This is Maggie when we first got her. She's about 4 months old now and she is a big baby. Not just big but pretty rambunctious and much too active to be a "house dog". We spent the day Saturday making her a place outside big enough to get some of that energy out.
Here she is with Skaterboy enjoying her new home. They raced back and forth so many times....she kept trying to "herd" him. lol He even tried to fake her out and get a head start but she's pretty quick and she caught him almost every time. She's a husky mix...not sure what she's mixed with...she would make an excellent farm dog. It was funny watching her try to herd the boy.
Posing for the camera. She's so funny. Check out those ears. lol I'm not sure what's bigger...the ears or that tongue!
This little fella is Maggie's new baby brother. Is he cute or what?! No name just yet...still trying to figure that out. He's a chihuahua/shih tzu mix. A little fat roly poly baby. He's eight weeks old and so sweet. Maggie wanted to say hello but he was not interested. Maybe later when he's more comfortable here.
A little close-up of the adorable face. He mostly just sleeps but he's spoiled rotten already. He wants to be held all the time and refused to sleep alone last night. He's claimed a blanket and a spot on the couch. When no one is holding him...that's where he insists on being. Hopefully these kids will decide on a definite name for him soon.Hope you're all having a great weekend. The weather has been nice...not too hot for a change and we enjoyed our time outside yesterday. It's still extremely dry and we're heading towards mandatory water restrictions. We desperately need some serious rainfall here.
Off to do some knitting on my Ravelympics projects. I don't want to get behind and not finish them.