Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Where do i start

Hi everyone been absent for so long didn't think I would remember my blog name lolWell Ill just say I'm hooked on Facebook and Instagram boy I'm on there forever.So many thinks have changed lost to many family members that somedays I feel all alone I'm thankful I still have my mom and my wonderful husband and my beautiful kids.I did gain a granddaughter who is almost 3 and keeps me on my toes she is such a blessing she brings so much joy in my life.Im still doing my crafts card making is still my favorite but have tried other things also.My studio is bursting with so many goodies to play with.Well I guess ill end for now if you read this leave me a comment and say hi and remember do something creative everyday its good for the soul

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Wow its been forever since I visited my blog I think FB and youtube has me hooked.LOL well there has been lots of things going on but not ready to share yet.I hope to maybe blog more because somedays I just want to write whats going on in my mind and don't have to worry that someone will say oh crap forget the drama and just walk away.But I do have to say my cat Mo is coming around she will let me pick her up and give her kisses and Charlie my yellow lab well she will be 3 in June and still a handful and big 97.3 pounds of love.I lost my Milo who I miss everyday its funny how a dog enters your world and you love them to the end.But he isn't suffering anymore so im ok because I know all dogs go to heaven .Im still crafting tried sewing but not great but do have to say I picked up a hook and yarn and became a hooker but im only good at scarfs and blankets lol but oh well im going to warm the world .Well if you happen to come by I say thank you leave me a comment and say hi if not well always remember do something creative everyday its good for the soul

Monday, November 4, 2013

Happy Monday boy am I behind I almost forgot to share my card I did for the challenge over at this weeks theme is lets give thanks so I colored up this cute bear and I love it gonna be using this one for some fall or thanksgiving cards Well everyone thanks for visisting and remember do something creative everyday its good for the soul

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Punches or Dies

Happy Thursday everyone I'm back to share another card I did for the challenge over at and this week is all about Punches or Dies  so I went with punches which is a Martha Stewart punch and I colored up this lil guy I don't do a lot of boy images because I love adding lace flowers bling and with boy cards its a little hard to do .lol So this is what I came up with I'm getting in the xmas mood I know we haven't even got to Halloween I blame it on the stores  I want to put the xmas stuff out and hubby says slow your roll down lol so I guess this card will have to do so thanks for visiting and remember do something creative everyday its good for the soul

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Anything Goes

Happy Saturday everyone had to pop in real quick to share another card I did for the Challenge over at and this week is Anything goes so I colored up one of my images I won and I think she is so cute its kinda on the plain side because I just had to do something for this weeks challenge Ive had this awful cough and cold no voice (think hubby's happy about that) lol And I didn't want to miss out I wanted to add more pumpkins to the fence but out of all the stamps I have I couldn't find a pumpkin stamp all by its self lol so ill be using this as one of my thanksgiving cards  .So thanks for stopping by and remember do something creative everyday its good for the soul

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

School Days

Happy Tuesday everyone well im back to share another card gosh the week went by so fast that its that time again for the new Challenge over at and this week its School Days well to be honest I don't have any school related supplies no fun paper or embellies or ruler ribbon ( regret not buying it when I seen it) lol.So I dug through my stash of sassy images and I found thsi one with a girl and a back pack.And I thought this will work hope so because I think it came out pretty cute simple but So hope you enjoy it and thanks for stopping by and remember Do something creative everyday its good for the soul

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Spots and Dots

Oh  what a happy day it is today you ask why? Well maybe you didn't but ill share anyways lol I won and I'm so happy yes the challenge over at picked my card for the last challenge you can see it in the post before this one.So with that being said (did I tell you I was happy) lol This weeks theme its all about the Spots and Dots I had so much fun coloring my image and I'm  loving playing in these challenges this is the only one I join because I just love her images and even though I love to color my mind has been off track lol so anymore then sassy cheryls challenge id go so thanks for stopping by and remember do something creative everyday its good for the soul