Pasta with red sauce
Hey there everyone!Hoping you all had great holidays. With all the xmas and new year's craze, I wasn't able to bring my last dish in the series of my pasta posts, but don't think I forgot :)
This one might be the easiest of the lot. It's a simple dish of pasta with red sauce, but the secret to this sauce is in the flavor. This one is a bit spicier than the usual.
For this dish, you will need a few things. First of all, see if you can get elbow-shaped pasta. However if you can't, no problem, it goes great with elbows, fussili, tubes or even simple spaghetti.
Next, you need to get spaghetti sauce, which will be used as a base. In Peru we call this sauce "Tuco" and it's made by the people in Maggi/Nestle. It's a salty red sauce with little chunks of meat. I imagine you can use Ragu or something similar.
So, let's get to it :D
1/2 kg. pasta (elbow-shaped preferred)
3 liters water with 4 spoons of salt
2 tins of Tuco (spaghetti sauce) - each tin is about 250gr
1/2 cup Ketchup
1 chopped aji
3 chopped garlic cloves
1 tablespoon oil
2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup water
salt to taste
-Boil the pasta in the 3 liters of water. The usual procedure. Then rinse.
-In a pot put the spaghetti sauce (tuco), oil, ketchup, parsley, garlic, aji, water (the 1/2 cup), salt and heat until it boils.
- Serve the pasta with this sauce. Spread a generous amount of parmesan cheese.
Voilá. You should get something that looks like this (you can see I used both elbows and tubes):
Hope you enjoyed these pasta dishes I've been sharing with you. These are some of my favorite. Try them at home and be sure to let us know how it went :)
Bon apettit !
2 comment(s):
Love pasta. This looks inviting. Great recipe.
Anonymous, at
6:27 AM
Thanks Mae. I hope you enjoy it :)
Anonymous, at
9:37 PM
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