Sunday, January 31, 2010
Sunday Snippet
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Another Snowy Saturday
As I was unloading my van afterwards Charlie was sitting in the front seat waiting for a car-ride. Unable to coax him out I left him there. I have to admit that I forgot about him and remembered him about an hour later. He was still sitting in the front seat waiting and hoping for that ride...How could I say no to this face?
It was a nice drive. Charlie was right, we needed a little jaunt around the snowy country side.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Weekend in Picture Review
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Tanner's Eye-Opening Visit
Tanner was also a bit of a celebrity today at "The Life-Centre" where there were "visiting vets" who for some reason were anxious to see Tanner's eye--I don't know if it's because this procedure is (maybe?) not done that often, or because it isn't always successful when it is. But I felt like I was in class as the Ophthalmologist detailed his history to everyone. Each of them got to do a little eye exam and his picture was taken as well. Everyone commented on what a handsome and nice dog he is--Afterwards he signed autographs in the lobby and was the envy of the other patients --Of course I was so proud!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
The Game of Fate
Having said that, it of course goes without saying that I feel a responsibility to find homes for our two foster boys, Maguire, and Hamlet. Some of you may recall Hamlet's story. Pictured in this paragraph, he is about 12-13 years old, and was left behind in the garage of a
Which brings me to Maguire...For some reason, he has been a bit more complicated
After the vet visit, Maguire and I drove to Wendy's and shared a cheeseburger and fries (I didn't share the Diet Coke!) and as I looked into Maguire's sweet-brown eyes, I told him what you and he have probably known all along, and that's that he would be staying with us. Fate has dealt me enough cards! I know that there are some that say I am "not playing with a full deck" and while I don't know if this is true or not, what I do know without a doubt, is that I am holding a full-house!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
My Neck of the Woods
Lovettsville is not a big town...It's about 2 hours from Washington DC and almost an hour from Dulles Airport--I've no idea how many miles that is. In Northern Virginia everyone measures the distance to everything by how long it takes to get there in traffic. I don't know why, we just do. We're also very close to the Maryland border--This is the Potomac River this morning.
We live just out of town on Mountain Road.
Mountain Road does have an old stone Methodist church that was built in the late 1800's. They always have the most interesting "thoughts" on their sign....One in the fall said "Fall Leaves, but Jesus Never Will." The one they have now (below) is a bit more direct.
This is our part of Mountain Road--You can barely see our driveway entrance on the left by the phone pole.
Below is the front and back of our house. We have two large fenced areas for the dogs, but we still take them for walks every day. We have a small two story barn too. I don't go in there much because it's the home to a couple of mice. I wanted them evicted and even bought the needed "items" to get rid of them, but Carl (husband) insisted that they be able to remain. We all know that they either invite their friends or make new ones, so when that happens, I will be able to gloat and say "I told you so."
Below is the view today from our front porch. We have a very laid back life that has given us the space we needed and the privacy I was craving. I love living in the country away from the rush of traffic and crowds of people. We feel very fortunate to live where we do...Life is good...Thanks for stopping by!!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
A Cat-Food Intervention
I do want to thank those of you who left comments about Maguire; they really were a big help and helped me to see in my heart what is best for both of us. I do think I know what I'll do...However, out of some sense of fairness, and my commitment as a foster home, I feel like I need to see this whole thing through with the couple that are interested in him. If Maguire responds to them, and there is a real connection, I will consider letting him go....Stay tuned...
I did ha
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
A Dog-Dilemma
Of course because of the size its removal required extensive and reconstructive surgery of his neck. When it was all done, Maguire had staples from ear to ear and I'm not kidding, it looked like a zipper! After several months of recovery, he was as good as new!
Maguire was posted on the rescues website to try and find a new forever home for him. He's a gentle
It goes without saying that I think Maguire is wonderful and Carl and I both adore him! But I've not had many calls about him--Actually, we've had only 2-3 in the last 9 months that he's been available for adoption. Right now there is a couple in Washington DC that has applied for approval for adoption from the rescue, because they are specifically interested in Maguire. Of course I know they may not be a fit for him, but it does bring up a dilemma and all of my emotions...
Right now we are approaching a year that he's been with us. I've been on the fence for a few months about just adopting him and making him a permanent member of our fam
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Cold, Cold, and more Cold!!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Glad It's Friday
The dogs had a quiet week too. I think they were glad that we went back to work--Ho
I did take Tanner to the ophthalmologist for his last post-op appointment. There was NO change in his eye pressure and he is now off ALL his glaucoma medications!! Of course we're thrilled!! Because the condition (uveitis) which triggered the glaucoma is chronic, he'll always have to be on eye medications to prevent it from happening to the "good eye." But being down to 3 medications instead of 6, and only having to spend about $35 instead of