Showing posts with label winners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winners. Show all posts

Friday, November 4, 2011

Grand Finale giveaway winners!

Many thanks to everyone who has been participating in my month-long run of giveaways! I know it's been a bit quiet outside of giveaway posts lately. Here in CT, we got socked with an early freak Nor'easter last Saturday, and I've been without power at home since Saturday afternoon. It's been very cold and frustrating! Thankfully, my folks live right near the library and have been generous with their showers and coffee in the mornings! Hoping to get power back soon (maybe tonight??), but in the meantime, obviously there hasn't been any sewing going on and it's making me crazy! So bear with me--there will be actual content soon, with a little luck (and power!).

And without further ado... Here are your winners for the final giveaways!

For the assorted red and green scraps, the winner is:

erin, who said...

With Christmas quickly approaching, I'd choose the holidays fabric- thanks for the chance :)

For the Quilting Line + Color book, the winner is:

Holly, who said...

Great give away Meg! I would pick the book Quilting Line + Color. I love the look of the cover and I have never managed to get my hands on a copy to look through. Hope life is returning to normal for you!

The two winners of the copies of Block Party are:

robin, who said...

Nice giveaway! I'd choose Block Party. :)


Megan, who said...

If you made me pick, I'd have to choose the Modern Block Party book - I looked through it at the bookstore awhile back, and I mentally flagged a good number of those blocks.

And finally, the Heather Ross fat quarters, which were the most popular of the prizes, go to:

Jo, who said...

Oh boy, decisions, decisions, Ok then, all are wonderful prizes but I would really like to win the Heather Ross fabric as I have never actually owned any of it. I have drooled over it often but I have yet to have the extra cash to spend on it. Thank you for holding the giveaways for all of us.

Many thanks to everyone who has participated over the weeks, and congratulations to all of the winners!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Week 4 Giveaway Winner!

Wow! 62 entries? That's crazy-talk! It might be a drop in the bucket for bigger bloggers, but for little old me? That's huge! There is some serious Hunky-Dory love out there.

And your lists! Some of them make me feel like I've dug myself a hole I can never work out of, and some of you made me feel like we'll all be pulling some late nights together between now and the holidays.

Before I get to the winner, I'd like to take a second and say thanks for your patience this week. It's been one of "those" weeks, you know, the ones where you can't even win for losing? But I've finally gotten a decent night's sleep, and am hoping to get back in gear shortly. Which means (fingers crossed!) that the grand prize giveaway post should go up this weekend, and then I'll leave it up until next Friday so everyone can decide what they'd like their entries to be drawn for! (Is that grammar terrible or what? Perhaps a bit more sleep is in order...)

Ok, enough suspense. The Random Number Generator has done its little dance, and the winner is...

Anonymous said...

Making blankies for the local shelter from fleece scraps. The puppies and kitties are crying, so I'm working as fast as I can lol.

Anonymous, I am emailing you for your address now! Congratulations!

Remember to stop back this weekend to see what I have in store for the grand prizes--there are some serious goodies to be had!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Week 3 winners!!

Here we go! Our winners this week are...

For the Hoopla charm pack:

Kellye Quilts said...

I'd go with Hoopla and make a few tote bags. Yum!

For the Just Wing It charm pack:

Heather A said...

I would love to make a child's quilt with "Just Wing It". I've seen some others done with this fabric line and they all really stick with me the way the fabrics works together.

For the Origins charm pack (which was the clear favorite among y'all!):

Solstitches said...

I like Origins and it would have to be a bag. I love to make bags.

And finally, for the Snippets charm pack, our winner is:

Barb said...

Oh, great give-away. I'd love to win the snippets charm pack!

(Who says the first entry never wins?!)

Congrats to all of this week's winners--I'll be emailing you all shortly.

Monday will bring a new week's giveaway (our last!) AND the unveiling of all of the goodies I've got lined up for the grand prize giveaway. See you then!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Week 2 Giveaway Winner!

And the RNG picked comment #6!

Congrats to Mimi, winner of 2 Fairy Tale Friends charm packs, who said:

I'm working on a really cute dog applique quilt for my niece. Thanks for the chance!!

You are most welcome, Mimi--now go and check your inbox for an email from me!

I have some sweet things to share with everyone next week, including a sneak peak at the final giveaway prizes, so see you all on Monday! Happy weekend!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Week 1 October Giveaway Winner!

Many thanks to everyone who entered this week--if possible, I have an even broader appreciation of the season now! (Even if I have also managed to catch a freaking cold in time for both my birthday and a three-day weekend. *sigh* Murphy and his laws.)

In any case! I compiled the list of everyone who was NOT a no-reply blogger and let the RNG do its dance. The winner of the Tula Pink fat quarters is:

quilary! Who said...

We're heading into Spring in Australia, but what I like about autumn is that it's getting cool enough to have hot chocolate and cinnamon toast in the afternoon when I come in from work!

Congrats! I've sent you an email to get your mailing details!

C'mon back on Monday, when I'll have a whole new prize up for grabs. And it is so good, even if I do say so myself! See you then!