Showing posts with label moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moon. Show all posts

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Shoot The Moon

I hope everyone got the chance to see the lunar eclipse last night. I made many pathetic attempts to take a photo. I'm sharing with you all a couple of the better ones. This is about as close-up as I could get and still be able to tell what it was. It really looked better with the naked eye but the camera just doesn't like to shoot the moon. lol

I don't know how or why it's orange in this photo but I thought it looked kinda cool. I got some tips from a friend and hopefully in the future I might some decent moon photos. I'll keep trying.

Ms Thang wore her socks to school today and showed them off to her friends, her interpreter and her teachers. She tells me her interpreter wants me to teach her how to knit. I don't know if this is true or not, the awesome interpreter hasn't mentioned it to me.

Almost finished with the other half of duckie #2's body....then on to the wings, beak and feet. Hopefully, he will finished soon.

AND.....I am sooooo excited!!! I learned to do the long tail cast on today!!!!!!!! YAY ME!!! It wasn't really hard at all. Man, the things I fear and then end up feeling so "DUH". lol I'm working on casting on my second pair of socks...hope socks #2 go as well or better then the first ones.


Monday, December 24, 2007

Cute Cloth....Weird Moon

This is the new pattern from's the Wrapper Cloth. I thought it would be a cute gift for my mail carrier with a little bar of soap tucked inside. Don't look too closely at my bobble...he's a sad excuse for a bobble. I have never done them before and that part of the pattern was confusing to me...I kinda winged it and kept going. If I make more and I probably will, I will try to do a better bobble next time. lol
The pattern is available for free here...

Here my Skaterboy would say...some "Moonage" for you. My sister called me on her way home from work yesterday and while we were talking she says that the moon looks really weird. Knowing that I won't pass up an opportunity to take photos, she explains that it looks to her as though there is something hanging down off the moon. So, when we finish talking, I grabbed my trusty little camera and head outside.

I couldn't see anything just looking up at the moon but I figured I would take a few shots anyway and see what happens. These are two of the photos I took last night. I have no idea what the little thing is at the bottom. But now at least I can see what she talking about. I took three photos total and it's there in a different little swirly shape in all three photos. Just a little something strange I thought I would share with you.

I hope you are all having a great holiday. I am now, unfortunately, nursing a yucky old cold. It's driving me nuts. It could be worse though so I won't complain. At least now I can relax and decide what I want to knit stress....aaahhhh.