Hi there, hope you like what you see here. Please leave a comment if you like my work - or not! I know lots of you visit so if you leave a comment I'll know who you are and I'll be able to visit you too

Showing posts with label LOTV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LOTV. Show all posts

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Totally Gorjuss 240 - Dad

Good morning everyone and it's the weekend at last. So it must be time for another challenge at Totally Gorjuss. This week we'd like you to make a "Dad" card - surprise, surprise! I've made a card for my husband. Not that the image is like him but I don't have one of someone lying sleeping in a chair!

I used :-
Image and DP :- LOTV.
Sentiment :- Stampin' Up!
Card candy :- Craftwork Cards.

Simple card but just the sort of thing a man llikes!

Well I've got a crop this afternoon so maybe I'll get ahead with my DT cards.ter.

Thanks for looking and I'll catch up later.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Totally Gorjuss 236 - Lace.

Good morning everyone. Hasn't it been a lovely sunny, warm week. Well I hope it has been for everyone. It's been lovely here but now it's Saturday and it's looking a bit cloudy!

Time for another challenge at Totally Gorjuss. This week we'd like to see lace on your card. I've added a piece of lace but you could use a lace die cut or doily if you like. I must apologise if you can't see my lace very well. It is there but it's a bit hidden by the image and the ribbon! I made the card for a colleague who wanted a special card for her granddaughter's first birthday. And she likes a lot of bling.

I used :-
Image :- LOTV topper.
Lace and ribbon :- Ribbon Girl.
Gems :- Hobby House.
Corner :- Whimsy.
Sentiment :- Stampin' Up!e Glamour Dust and Nesties.

As usual must apologise for being a bad blogger. I'm still off wme ork and you'd think I'd have lots of time to blog but somehow it doesn't happen! This week I've been at the nurse, the doctor and the dentist. Thankfully I don't need to see any of them again, at least not for a long time I hope! I can go back to work next week :(  Probably for the best as I'm enjoying being at home too much! I've also been baking for my WRI meeting so that was an evening out, an afternoon at our knitting and crochet group. And I nearly forgot an afternoon doing craft at Messy Church and time preparing for it. Wow when I see all that written down it does look like a busy week. Good thing I wasn't working too!!

I've got a crop this afternoon so I'd best go and try to organise something to do there. Lots to do but not much motivation. I need a 90th birthday card for my neighbour, a birthday card for my daughter and 2 new baby cards and a big brother card. Plenty to keep me occupied.

Thanks for looking and surely I can manage to do more blogging this week. If that dratted internet connection lets me.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Kat xx

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Totally Gorjuss 233 - Cuddly.

Good morning everyone. A bit later than I meant to be but that's because it took me so long to add my card to the DT blog that I couldn't be bothered scheduling today's post! It seems as if every time I tried to do something last night my connection went off - for more than an hour at a time 2 or 3 times. I knew I should have done it in the afternoon. I never learn!

Anyway here's my card for this week's challenge at Totally Gorjuss. This week we'd like to see something cuddly on your card. Easy isn't it? I'm sure everyone has something cuddly in their stash.

I used :-
Image & DP :- LOTV topper.
Washi Tape :- Fantastic Ribbons.
Flowers :- Nellie Snellen punches.
Gems :- Hobby House.
Corner :- Whimsy.

Well I think I'll go and have my coffee now. The weather here is pretty dire so I don't think I'll be going out for my daily walk. I've tried to be good and I've been out for a walk at least once every day, weather permitting! It's been very misty here for a few days now but today there have been some very heavy showers  already and it's only just after 10am. My daughter might come later and take me out for a coffee this afternoon. ie she drives and I buy. I'll be glad when I can drive again! I went for my check up on Wednesday and the surgeon was pleased with me so I don't need to go back to the hospital again. Now all I need to do is get out on my own again. I live over a mile from the main road so I can't even nip onto a bus! Nuisance not even being able to go for the paper, still not long now.

Thanks for looking and if you've got time to comment I'd love to hear from you.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Kat xx

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Totally Gorjuss 232 - Use die cuts.

Good morning everyone. Hope you are all well this Easter weekend. We don't normally have the holiday Monday unless it happens to fall on the first Monday in April. But of course I'm off anyway as I need to be off for a few weeks after my operation. That'll be 3 weeks on Monday and no I'm not bored being at home all day. I can always find something to do. Before my craft group last week I made myself sew up 6 jumper and hat sets that have been sitting finished for ages. I hate sewing up knitting. But I've been good I knitted another jumper and hat from some wool I had left from one set and I've got it sewn up already!! I'm also quite well on with an Aran cardigan - for me! I haven't knitted Aran for ages so I'm enjoying doing it.

Enough waffle though, I need to tell you about this week's challenge at Totally Gorjuss. This week we'd like to see die cuts on your cards. Easy isn't it? After all we all love our die cuts, don't we?

This week I've made another baby card and I've used one of my favourite dies. Isn't it sweet?

I used :-
Image and sentiment :- LOTV.
Die cut :- Memory Box.
Colouring :- Promarkers.
Pearls :- Hobby House.
DP :- Forever Friends.
Glamour Dust.

Not sure what I'm going to do today. It's our crop day but my friend isn't going as it's her Mum's birthday and she's going to visit her. Since I'm relying on her to give me a lift at the moment I guess I'll be staying at home. My younger daughter might come to visit and she might even take me for a coffee so that would be nice. I'll be really glad when I can drive again. I don't like to keep asking other people to take me places even if it's only a 7 mile round trip to the village!

Have a nice weekend everyone and thanks for looking and for any comments you kindly leave if you have a minute to spare.

Kat xx

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Totally Gorjuss - 231 - Charming.

Hi everyone. Sorry I've not been around but while I'm recuperating from my operation I'm just lazing around watching stuff I've got on Sky+ and knitting and crocheting. I must show you my latest crochet blanket since I've remembered to take a photo of this one!

But it's Saturday again and time for another challenge at Totally Gorjuss. This week we'd like to see a "charming" card. Maybe you'd like to use a charming image or add a charm, it's up to you. We're sponsored by the lovely people at Crafters' Companion so I hope you can join us this week.

Here's what I made this week. Isn't that charm sweet!

I used :-
Image and sentiment :- LOTV.
Colouring :- Promarkers.
DP :- Forever Friends.
Pearls :- Hobby House.
Ribbon and charm from stash.

Thanks for looking and I'll pop back later to see what's been happening on my favourite blogs. I can't believe it's about 2 weeks since I did any catching up! I didn't really have much time to go online when I was at Catriona's and then I was in hospital from Sunday to Friday and we had no internet access. And unfortunately since I came home I've been very lazy. Not, I hasten to add because I don't feel well but just because I'm lazy! As I said I've had lots of recorded programmes to watch. I've also been conscientiously trying to go out for at least one walk every day! It feels really funny to go for a walk without the dogs but I think it'll be quite a while before I can take such big strong dogs for a walk. I think the worst bit is not being able to drive at the moment. I can't even jump on a bus because the main road is over a mile away. My friend has been very good and taken me to the nurse and other people have also said don't be stuck. But somehow I don't like to bother people. I would happily help anyone who needed help but when it comes to the bit I don't like to be a nuisance!

Catch up later. Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Kat xx

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Totally Gorjuss 230 - White on White.

Good morning everyone. I'm a wee bit late this week but I've got my excuse ready! I went into hospital last Sunday afternoon to have an operation on Monday morning. I meant to schedule a post before I went in but we spent the weekend visiting my daughter and when I got home about teatime yesterday I couldn't be bothered. Lazy me!

Anyway here's my card for this weeks challenge at Totally Gorjuss. Our theme this week is "White on White" and we are sponsored by the lovely people at The Ribbon Girl.

Here's what I made. A customer at work asked if I'd make a card for her niece and her husband who are renewing their vows. I made two cards and this is was her favourite. She took the other one too as her sister couldn't find a suitable card either.

I used a favourite weddingy (of course it's a word!) image.

I used :- Image :- LOTV.
Lace :- Ribbon Girl.
Flowers :- Nellie Snellen punches.
Pearls :- Hobby House.
Embossing folder :- Swiss Dots.
Butterflies :- Stampin' Up!

I'd best go and do something relaxing now. I'm trying to catch up on all the tv programmes I recorded while I was in hospital.

Thanks for looking and I'll see you all later.

Kat xx

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Totally Gorjuss 229 - Food/Drink.

Good morning everyone, as you read this I'll be visiting my daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren in Crieff for the weekend. I've been looking forward to seeing them but unfortunately we need to go home on Sunday afternoon. 

This week at Totally Gorjuss our theme is "Food/drink." As you can see on my card it looks as if they're having a party so I thought it would be a suitable image for a birthday card!

I used :-
Image :- LOTV.
Colouring :- Promarkers.
Sentiment :- Judikins.
Candy dots :- Stampin' Up!

Might be nice for a child's card, what do you think?

I've made Easter cards for Poppy and Oliver and I've just finished two little boxes to put some mini eggs in too. I got some of those yummy Lindt bunnies and a couple of tubes of mini eggs too as the little boxes won't hold much and Oliver LOVES chocolate! I know Easter is a few weeks away but I thought that this would save me having to post their presents. Catriona can keep them somewhere safe till Easter.

Sorry I've been such a bad blogger recently! The other week I was out three nights in a row and this week it's two nights. My internet connection is also playing up so if it goes off I just give up, switch off and go off and knit or crochet. This is only part of the reason but I'll explain the rest next week.

Meantime thanks for looking and I'll try to get round my favourite blogs at the weekend. I think Catriona's connection is more reliable than mine so I'll take my laptop with me.

Kat xx

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Totally Gorjuss 228 - For Mum.

Can't believe it's Saturday again already. This week has just flown. As usual my internet connection has been awful and I don't have the patience to wait and see if it comes back on. If it goes off I just lose patience and switch off. But of course I'm missing checking out my favourite blogs so apologies for that. Sometimes I can use it during the day if I'm not at work. I've sneaked on here on Friday morning when I should be hoovering etc!

This week at Totally Gorjuss the theme is "For Mum." I've made a Mum card but I haven't put Happy Mother's Day on it as I don't have a Mum any more or a Mother-in-law. My reasoning is that maybe someone will ask for a birthday card for their Mum! I accidentally bought this stamp from LOTV at the SECC a few years ago. I say accidentally because I didn't notice that the balloons actually said MUM!! Observant or what?

I also used :-
Colouring :- Promarkers.
Pearls :- The Hobby House.
Corners :- Whimsy Die.
Sakura clear, glitter gel pen.

We're sponsored by Fantastic Ribbons this week. If you're anything like me you won't be able to resist popping over to their website for a look.

Well as usual I have work this morning and then a crop this afternoon. Unfortunately my younger daughter is coming out to get her hair cut in the village and she usually likes to go for coffee and cake afterwards. Why do you always get two things you want to do at the same time?

I'll try to visit some of you later if my internet connection allows. At least I'm managing to do my DT work. I'd feel really bad if I didn't visit the people who take the time to enter our challenges. Luckily I can sometimes get online on my iPad, I'm just not keen on using it to post as it seems to like putting my pics on sideways!!

Thanks for looking. Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Kat xx

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Totally Gorjuss 227 - Thank You.

Hi everyone. As usual I have a very temperamental connection so I'll make this brief and hope to come back later after work.

Here's my card for this week's challenge at Totally Gorjuss.

Thanks for looking. Catch you later. I hope!

Kat xx

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Totally Gorjuss 226 - Pink and Green.

Good morning everyone. Is it really Saturday again? Where does the time go? I guess if you can see this it must be Saturday right enough!

So it must be time for another challenge at Totally Gorjuss. Thanks to everyone who joined us last week and don't forget to check if you won. We're sponsored by Crafters' Companion this week so I'm sure you'll want to join us.

I've made a birthday card for my great-niece this week. She'll be 21 on the 15th so I'm in plenty of time, I just need to remember to post it! Great-niece makes me sound ancient doesn't it? I'd like to point out that my brothers are 9 and 12 years older than me and I was only about 14 when my first niece was born lol!

Hope Heather likes her card. What do you think?

I used the banner punch from Stampin' Up! to cut the banners from this gorgeous LOTV paper. The hearts are cut out and embossed with Fashionable Hearts Embosslits from SU and the butterflies were cut out with the Bitty Butterfly punch also from SU. I added a few gems from the Hobby House.

I'll try to catch up with you all this evening. I know I've been a very bad blogger recently and I can only apologise. This afternoon is our WRI group show. Their are 9 institutes in our group and it is very competitive. For once this year I was organised and not rushing to take my entries to my friend on Friday evening. I even had my cherry scones made for the teas. We were at her house on Monday to lay out our co-operative table. This consists of 6 different items and mine was a congrats card for a new arrival. I had to make it in green and lemon as the lady who was making the knitted item made a pram blanket in white, lemon and green random wool. I would have preferred pink or blue but I can see her point as she knitted it for her unborn grandchild and she doesn't know if it is a boy or a girl.

Thanks for looking and for all your kind comments. It's nice to get a bit of encouragement and not feel as if you're on your own lol!

Kat xx

Friday, 7 February 2014

For a new baby girl.

One of the girls at work asked if I'd make her a baby card to give to the bosses on the birth of their granddaughter. She said she didn't fancy any of the cards in the shop!

I'd already made mine and had one in my box but I ended up making 2 more to let her choose.

I used some favourite LOTV images that I keep going back to in spite of the fact that I have some new ones.

I used some of that lovely new lace again.

This time I added some lovely pink ribbon.

As I said both images are from LOTV with matching sentiments and coloured with Promarkers. The pearls are from the Hobby House as usual. And I added some glitter to the little mobile on the second card with a Sakura clear glitter gel pen.

CAS again but I'm quite happy with them. I expect you're wondering which one my colleague chose. Well she didn't choose one of them at all. She liked them both but ended up choosing the one I had in my box. It was pink with white ribbon and a pink pram cut out with that lovely Marianne die I used here. Not to worry though cos now I've got an extra baby girl card in my box.

Well thanks for looking. I'll be back tomorrow with my DT card for Totally Gorjuss.

Kat xx

Friday, 31 January 2014

Cosy Pram.

Hi everyone, can't believe I've managed to post more than once in the one week! I thought you might like to see another card I made to celebrate the birth of my boss's new granddaughter.

I couldn't resist this lovely baby image!

I used :-
Image and sentiment :- LOTV.
Colouring :- Promarkers.
Pearls :- Hobby House.

Very simple but I'm quite happy with it.

Well best go now and finish my hoovering before it's time to have my lunch and go to work.

I'll see you tomorrow with my DT card for Totally Gorjuss. This week it's all done and dusted and I just need to remember to schedule a post for tomorrow morning lol!

Thanks for looking.

Kat xx

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Totally Gorjuss 220 - Furtastic.

Oops guess who forgot to write this post! I posted my card on the DT website at the beginning of the week and meant to schedule this post as I knew I would be out on Friday evening.

Our minister is retiring after being here for exactly 40 years. He came on the 24th of January 1974 and his last service is tomorrow. We had a social evening where various people spoke about things that had happened during the last 40 years. So we had representatives from various organisations and initiatives that Rodger had been involved. We heard from Sunday School leaders, flower festival organiser, the walking group, the craft group, the Guild, the BBs and so on. Rodger himself spoke near the beginning after the choir opened proceedings. They closed with a few songs and solos from The Sound of Music. Especially funny was their take on 16 going on 17 which changed into 60 going on 70! They also had a banner with a suggestion for a name for his new home - "DUNPREACHIN!" The evening ended with tea, coffee, shortbread and a piece of his celebration cake. The congregation and other people from both villages had bought him a top of the range telescope and gave him a generous cheque. This was presented by my neighbour who is the senior elder and who was also on the committee which chose him in the first place. She also made a lovely speech. Rodger and his wife are keen birdwatchers so he was delighted with the new telescope.

Anyway enough waffle, here's the card I made for this week's challenge at Totally Gorjuss. The challenge this week is "Furtastic." Easy, all you need to do is make a card with an animal on it. Now you might think I'm getting a bit ahead of myself this week with a Christmas card in January but I couldn't resist this sweet image from LOTV. And remember we're sponsored by Lili of the Valley this week which is really good as they have some lovely new images just now.

Colouring :- Promarkers.
Pearls :- Hobby House.
Snowflake :- Marianne Creatables die.
Glamour Dust.

I spent ages trying to find what I'd used to make the snowflake as I have lots of snowflakes cut out ready to use. I was really beginning to think I'd never find where it came from lol!

Well better late than never I suppose.

Thanks for looking and I'll be round to see what everyone's been up to later.

Kat xx

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Totally Gorjuss 211 - Child's Christmas.

Good morning everyone, Saturday again! I don't know about where you are but it's been very cold here this week. Our knit and crochet group was cancelled on Tuesday because the roads were so bad. So I decided I might as well go to work and have the afternoon off for the next meeting. I thought the organisers were being unneccessarily cautious till I went out to go to work and discovered how slippy the roads were! The afternoon postie confirmed how bad the road was between us and the nearest village so I think it was probably right if a bit of a disappointment to cancel the meeting.

Enough waffle! At Totally Gorjuss this week our challenge is "Child's Christmas." And of course it doesn't have to be a card, it could be a present. Hope you can join us as we have two sponsors this week, Bugaboo and The Ribbon Girl so you have two chances to win.

Here's what I made quickly - since I didn't have a lot of time. As usual!

I used :-
Image and sentiment :- LOTV.
Colouring :- Promarkers.
Snowflake - Martha Stewart.
Pearl :- Hobby House.
Glamour Dust and Ribbon.

Thanks for looking and hope to see you over on the challenge blog.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Kat xx

Friday, 22 November 2013

One more sleep.............!

No not for me, I'm past being excited about my birthday lol. It's Poppy's birthday tomorrow and she's very excited about it! She'll be 6. Seems like five minutes since we waited days for her to finally appear about 12 days late. Seems to be a habit with Catriona's children. Oliver's birthday was on the 9th and he was 12 days late too!

Since Poppy is a very girly little girl and does ballet and likes dolls (unlike her Mum) I thought this sweet LOTV image was perfect for her card. I finished off with some ribbon, punched butterflies, pearls and lots of Glamour Dust. Nearly forgot the sentiment's from Stampin' Up!.

Hope she likes it.  Hope you like it too!

I sent her a pink, fluffy leapord print (?) onesie from M&S. Think I'll be popular with her. Oliver certainly loved his dog onesie. He had it on as soon as it arrived lol!

I'd best go and schedule my DT post for tomorrow while my broadband is working. But that's another story!

Thanks for looking and I hope you can find time to tell me what you think.

Kat xx

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Oliver's Four Now

I think I forgot to show you Oliver's birthday card. He was four on Saturday and just to make his day his doggie was two. Guess that makes them twins lol! Oliver had a very busy weekend. he had a birthday party on Saturday morning, one on Saturday afternoon and his own on Sunday afternoon. I think he was a very tired wee boy, full of birthday cake on Sunday night. I got a pic of him on Monday wearing his new dog onesie that he got for his birthday from popular Gran (moi) and Grampa. He loves it and put it on as soon as he got it!

But I digress, here's his birthday card.

I used :-
Image, sentiment and DP :- LOTV. (Image is one of their toppers.)
Card Candy :- Craftwork Cards.
Bakers' Twine :- Ribbon Girl.

Oliver loves his doggie and he also loves his bike so I thought he'd like this image. He always talks about their young dog as "his Brodie." 

I've still no idea what the challenges are just now, maybe I'll get a few minutes to look around tomorrow. I'm hoping to also show you another card tomorrow that I made for a lovely couple who celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary last week. I also have some cards I made for a colleague and some Christmas cards. I may not have been around online but I haven't been completely idle!

In the meantime thanks to everyone who visits me and takes time to leave me a lovely comment.

Kat xx

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Totally Gorjuss 208 - Anything Goes Plus Snow.

Good morning everyone and time for another challenge at Totally Gorjuss. This week we'd like to see "Anything goes plus snow." This suits me perfectly as I'm really trying to get on with my Christmas cards just now. This week we're sponsored by Craft All Day so don't forget to give them a visit.

This week I have another simple card using a gorgeous LOTV image.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Totally Gorjuss 206 - String.

Good morning everyone. I'll have to make this brief as I'm still having connection problems. I'm going to have to phone about this again. Seems such a waste of time after the last time. I've spent ages trying to write this on Friday morning and at last I seem to have found a spot where I can do it. I could get on my blog but when I tried to get to the page where you write a new post it wouldn't load so fingers crossed it's going to work this time. I'm not optimistic about adding a photo though as that seems to be the worst thing to do!!

At Totally Gorjuss this week our theme is "string." Easy isn't it? Even I can manage that! We're sponsored by Heather's Hobbie Haven this week so I hope you can join us.

I used:-
Image and sentiment :- LOTV.
Colouring :- Promarkers.
Bakers' Twine :- Ribbon Girl.
Snowflake :- Martha Stewart punch.
Gems :- Hobby House.
Card Candy :- Craftwork Cards.
Glamour Dust.

Well I'm going to quit while I'm ahead here since I've been faffing about for about an hour and a half trying to write this and my post on the DT blog. I even have a photo on my phone in case I needed to write the posts with my iPad!

I'll be around to see what everyone's up to after work this afternoon.

Thanks for looking and I really appreciate it when you have time to leave me a comment.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Totally Gorjuss 205 - Things with Wings.

Good morning everyone. Hopefully I'll be on time with my post this week! I'm scheduling it while I'm at my daughter's house where I have a good enough signal to actually get online!

Our theme at Totally Gorjuss this week is "Things with Wings."

Here's what I made.

I used :--
Image and sentiment :- LOTV.
Colouring :- Promarkers.
I added a little glitter to the halos and stars with a Sakura clear glitter gel pen.

Nice and CAS, just the way I like my cards just now. Might make more like this.

Thanks for looking. Catch up with you all this afternoon after work. I hope!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Totally Gorjuss 204 - Anything Goes plus Stars.

Hello there. I'm a bit late with my post for Totally Gorjuss. I don't think I've ever been as late as this but my broadband has been a complete nightmare.  In the last few weeks it has gone from being really bad to completely impossible. Most evenings I've been unable to get online and even in the morning I can't get online either. Since I was working full time for the last two weeks I haven't seen much online at all. Luckily I can use my iPad at lunchtime at work as the 3G signal is better there than it is at home so at least I've been able to keep up with my DT commenting. Unfortunately I haven't seen much at all of my favourite blogs and I'm sure anyone who visits me must think I've given up blogging!

I'm at my daughter's for 4 days to do the school run with Poppy and pick up Oliver from nursery so now I can get online. I have tried my broadband helpline but after 30 mins and not getting through, 45 minutes another day and being told to run 3 speed tests over 24 hours and get back to them and to crown it all nearly an hour the next day and getting someone who obviously didn't know anything!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure you can imagine how I reacted when he said "everything looks fine from here."

But enough of my woes, here's the card I should have blogged on Saturday.

I used:-
Image:- Oh dear!!! I've forgotten, I can picture the packaging so maybe I'll go and have a look at some online shops to see if I can find it. Phew I was right when I thought it was from Woodware, I just didn't want to say it was and then find I'd got it wrong lol!
Just stamped very simply with SU markers and some sparkle added to the stars.

I'm going to quit while I'm ahead here and get back to my crochet. I must show you what I've been making. Probably tomorrow! 

I'm off to check my camera to make sure I've got a photo of next weeks Totally Gorjuss card so I can schedule next Saturday's post while I'm here with decent Internet access.

Thanks for looking. I hope somebody visits me in spite of me being such a bad blogger recently.

Kat xx