Showing posts with label limes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label limes. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Homemade Cadillac Margaritas

So I think I need to put a disclaimer at the beginning of this post. Ok, at the risk of ruining my reputation as an upstanding citizen ...I'm a bit of a lush when it comes to Margaritas. I like mine strong and they have to have three kinds of liquor in them - tequila, triple sec and Grand Marnier. To me, if you're going to drink a weak margarita then you might as well just have a glass of limeade, which I'm NOT a fan of.
I decided to make a pitcher of homemade Cadillac Margaritas for my husband and I after I bought a huge bag of limes for a party at one of those bargain warehouse stores and only used like 2 of them. When life gives you limes....well I think you can finish that one.
If I was to do this again, I would probably make my simply syrup less sweet. I'm not too keen on very sugary margaritas and unfortunately these were a bit sweet for me. My husband LOVED them though. Don't tell, but I'm pretty sure he had three.
Enjoy (responsibly of course!)!

Homemade Cadillac Margaritas
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
2 cups fresh lime juice (about 10-15 limes)
1 cup gold tequila
1/4 cup triple sec
1/3 cup Grand Marnier
lots of ice

In a small saucepan or in the microwave, melt the sugar and water together. Once the sugar is melted and you have a simple syrup, add it to a large pitcher. Mix in your lime juice and liquor. Toss in lots of ice, stir and serve in salt-rimmed glasses over ice.