Thursday, September 27, 2007

Random Fact #6: Hold The Meat

©Kathleen Rietz
I've never been a fan of meat, hated milk even as a child, and am very happy with what Leon referred to today as my "Jesus Diet". It is the same diet my mom referred to as "Sticks & Stones". Ha ha, you people are all so very funny. Sure, I crave a plate of technicolor sushi creations from Daruma in Schaumburg, IL, at times. And Ashby's Sterling Ice Cream in Arlington Heights, IL, is the best REAL ice cream in the world. But on a daily basis, a normal dinner for me consists of what you see in the picture above: barley, steamed edamame, a splash of soy sauce and a tomato wedge. For lunch I may get on a kick where I make black bean tacos on soft corn tortillas with a sprinkle of cheddar cheese and fresh salsa. Breakfast is almost always a piece of fruit, oatmeal sprinkled with some dried fruit, coconut, nuts or seeds, and, of course, a cup or 2 of tea! Apple slices smeared with natural peanut butter and a cup of tea are a favorite snack at work this week. I fill my weekly shopping cart with fresh fruits & veggies, whole grain breads and legume pastas, beans, seeds, nuts and dried fruit. The dog rarely ever fights to lick my plate.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Random Fact #5: I Am A Lifelong Artist

©Kathleen Rietz
My first attempt at collage. (year unknown)
© Kathleen Rietz
For Daddy. 1973 (age 5)
It wasn't easy deciding what to post for this Random Fact #5. But I decided to post drawings of my dad. You can see more childhood drawings by clicking the heading "Artwork From My Childhood" to the right of this blog.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Illustration Friday "Wedding"

© Kathleen Rietz
These little guys started out as characters I was developing for a client, but it never went anywhere.
You can find the boy bee, "Barney Bee", on baby clothes at my cafepress shop.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Random Fact #4: I Love Tea

© Kathleen Rietz
I'm quite content when I find myself absorbed in a cup of tea. It offers just enough caffiene for a little pick-me-up, but not so much that I get the jitters and crash later like I may with a cup of coffee. Tea contains chemicals which naturally neutralize odors in the mouth, unlike coffee. I collect teas like some people collect books or music or coins. For me, it is the perfect gift to recieve because chances are, I will invite you to have a cup with me! I can spend hours in a tea shop smelling and sampling teas and walk away completely happy with the experience. Three of my favorites are Japanese Sencha, Jasmine and (in the evening) Mint.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Random Fact #3: I'm Green

My philosophy is that when you stay as a guest in someone's home, you clean up after yourself and try to leave their place as it was (or better than it was) before you arrived. I also feel that way about the world we live in. I recycle, reuse, repair....and I bring my own shopping bags to the store whenever I can. This reusable canvas shopping bag is available at my cafepress store, and features artwork I created for this week's Illustration Friday theme "Momentum".

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Illustration Friday "Momentum" #2

©Kathleen Rietz
I thought I'd post another design piece for "Momentum". I guess I like to post abstract pieces for this theme because momentum is truly an abstract concept, and the word conjures up such images in my mind. This painting represents the momentum I feel in September, as summer slips into autumn.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Lazy Afternoon

©Kathleen Rietz

Illustration Friday "Momentum"

©Kathleen Rietz
When I hear the word "momentum", I think of it as referring to the pace of one's heart or one's life. I thought I would post some of my design work, which always begins with an illustration of mine. I rarely ever post my designs on my blog, but I enjoy creating pattern and design equally as much as I enjoy creating a new illustration. So, I hope you enjoy something different from me this week.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

September Shower

©Kathleen Rietz

I think September is the most beautiful month of the year.

©Kathleen Rietz

These photos are dedicated to my mom, Carol, who would have been 72 this month.

©Kathleen Rietz

As I get on with my life, I wish she was here to celebrate all of my happinesses with me. I know she would be proud of the woman I am today, her daughter.
I miss you, Mom.

Win a Book!

The FIRST person to post a comment on THIS post gets a *signed* copy of this book I illustrated!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Random Fact #2: I Am Exploring Other Talents

Art is not the only thing that interests me. I have always been interested in healthcare and lifestyle modification from a holistic approach. I recently took a part time job working as a chiropractic assistant. I work with a fantastic group of people; it is both exhilerating and exhausting. I do not have a photo of me in my scrubs, so I am posting this illustration I drew a few years ago for a book about fitness and weight loss.
copyright protected

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I'm Excited!

I just ordered copies of this book I illustrated, which will be for sale at the SCBWI children's book illustrators gallery show next month in Chesterton, IN. Read more about this show in the post immediately below! I'm getting tingley!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Come Meet Me!

Come meet me at the Chesterton Arts Center in Chesterton, IN, as I and other members of the SCBWI-IL display our children's book illustrations at a show which will run the entire month of October. The opening celebration is Sunday, October 7th from 1-4pm. A diverse group of talented children's artists will be there to meet, demo and lecture, and it is a wonderful opportunity to see amazing art and purchase children's books. I hope to have copies of the book I illustrated "My New Pet" there if I am able to nab a few from the publisher in time for the show. There is also a silent auction featuring an illustrated alphabet, where my illustrated "M" will be available for bidding.

©Kathleen Rietz
One of the nicest surprises, which I did not expect at all, is that the SCBWI-IL is featuring my illustration "Symphony In The Pond" on the show's promotional materials!
I hope to see you there!

Illustration Friday - "Alphabets"

© Kathleen Rietz