Lillie Mae Acres

Lillie Mae Acres

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Catching Up

I haven't posted in FOREVER it seems.  We're just simply living a good life and thanking God for all.  Rufus Jack and Gracie Mae are fixing to be 7 years old,  Matt's still picking and singing Bluegrass music, and Builder Man and I are still breathing.  We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary last August and celebrated with a trip to Tennessee.  We are already planning another trip to Tennessee for this summer.  Tennessee has always been our favorite vacation spot, we do love those mountains. 

Til next time folks!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Capture All The Moments

Life goes on and on and there is no slowing it down.  I try so hard not to take any of it for granted. Moments come and go so fast. Days, months, and years fly by as we blink.  I'm glad we can take all the pictures we want to so we can be reminded of life's beauty.  

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Simply Living, Simply Taking It Easy

Nothing huge, fantastic, or news worthy happening around these woods.  But I like it that way.  Just simply taking it day by day and enjoying more and more of God's peace and greatness.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Cherished Rust

I love family heirlooms.  I love rust.  I've had these very old iron shoe lasts for years.  They were my grandfather's and probably his father's, both owning shoe repair shops back in the day.  I can still remember the smell of leather and dye.

I've painted them several times in the past.  Never knowing what to really do with them, they've spent many years on the porch.  Any ideas?

I have seen a picture of a double one being used as a bookend.  

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peaceful Walk on a SONday Afternoon

Everything is beautiful, in it's own way.  I love rust, I love wood. I love nature.

Don't you see God in everything?  I do.