Viser innlegg med etiketten Our wedding. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten Our wedding. Vis alle innlegg

mandag, januar 19, 2009

Pictures from our wedding:)

Hello ladies, so here's finally some pictures from our wedding:) It was just the most amazing day of my life, and I'm so happy that I now can call myself Frode's wife. He truly is the love of my life and I've never been happier than I am now. We were blessed with a perfect weather, even though the forecast didn't say it would be. It was gently snowing so we got to take some pictures outside with our photographer. Can't wait to see those!! I've been able to collect some pics from my friends to give you a glimpse of our day. Enjoy! :)
Me and my husband on our way out of the church well married:)
Outside the church. Can you see that it is snowing?

And of course a kiss for the photographer.. I didn't mind;)

Can you tell I'm happy??

I just loved my flowers, the were just gorgeous!

Kaia and Line, two of my friends from my hometown:)

Silje and Kristian, also from my hometown, and they are wearing a tradional norwegian "bunad"

The bride:)

Our weddingcake. Yum!

My maid of honour Hilde, Lise Linn and Anne-Marthe -two of my friends from my studying days in Kristiansand

Mess with us if you dare! lol

My sweet friend Heather who came all the way from Scotland to be with us on our day:)

Jon Anders and Anne-Marthe, a really cute couple who are getting married in july:)

Hilde and her husband Sigurd:)