Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Dog Days

I thought I would do a little update on the "baby". Now I should say "babies" as you'll see later in the post. :P

This is Maggie when we first got her. She's about 4 months old now and she is a big baby. Not just big but pretty rambunctious and much too active to be a "house dog". We spent the day Saturday making her a place outside big enough to get some of that energy out.

Here she is with Skaterboy enjoying her new home. They raced back and forth so many times....she kept trying to "herd" him. lol He even tried to fake her out and get a head start but she's pretty quick and she caught him almost every time. She's a husky mix...not sure what she's mixed with...she would make an excellent farm dog. It was funny watching her try to herd the boy.

Posing for the camera. She's so funny. Check out those ears. lol I'm not sure what's bigger...the ears or that tongue!

This little fella is Maggie's new baby brother. Is he cute or what?! No name just yet...still trying to figure that out. He's a chihuahua/shih tzu mix. A little fat roly poly baby. He's eight weeks old and so sweet. Maggie wanted to say hello but he was not interested. Maybe later when he's more comfortable here.
A little close-up of the adorable face. He mostly just sleeps but he's spoiled rotten already. He wants to be held all the time and refused to sleep alone last night. He's claimed a blanket and a spot on the couch. When no one is holding him...that's where he insists on being. Hopefully these kids will decide on a definite name for him soon.

Hope you're all having a great weekend. The weather has been nice...not too hot for a change and we enjoyed our time outside yesterday. It's still extremely dry and we're heading towards mandatory water restrictions. We desperately need some serious rainfall here.

Off to do some knitting on my Ravelympics projects. I don't want to get behind and not finish them.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Airplanes And Puppy Dogs

This afternoon there was an awesome air show at our small local airport. We had a visit from The Snowbirds Demonstration Team from Canada. These guys put on a heck of a show.

I only managed to get a few good shots....they move too fast and I'm not a professional photographer AND we just didn't get close enough to the action. The traffic was terrible so we parked at a local church and watched from there.

I didn't get shots of the best stunts unfortunately but I figured I'd share the few decent ones I did get.

Some of the stunts were pretty scary looking and some were pretty low to the ground.'s amazing the precision and the level of trust these guys must have.

Now on to the puppy portion of this post. My husband and I separated almost a year ago...ugly tale...not worth repeating. We had a dog (lab/beagle mix) that stayed here when he left. He decided recently that he "needed" to get the dog. He was a pretty big fella and more than I could control if he got loose in the neighborhood so I agreed. I have since regretted this stupid decision and realized just how deeply loosing him has affected me...and the kids as well. Well, thanks to a guardian I went on a mission to find a new baby. I went to the local shelter and was the first one in the door when they opened only to find that the baby I was looking for had already been adopted out. :( I looked around (so many little cuties there) and couldn't decide so I left and went to Pet Smart....nothing but dang old kitties there. Feeling a little let down, I went back to the shelter one more time. I took out lots of puppies one by one and checked them out...chatted with them a bit *yeah, I'm crazy like that* and this little lady just melted my heart. She was not at all what I was looking for but she was exactly what I wanted. We chatted and played and then I went to handle the adopting. I asked if I could snap a quick photo to show the kids and they said "SURE!" I guess she figured since she had worked her magic and was going to her new home soon...she didn't need to do any more of that cutesy stuff. She was napping away.
She has her surgery done on Monday morning and then she can come home with us on Monday afternoon. We're all so excited!! I know she looks like a drunk in this photo but really...she's a gorgeous little girl. More photos to come when she gets home. :)


Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's Was A Yucky Day!

No Saturday Sky was too cold and wet to go out and take the picture. lol Saturday kinda went like this...

This has been one cold, rainy, yucky day. At the moment it's 38 degrees and wet. We've had rain all day long and you would think this would be a very productive knitting day but NOT. I don't even have a good excuse. I did finish one of the tops of the teacher's dishcloth dresses and hope to get the other two done when I finish posting. It's just dang cold.

I sent the boys to the barn for wood so we could enjoy this (see photo above). There's nothing better when it's cold outside than a toasty warm fire in the fireplace. I love to hear the wood crackling and the glow....ahhhhh, awesome. It was begging me to take a photograph so of course, I did. I thought I would share with you so it could warm you all a little.

I did however have to do one that just could not wait. Now, normally I wouldn't be bathing the dog on such a cold day but....."Ms Thang" informed that "THE DOG HAS TWO BUGS ON HER!" Sorry for yelling but that's how she said it. lol I checked and sure enough, Ms Diva had a couple of fleas on her. Well, I'm not having no stinking fleas around here so off to the tub we went. Needless to say, Diva was not happy. Since she has very short hair, it wasn't hard to find those little buggers and dispose of them. While the two little ladies warmed up by the fire, I cleaned her crate and made sure there were no more relatives hiding out in there. For all this drama, I think she deserved a treat.

This is your typical "Oh, can I please have the treat now, huh? Please, please...." She will actually stand up on her back legs and dance around for it and I got a photo of her doing this but....her eyes looked so creepy with the flash that I couldn't post it. Just too
I'll try again later during the day and maybe get one I can use.

This is what you do when you get your treat. Run like heck to the back of your crate and leave the little dinosaur dude by the door to stand guard so nobody can get their greedy little hands on your doggie treat. She is serious about the treats and not those little wimpy small dog treats. She likes the "big dog" treats. The ones almost the size of her head. No,'s sticking out the side of her mouth. She got another treat for being such a sport about the pictures.

Now, if I just had a French Vanilla Cappuccino...all would be right with the world. :P

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Quick Knitting and The Hamster Has A Name...and better photos

I have another soda can cozy....FOR ME!! I had to knit something but didn't want to start anything else big so I decided to use up some scraps and make myself another one. Now when one is being washed, I have a replacement. I changed it up a little from the original and did more increases on the bottom and I'm happy with the way it turned out.

I finally got a few good photos of the little hamster. My friend, Froggie, came by to see him and while she was here, I got her to help distract him so I could photograph him. We still had a hard time getting him to be still. I think hamsters all have ADHD. My hamster needs some Ritalin! Isn't he cute? Sunflower seeds will get his attention every time.

Look at that face...gotta love him. I did some name searching online and found one that, after a little modification, my kids loved. According to my youngest daughter, the hamster likes it too. lol Keep in mind, my kids are big Star Wars daughter's favorite is Anikin Skywalker so.........the hamster is now named.... HAMIKIN TUBEWALKER! lol I do appreciate all your suggestions but my kids are nuts for this name and it's kinda funny...they all agreed on one name (that never happens!).

Friday, November 2, 2007

Please Welcome Our Newest "Baby"

I would like to introduce you to our newest member of the family...I would like to but.....he doesn't have a name yet. lol We are begging for suggestions...please, please, please. Apparently I am the person to call when you have a homeless animal or one who needs adopting. One of my best friends called me yesterday to ask me if I would take this little fella in. Her daughter already had a hamster and then went out and bought this guy but Dad says she can't keep them has to go. She was more attached to the bigger hamster so this guy needed a new home. He is (if I did my research correctly) a Russian Campbell Dwarf Hamster with normal coloring. He is just so tiny and he's too cute. He fits in the palm of my hand and I have very small hands. I wish I had better pictures but they were coming out blurry since he rarely stayed still long enough to get a decent shot.

As soon as I can get him to co-operate, I will post a better photo. He seems to be adjusting to his new home well. He has already let me pick him up and he really likes to have the back of his head rubbed just behind the ears. Our zoo now consists of 3 cats, 2 dogs, 1 hamster and a turtle.

If anyone has any names to throw out, please leave me a comment. We've named so many animals, we just can't think of a good one. I will post his name when we decide on one.....WE REALLY NEED SUGGESTIONS!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Real "Diva"

This is our smallest girl....Diva. She's 1 year and 3 months old now. She lives up to her name. She is such a picky little girl. Chihuahuas do not like the cold so with the cooler weather approaching, I thought it was time to get her something to keep her warm. Here she's modeling her new fuzzy hot pink sweater. I have such a hard time finding things small enough for her. I got this sweater and a collar that fits (finally) and a cute little tag for her collar online. The sweater is a perfect fit. She wasn't exactly thrilled about it but once it gets cold, I think she will appreciate it. (Especially when we go out to do "business") I don't think you can really tell how small she is by the photo...she still weighs less than 5 pounds...tiny little girl. I would love to get her a Christmas sweater and I think I will knit her a stocking...Santa may come to visit her too.

Anyone with a tiny dog like Diva might want to check out this site...prices are reasonable (really, I'm so and their shipping was super fast.

I'm not affiliated with them...don't get anything for the plug :( ...just a very satisfied customer who knows how hard it is to find little dog things at a decent price. They even sent her a little freebie sample of dog treats...Liver Biscotti!

Will try to get a picture of her soon that shows how small she is. My camera batteries just died and she isn't a fan of photos so it might take a bit to get a good one. lol