I just had to share a few photos with you. My girl, Diva, has one little sweater...it fits and I do mean fits. She isn't too happy putting it on or taking it off since it's pretty snug...it's always a struggle. Well, while out yesterday with Froggie (we had a girl's day out), I found her a sweater that fits great! It was so easy to get on and off and she didn't seem to mind at all. I hate that acrylic was all they had but it will have to do for now. I wish we could have gotten a pink one since pink IS her color but there wasn't much choice in the extra-small size. She must like it because she did a little modeling.

Most of the time, I can't get her to sit still for photos but she did yesterday. I held her while Froggie did the photography. Maybe I should do it this way every time. She seemed more comfortable sitting with me than she does when I'm the one with the camera. I do still want to try and knit her a sweater myself but I was feeling guilty since I haven't had time yet. It's been pretty cold and since she's maybe 3 lbs. soaking wet with a towel on, she really needs the extra warmth.
That's all the cute we have for today...be back later with more knitting.
the picture is larger than she is i do believe.... jk... those are good pics...laters :Þ
Oh my Lord, she is so beautiful. I have three. Your little Diva looks so much like my beloved Boo-boo whom we just lost a few months ago. It makes me so happy to see her. Thank you.
Omigosh, your Diva touches my heart! How sweet she is in her sweater - thanks for sharing.
She is so incredibly cute! Love that little sweater on her!
I just wanted to let those who commented earlier know...I got your comments...Thanks!....but they aren't going to show up. The reason...I was trying out Haloscan for commenting and decided it wasn't for me. So...any comments made then won't show up since I removed Haloscan. Just didn't want anyone thinking their comments were unappreciated or that they were deleted.
Back to our regularly scheduled comment system.
Oh your lit'l Diva is adorable. She looks a bit like my Lucy only darker. And to model in her little sweater, well you just can't get any cuter than that.
Hugs Diane
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