Selfies. Hmm.
For blogging, I have been taking them since.. 2006? setting up my digital camera (Kodak, with a 1" screen) by propping it on something til I could see myself (or, the area where I would be sitting once I set the timer and ran over there). Then try, try, try to get a decent shot.
I loved doing this. The activity of taking pictures of myself quilting was part of the hobby itself. 
Then there were the pics that look more like today's selfies.
Close ups, arm's length, looking at the camera (or not)
Still done with a digital camera (then Nikon?) and my little gorilla pod tripod.
(omg, I look like my mom in this one)
Mirrors were good tools too.
Then I got a smart phone and the whole world changed. it was 2011 I think?
And with that, and the forward facing camera, you could SEE yourself.
And the selfie became a MIRROR reflection of what you actually looked like in that moment.
I was pondering this the other day, after our trip to the zoo.
Why do the kids fight me when I want to take their pictures, but eagerly jump into selfies with me?
Because they can see themselves. ♡♡
I like seeing myself, I like documenting things. Paper, fabric, photos. These make life more real to me. I like seeing time. And I think this is a topic I want to explore more. Calendars, planners, letter writing, travel quilts. It all helps me remember. Allows me to go back, to place myself in time.
If you find that you do this too-- record yourself- words or images, how do you do it? What are your tools? How long have you been documenting life? And what does it mean to you? If you want to make an evolution of Selfies post, please do so! I'd love to see which moments, which glimpses of yourselves you choose to capture.