Showing posts with label LIMQG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LIMQG. Show all posts

Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday Afternoon Star Count 2014/44

I had a great week full of so many wonderful quilters and their stories.  Lots of EPP too, which is good because I hardly did any myself this week.

On Tuesday I was at the Long Island Modern Guild for a lecture on Becoming a Modern Quilter.  It was great, I just took every quilt in my house that I could fit in the car and then talked about them.  It was so fun to share and remember all the little steps along my quilting journey.  Afterwords, everyone oogled these Lucy Boston blocks by one of the guild members.  (someone comment with her name so I can give credit!!)

 This fussy cutting is intense!!

And then on Saturday we had our second meeting of the Saturday Stitches at Rockville Centre Library.  Well attended (10 quilters!), we had a sort of basting party for Helen's hexie quilt. 

Lots and lots of other EPP was going on too-- Maureen made more stars:

Eri was appliqueing pentagons to background fabrics:
Stephanie is my newest addict:

And Christa and Carol finally sat together to sew (we've been waiting for this all semester):

If you're in the area (or can get there by train) we'd love to see you next time, Dec. 6th, 10am-12.

Maybe next time I'll get to EPP too..

Free Zoom Quilt Class, October 20.

    Free Live Online Craft Class Learn to quilt with Jessica Wed., Sept. 9 Tues., Oct., 20, Nov. 9 7:00 – 8:00 pm Sign up now.   Take one or...