Sunday, June 28, 2009

Oh Grayson

So I've thought many times in the past month "Oh Grayson. I have GOT to put that on the blog!" And yet, here I am, only remembering a few of them. So I will share what I have and hopefully refine my blogging skills soon.

Grayson cracked us up today when we were walking into church and David asked him what he was going to do while he was there. Grayson replied, "I play with toooysss, eat Goldfishhhh, and learn about Jesusss." Hahahaha! David and I joked that they should serve Goldfish to the adults too.

I forgot to post this on my last post, but Grayson has the habit of repeating words sometimes. I guess that is common for kids, don't know. He seems to only do it when he is really trying to drive a point home. For several months he would walk up to me and say "Hi Mommy Mommy!" It made me laugh every time which is probably why he kept doing it. And the other day, I got the triple threat..."What we do next Mommy Mommy Mommy?" Woah.

Yesterday was Maya's 4th birthday and all day long Grayson was singing "Happy Dirtday to Maya Pants".

Last weekend David was out of town so Grayson and I spent time out in Arlington. Pappy took us out on the boat and Grayson really wanted to tube. I had a few reservations about letting a 2 1/2 year old tube, but here we are...


McHenderson said...

Love that he can barely see over the tube. I remember tubing as a kid...sooooo much fun Mommy Mommy!

Susan McCool said...

One time Eric (then a preschooler) came home from church and said, "Sunday school was really good today." So I was impressed with his spiritual nature and asked what they had studied that was so interesting, and he said, "I dunno. But they had bananas."