Showing posts with label ink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ink. Show all posts

Saturday, 31 March 2018

Summer Smiles in Flowers

My love for paper and paints has been mixing with yarns.
I find myself stacking yarn made goodies, and instantly my
mind starts ticking how to use them, and what to use them
I can't seem to just let yarn be yarn.

My mind seems to be a strange place where all of it just
mixes and starts blending into something else.

This new love of mine, this yarn, has been such a joy.
I just love all the colours and all the wonderful
textures. I am still so new at crocheting, and learning
as I go along. But I just love it.
This is a summer illustration I made.
I had been painting some stalks and lettered some words
when I happened to have some unfinished grannysquares
on the table.
I just love the promise of Summer.
I am hoping everything will come together finally for us
in this new land that is now our home.


Wednesday, 21 March 2018

To remain

My life has been a constant coming and going, moving and staying.
I have moved from country to country.
I wrapped and packed our belongings more times than I care to remember.
I have only ever had one dream, and that was to have a simple life.
Small dreams and simplicity of living.....

But I guess life had different plans for me.
Instead we have been living upside down in a state of uncertainty.
My dream remains the same.
I dream of boring simple living....
... and feel blessed all the same.
I have such a lovely bunch of family right around me.
My cup as always been full.
And for that I am grateful.
Our adventure is still in full motion,
will we stay, will we go.
It would be nice to finally just stay.
I will keep you posted.
Life is not boring, that is for certain.

Monday, 21 August 2017

Live Life with Joy

Joy is a state of being, I suppose.
It can't really be found around me, or in others,
it seems to be more of feeling that is deeply rooted
within. A source that we tap into when we do the things
we love.
And suddenly there is joy and there is peace.
And it is always there, inside of us.
This is a painting I made whilst I was crocheting
at the same time, and instead of painting the main flower
I thought it would be nice to add a handmade crochet
flower. It is such a joy to be able to do three things I love, crocheting,
painting and lettering all at the same time.

Saturday, 5 August 2017

Busy table

I have a busy table in the middle of my home.
The more that is on it, the more it makes for happy feelings.
Lots of projects happening all at once. And the table gets quite a lot
of visitors joining in with even more projects.
I just love the sound of children around me, and the constant chat and sounds.
Quiet is not something that happens very often in my home.

This week I received this wonderful book in the post from my lovely friend Debs.
I am very grateful for having such sweet friends in my life (heart)

There was even a big plate of donuts this week! 
A home is not quite complete without some crazy calories.
I was definitely aiming for the cinnamon donut.......

My paintbox seems to have a permanent stay on my table.
I guess the lay out of the mess would be a bit odd without it.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

A little bit of this ....

I guess I just have not been able to make up my mind.
Will I paint? Will I do some lettering? Will I do some
more crocheting? Decisions decisions....


So why not just do them all at the same time, and put them
together on paper! ((heart))
 I have been thinking of making handmade cards.
Not sure if I have the time, but I would definitely love it.
Yes. It is a happy day x

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Gentle Reminder

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves to be kind,
especially to ourselves.

Monday, 11 July 2016

Quiet time

... some quiet time.
With a storm brewing, and some cups appearing on paper.
Today is good day

Monday, 4 July 2016

Winter Wishes

I love spending time with white paper and pencils and paints.
Often I have no idea what to make.
And the white paper will stare back at me blankly.
And then other times, it is simple things, like the view outside my windows
giving me little ideas.

This little lady came to me when it was snowing outside.
It was snowing a lot.
Definitely my favourite season.

And after I finished her, I thought that perhaps I should make a painting
of her with every Season?
I might. Perhaps I will sit with some white paper again soon.
And just let it happen.

Friday, 29 April 2016

Perfect little afternoon

I finally found my stack of black papers again.
A perfect little afternoon spent with acrylic ink and caramel swirl coffee ♥
Yes. I am easily pleased.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Dreaming of Being a Star *

When I sit and make itty bitty drawings something serene comes over me, like a lake of calm, swimming in the sound of nothing. And it is where I find such balance and peace.
Every now and then I will lift my head, and I will find chatting children, biscuits crumbs sticking on my elbows, music coming from various rooms in the house, faces around the table talking to me and endless streams of sounds.....
....and then I just return to my drawing, and I just become zen again.