Viser innlegg med etiketten Vår. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten Vår. Vis alle innlegg

onsdag 14. mars 2012

Tilda med sommerfugl - Tilda with butterfly

Idag har jeg laget et litt vår/sommer kort. Det må jo bare til når vi har så nydelig vær om dagen. Det er en fryd å se solen stikke hodet inn alle vinduene, for så å lyse opp alle rom. Våren er her dere! Today I made a card with spring/summer-feeling. It just had to be done when we have all this lovely weather. It's really a joy to see the sun shine in all the windows to light up all the rooms. Spring is here!
I just got this Tilda stamp. Isn't she a cutie?
I've used blender as a "brush" with all my colours this time.
Hår/Hair: Cocoa & Daffodil Bloom
Hud/Skin: Almond, pale pink & light fawn
Kjole/Dress: Pale Pink & Baby Pink
Støvler/Boots: Sandstone
Sommerfugl/Butterfly: Daffodil Bloom

Size: 15x15
Ink: Memento Rich Cocoa
Stamp: Magnolia - Tilda with Butterfly
Paper: White cardstock, papers from Bildmålarna - Picnick -White Tulip & Butterflies
Tools: Spellbinder dies, memory box, MS punch & Crealies
Embellishments: Flowers from Mulberry and Kort & Godt, Pearls from Kort & Godt, Charms, metal corner from Kort & Godt
Other: All edges are torn and inked with Distress Walnut Stain
Medium: Pro/Flexmarkers

Jeg deltar hos/I'm entering in

Promarker Norge: #3 - Fargelegg i sarte duse farger
Papirdokkene: #23 - til damene
Kortgleder: Påske/Vår
Deep Ocean Challenge Blog: #21 - Butterflies
2 Sisters Challenge Blog: #82 - Spring Colours
Joanna Sheen: Spring is in the air
Anonyme Scrappere: #41 - Bruk minst 3 Dies

Takk for at du titter innom. Legg gjerne igjen noen spor.


tirsdag 6. mars 2012

Sol, Vår og snart Påske - Sun, Spring and Easter soon

Idag har jeg laget et vårlig kort. Det er jo så nydelig vær om dagen. Dette kortet skal gis sammen med en forsinket bursdagsgave, så jeg håper mottageren blir fornøyd. Today I've made a spring-inspired card. The weather these days is so wonderful. This card is to be given along with a belated birthday present, so I hope the recipient will be pleased.

My new Mo Manning digi - Savannah. Isn't she gorgeous?

Str/Size: 16x16cm
Blekk/Ink: Memento
Stempler/Stamps: Digistamp from Mo Manning - Savannah on Easter. Text: Have a nice day of spring from Stempelglede
Papir/Paper: Beige, Blue and pink cardstock, papers from Bildmålarna - Picnic: Blue Tulip
Annet/Other: Mulberry roses, branches from Crealis, MS Punch Butterflies, MS Punch around the page. Ms Punch Vintage Doily. Pearls from Kort & Godt. Spellbinder Dies. Ribbon and charms.
Teknikker/Techniques: Savannah is coloured with Pro/Flexmarkers:
Kjole/Dress: Blue Pearl & Cornflower
Bukse/Pants: Rose Pink & Blossom
Hud/Skin: TAn, Dusky Pink, Blush, Cocktail Pink, Pale Pink & Light Fawn
Hår/Hair: Caramel, Cappucino, Champagne & Daffodil Bloom
Kyllingene/Chickens: Canary, Yellow & Gold

Jeg deltar hos/I'm entering in:

Sketchy Colors: #107 - Blue, Pink & Beige
Joanna Sheen: Spring is in the Air
Scrappekammeret: # 49 - Kammerpikenes Bilde
CES Challenge: #75 - Flower Frenzy
Crafty Catz: #122 - Punches & Dies
Stampin for the Weekend: # 4 Bingo - Pink, butterfly's & Die Cuts
Crafters Companion: #22 - Spring
Cupcake Craftroom: March Challenge - Spring Bouquet
Cute Card Thursday: # 206 - Signs of Spring
Crafty Calendar: March Challenge - Spring Clean
Catch The Bug: March - Anything Goes

Takk for at du titter innom, legg gjerne igjen noen spor.

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