The other quicky quilt I finished was a donation quilt for our Guild's Covers for Kids. Our friendship group did jumbo disappearing 9-patch quilts, and I did mine with large I-spy fabrics, with this quilt geared for an elementary age boy. My friend Donna King did a great job with the quilting. This one has already been delivered to the Guild for donation. This makes 5 I-spys that I have made so far, and I'm working on another one for my niece.
My other current project is the Row Along from Lori Holt's Row along, and I'm on the 7th row. (I'm substituting Sophie's birds for the mugs that were suggested. I also have my eclipse blocks to cut to size and assemble, and putting the border on my Millions of Cats quilt. So progress is underway!
Great job! I had to change the final border because I only have double beds - no queens. I keep trying to decide about quilting because I do not want any feathers on it and that seems to be what everyone is putting in the white spaces.