Showing posts with label felted wool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label felted wool. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

a major de-stash

One good thing to come from a flooding basement is the sudden need to de-stash one's somewhat out of control supply pile.  My so-called workspace has had so many plastic bins of materials in it that I'm not actually able to work in it.  As I was lifting bin after bin out the basement window it became clear that I needed to do a purge.  I have more buttons and felt than I will ever use in a lifetime, so I'm offering them up in my shop at incredibly low prices.

If you, or anyone you know, has wanted to work with 100% felted garment wool or tinker with vintage buttons, please have a look at the supply section in my shop HERE.

Thank you!
now, back to the basement with me...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bunnies, Buttons, and Buckling Down

I'm finally making some headway on my mound of vintage buttons.  After selling some and donating some, I'm down to one 56qt plastic bin-full.  It's still more than I need to have on hand but it's a start.  A few of you asked how I can bear parting with them and I can tell you that when I see what other people are making with them, it's easy.  Case in point, these little cuties from FeltedWoolies.

I dare you to look at these little guys and not squeal.  You squealed, didn't you?  They're utterly adorable, and check out their little button eyes.  huh?  huh?  Adorable right?

You can get your own in her Etsy shop where you'll also find some other adorable wooly creatures like this sheep. (who keeps begging me to take her home)

I hope you'll stop by her shop and check her out.

As for me, tomorrow begins my "it's serious" time.  I have an artist's mart at the Walker Art Center to prepare for and some projects to complete for an upcoming felt book from Lark Books and I need to buckle down.  I'll be putting aside my button destashing efforts for now and blogging might be a little less frequent for a while. 

(note: I really need a good whip-cracker to keep me on task.  Why oh why don't any of you live near me?)

I do have some new work completed to share soon.  (I keep saying that, don't I?)

Oh, and thank you to everyone who suggested uses for the nail polish.  Great ideas!  You guys are so helpful, thank you. 

Happy Sunday!

Friday, February 04, 2011


I've been working on a few pendants recently and put just a couple in my shop yesterday.  There were two in my stitched birch theme and one of oak and moss (wool moss anyway). 

look! a shadow!  That means sunshine!  (briefly anyway)

The next few weeks will be pretty busy as I finish some project proposals, prepare for a visit with a friend (soo excited), and work on pieces for an artists' mart in April.  That and chase these increasingly energetic children of mine of course.  (I'd say that most days these lunatics have the keys to the asylum.  Spring can't come soon enough so that little rodent better be right about an early spring...)

Have a good weekend, everybody!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Crafting For Ourselves

Wow.  Another week of amazing contributions to the Crafting For Ourselves group.  Another week in which you've managed to carve out a little time, important time, to make for yourselves,  your friends, your family.  You're an inspiration, you really are.

Want to play?  Come join us here.

I've been working on a few projects myself.  This one is for a dear friend who had given me the sweetest wool coat years ago that her boys had outgrown. 

Her two boys had worn it and then three of my children  wore it.  After 5 kids it showed some wear but I knew there was great felting potential here.  I put this well-loved little coat through the wash and made some fabulously thick felt with it.

It was the perfect felt for coasters so that is what it became, mitten-shaped coasters for both of us to remind us of our little ones that are no longer so little and to hold our coffee the next time we get to sit together.

What have you been working on lately?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Some Days Are Just Like That

My wee ones spent the better part of the night/early morning being awake and making sure I was awake too.  The coffee maker decided to wake me up much earlier than I would have liked, and I have to go into town today to get my 5 year old ready for school.  So I'm feeling a little tired and old today.  And a little beat up, thanks to a spectacular fall I took this weekend.  (it was a thing to behold, let me tell you) 

So instead of the fun button Monday post I hoped to do, here's a glimpse at what I've been working on, and a glimpse at what I've seen lately.

Happy Monday, everyone.

a squirrel snack - the inside of a pinecone

Tuesday, June 01, 2010


I spent the past week working around the house, taking a break, and fiddling with making pinecones out of wool.  I wanted to mimic the shape of the cones we find from our jack pines.  It took a bit of tweaking, but I finally got something that comes pretty close.  I added a spray of "needles" too, for color.  They're not exactly like pine needles of course, but I thought they brought to mind that piney look.

I used felted coat wool for these and the thickness was just right.  I have a few in the works in different colors and hope to have pics soon.

I hope everyone's week is off to a great start.  I feel a little bit rested (yay!) and look forward to sharing some new stuff with you this week.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Workin' on the weekend, that's me. 

I'll be listing a few new brooches in the shop later today, and a set of heart ornaments (it's been a while) too.

I'm running low on birch rings for my brooches so I think today I'll be digging through our firewood pile and looking through the back woods for dead birch limbs.  When I find one that's suitable, I'll be cutting, sanding, and waxing these little babies.  Then I'll need to make more felt...  I'm trying out some other woods too and hope to continue working in this theme.  Combining the wood and wool has hit a note with me and I'd like to see where it takes me, so bear with me sweet readers because I am bound to bore you to tears with images of wood and wool...

It was 14 degrees when I woke up this morning but I see the sun shining so I have high hopes that this first day of spring will be a warmer one.

Have a great day.  Happy Spring!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Quite A Day

I did a bit of a shop update today. In addition to some staples like felted wool acorns and stones, I also added a new project that I have been working on, coasters. I have a few designs in mind but started with a leaf shape, in a variety of fall colors. I've been using one for the past week and like it well enough that I decided to add them to my shop.

I had to photograph all of my new pieces this morning. This meant I had to crop them, save them, list the items on Etsy, and chase children all at the same time. Needless to say, the process took me h.o.u.r.s...... By the time it was over, I was exhausted. I hadn't eaten lunch and the beautiful fall-ish weather was taunting me through the window of my office.

When I finished the last listing, I bid my computer adieu and trucked the kiddies outside for a walk. I believe at that very same moment, my bark brown acorns hit the front page of Etsy (drats! missed it!) and I came back from my walk to find a handful of sales. Woo hoo!! I'm so grateful...and tired. But mostly grateful.

Felted wool stones in rustic turquoise

Acorn cap birds nests made by my 11 year old

Vintage tea cup birds nest

Autumn leaves felted wool coasters

Have a happy weekend, all!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Penny Rug Bouquet

I snuck some time today to finish a project that I have been dabbling with and I was so excited that I had to post about it.

I've made a little bouquet inspired by penny rugs. I've used scraps of wool that I had felted from sweaters and coats, and tiny glass vintage buttons to create circular flowers. I attached them to floral wire so they can be arranged at will. I covered the back of each flower with black felt (also from garments) to cover the stitching and polish it off.

The circle is a shape that is pleasing to my eye and I'm digging the color combos on this piece, they're natural but kind of punchy too. I'm happy with how it turned out now that it's finally done. Stitching is a soothing activity for me, and this bouquet represents several weeks worth of relaxation time for me. I hope those peaceful, happy vibes stay with the bouquet, wherever it ends up.


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