail today so I just had to play!! Aren't they just adorable?! I rarely find time to join challenges anymore, but today I just decided to take the time and make a card. I've used the sketch provided over at Papertake Weekly Challenge and at Roses on Paper and Belles'n Whistles Combined Challenge blog the theme is Christmas so it fits too:)
Click the images for a larger view

Et nærbilde....
A closeup..

Jeg har brukt en kanelstang som jeg har pyntet litt på, det lukter så jul:)
I've used a cinnamon stick that I've pimped a little. It really smells Christmas to me:)

På innsiden har jeg enda en av de herlige julestemplene, samt en liten lomme til venste med en tag oppi.

The inside
On the inside I used one more of the adorable Christmas stamps and on the left I've made a pocket with a little tag in.

The tag has a sentiment from Norsk Stempelblad and it says; A warm Christmas greeting to you from us

Jeg har laget en stor tag i siden av kortet som kan dras ut og det er plass til en personlig hilsen der.
The card also has a big tag on the side that you can pull out and write a personal greeting on.

Baksiden/The back

CS: Bazzill Canvas
DP: Maja Design
Stamps: Magnolia, Norsk Stempelblad, Anka Design
Accessories: Pearls from Kaisercraft, cinnamonstick and string from my stash, lace from Kort og Godt, Mc Gill pine punch, charm from Unik Hobby, tag from Panduro, paper doily from Hobbyhimmelen, glitter from Martha Stewart.
The images are painted with my Ranger Distress Ink Refills on 300gr Aquarell paper.

Before I leave I want to tell you about a little candy. Bev from All the things I love has a minicandy with an adorable stamp for you to win. Pop on over and join if you wanna give it a try!

I wish you all a wonderful weekend!

Ha en strålende helg!

mandag, september 21, 2009

Just Magnolia "Bevs Sketch" and Roses on Paper "stitching"

Good Monday people! With the time I have at home these days I'm finally being productive again, so I'm gonna keep on creating as long as my mojo is here:) It also helps that I've finally figured out how the wonderous Bind It All machine works, and I just had to make another notebook!!
This book is made after Bevs sketch at Just Magnolia. It was so much fun to work with, which really helps since I do like to coordinate both the back and front of the notebook;) With my faux stitching it also qualifies for this weeks challenge at Roses on Paper. This time I used another beauty from Magnolia, little Tilda with cherry dress is sooo adorable! Together with this new yummy papers from the Magnolia Collection it turned out a little cherrydream:) I didn't want to use too much embellishments, the papers are so beautiful in itself.

The front:

This heart is quite big and heavy but I love it! It's bought at a local store who sadly burned down earlier this year.

This little charm is on the back of the book. I was gonna use the same ribbon as on the front, but I couldn't find any more of it.. :( the string is quite decorative so I went with that.

The back:
CS: Bazzill
DP: Magnolia Collection
Stamp: Tilda with cherry dress
Accessories: MM Tiny alphas, ribbon and string from my stash, pearls from Kort og Godt, flowers from Prima, stickles from Ranger, big heart from local store, heart charm from Lenes Hobbyshop, Martha Stewart punch

Thanks for visitng my blog and for your kind words!