But I HAVE been busy! HONEST!
Don't believe me?
Well, a mid-week snow-day (it is currently blizzarding here in CT) helped my productivity. Though I must say that had I not had to be at the vet's at 8am to pick up the kitty (who had his teefs cleaned yesterday), I might have just spent the day in bed. So thanks, little Timmy. :)
The thing that has been taking the bulk of my time the last few weeks was putting together this:

Made with Bonnie & Camille's Simple Abundance line, which I LOVE beyond belief. Oh, and my design wall's finally up. Heh. This has gone through a couple of re-sortings and now is sewn together and waiting for me to figure out what I'm doing with the borders. Yeah. I'll keep you posted. The interesting part of this is that regardless of the amount of pink and flowers in this, the madman has fallen in love with it and is dubbing it "his" quilt. Yeah right, pal. Get in line. This is the first quilt I have ever made with the intention of keeping it for ME. Dammit...
Ok, have put together a couple more of the free-form blocks that are my slow WIP:

I do apologize that the photos all have wonky lighting in this post. I typically wind up with either a gray day (like today) when I'm off, or I'm taking photos at night after work. Oh well. In any case, I'm liking these blocks and hope to get 12 more together for a baby quilt top. Someday.
I did take the opportunity today to catch up with my February bee blocks. For Bec in my Beehive group, a pinwheel and some little bitty 9-patches...

BTW, that stripey fabric is actually orange. It's just photographing oddly brownish today. Weird. /sigh
Also, a couple of free-form log cabin blocks for Ebony in my Coast to Coast Block Party bee.

I'm really loving the color combo, which is totally not my speed. I'm debating a quilt with this combo in my own future, though I would have to find an appropriate recipient, I think. It would not be one I think I'd keep and use.
I was really glad for the day off today. Have I maybe mentioned that? Work has been brutally stressful, and life keeps hitting weird bumps--last week, I had a 3-day allergic reaction to ...something. No idea what. Took until the end of the 2nd day of prednisone to get it to calm down--hives are not fun. The madman cut his hand at work on Saturday, badly enough that they sent him home for the day. And work. Well. It's budget season under a new administration in the town I work for. And it just is not pretty. So it was rather nice to have a day to sit home, watch the snow fall out my sewing-room window, and play with fabric.
It's the little things that make the rest bearable.