A couple post ago I talked about where we get our inspirations. I showed a picture on the Russian Onion Domes (really that's what they call them, I checked).
Well those things really got me thinking and I became obsessed, hum imagine that, me obsessed with a bead. Well the next day in the studio I was determined to make it work. Some were easy, some not so much. But it really did push me and now I have a whole new area to explore. I present my Russian Onion Domes. See the one over on the left..that one is a booger to make. You would have to understand glass to see why but stringer work is hard enough without having to lay it down in a complicated pattern. I am getting better so just wait.
So then I thought how cool to make them into a pendant so here is the pendant (I will have this one up on Etsy tonight.)
I have a feeling you will see a lot more of these in the next couple of weeks.
Oh and thanks a lot Erin for encouraging me. Now see what you started!
Many times people ask me where I come up with bead ideas or jewelry designs. I have heard so many people say they have lost their Muses and fight to come up with fresh and new ideas.
My best advice is to look around. I look to nature, art, buildings and history.
My very best advice is to keep a inspiration journal. Get a fun blank book and fill it with sketches, pictures and ideas that pop into your head. Make sure you write it down! I don't know how many ideas I have had that I have forgotten. Look though magazines and clip out pictures use a glue stick and paste them in your book
See if you can use these images as a jumping off point for a new design.
The hydrangeas in the top photo have been on my mind for a while. I love the colors and HAVE to think of a way to interpret that into my work.
Oh and aren't these pods to die for. Yummy.
The shapes in the onion domes of Russia are very similar to the shape of my Pods. Look at the way they are decorated. I could totally do it in glass and can't wait to try.
So what are the ways that you use to keep you excited about your art?
How do you find inspiration?
Do you sometimes make a piece that you want to make over and over again, changing it just a little each time cause you love the colors and feel of it. I love jewelry design when you find something you can play with and change, add and take away, and each time it's different.
Well we all know that's how I feel about my Pods and Podlettes (new name cause a friend is using Podlets).
I post that I wasn't that excited about silver glass a couple of months ago. Well, changed my mind. This stuff is so cool when you figure it out. I try and use it in different ways so it doesn't look like all the other silver glass beads out there. Put my spin on it. I just don't think I want to ever give up this bead. I think it is here to stay.
Just loaded up my Etsy store with tons of stuff. Go have a peek.
I know right...two posts in one day. Who would have thunk.
I just got done photographing these copper green podlets.
Aren't they super cute. It is a beautiful day to take photos. Lots of sun and I spent the morning taking pictures of tons of beads. They will be up on my Etsy site tomorrow, cause I have to work until 9:00. Long day but lots of fun.
Hope everyone has a great day!
I am not a fluffy, ribbon and bows kind of gal. Not that there is anything wrong with it, its just not how I roll.
But I do have a soft spot for people who Believe. People who put themselves out there and give from the bottom of their toes. I strive to be that person, both in my dealings with others and my art.
You really do have to believe that what you are doing, making, thinking do matter and someone will see it and recognize it.
So I thought I would start a little blog and had belief that someone would read it and connect, and if I put myself out there it would reach others.
So Believe that what you do does matter, and others will notice it. Take the risk, push your envelope.
Thanks Lori for your support, your talent, your advice, your Belief.
Heather over at Humblebeads Blog has been blogging about the photo site Picnik. It is a site that adjust your pictures and does some really cool stuff. I have been using it for a couple years but never used the Create section so I thought I would try it out. It's very cool and you can use it for free (you can only load 5 pictures at a time). It is inexpensive if you want to load as many pictures possible.
I used to just load 5 pictures at a time but now I think I am going to bite the bullet and sign up for a year.
You should check it out.
I have been super bad, in fact terrible in my posting of my wonderful bead soup that I received from my partner, Kristen Latimer.
I got my bead soup right away and it's beautiful.
I really like the colors, different shapes and types of beads. I already have big plans! Stay tuned.
I had someone on LE (a glass beadmakers forum) come up with the name podlets for these cute buggers. I made a bunch of them and sent some to the lovely Lori Anderson for her monthly Cup Of Bead Soup.
I had a blast picking out some super cool beads to go with all the glass beads I sent her. I love an eclectic mix of beads. No simple stuff for me. It's great to have a mix of complimentary colors, metals, pressed glass, wood, bone and lampwork.
I like the movement and texture of a piece that contains all those elements.
What turns you on when it comes to designing a piece? The colors, the glass, the metal?
I could use a couple hours of taking pictures of new work, load it onto my Etsy, work on my Bead Soup project, start writing class info for my Bead and Button class, and then take care of my family. Dang work gets in the way.
I hope to make some new work and have some cool ideas but really need to clear my plate first. I do love having a pile of beads to play with. It is quite relaxing and gets those creative juices going. My favorite time to bead...Sat afternoon with a scary movie on TV. Heaven.
When is your favorite time to bead?
This was so much fun and I can't wait to have another give away soon.
The winners are:
Bracelet-For my Sweet Daughter
Earrings-Daniela Ellenberger
Thanks to all who left comments and played along. It really did make the snow storm much easier to get though!
I love these. They really pushed me to figure out how to rework my design. I have thumbs therefore I am smarter than the wire!
To build the earrings you use a heavy gauge wire and slip the coil over the wire. See the ending of the earrings, I added a little dangle, then I wanted a gradual build of smaller to larger and incorporate some different metals, but I didn't have metal findings that fit over the wire AND the coil.
So I put the findings over the heavy gauge wire, then I slipped the coil on. I did have large hole beads that fit over both the wire and the coil. I am a stickler for earring shapes. I like to add small findings on the end and gradually build up the shapes, instead of a putting something large, then small, then large again, then medium, too jerky, not fluid enough.
I am going to pick the winners of all three projects tomorrow night instead of tonight. My little family is going though a hard time right now. We are lucky that during tough times we stand strong and united so we can carry the burden and stress. I am so blessed that my husband, son and daughter are committed to each other and when one needs more support we pull together. We will be fine and will get though it.
Also I want to thank each and everyone of you who have followed this little Twisted game and left such lovely comments. It really means the world to me. You guys rock.
Make sure you read the update at the bottom of the post!
So I had to do this one since this was the project that Kerry used for my pendant in her book. I decided to change it up a little cause that's how I roll. It's very rare for me to do something exactly like what's in a book cause I want to add my spin on it. So I added some dangles to the loop and put it on a chain instead of the seed beads in the project. I do think I will do another one similar to the one in the book but I do like how this turned out.
I love my flat pods and really wanted to show them off.
So this is the next project that will be up for the give away!
Keep posting guys!
For me it is so important to share information, so I was very happy to see Kerry post some advice and I wanted to make sure that everyone saw it so here it is, right from the Authors mouth! Thanks Kerry!
A little tip about using the colored wire in this type of design... the color might rub off. When I used your large pendant as a focal, I didn't leave a lot of room for it to move, so if any color was removed, you wouldn't be able to see it. Here, there is room to wiggle, so you might see a little wear. I think that adds a bit of depth, personally. But thought I should let you know. If you are going to have anything rub against the wire, I would use sterling or copper... something not coated.
So I twisted the day away (in between shoveling and salting the driveway etc..)
This is fun BUT I did make a lot of mistakes and I love Kerry's suggestion to start with copper wire before moving on to the Sterling Silver wire.
First picture is of my mistakes, cause there is a learning curve.
Next is of the first project, the bracelet. I have been thinking about doing this style for a while to show one way to use my beads. It was fun, and gave me some ideas for other projects. So this will be one of the give-a-ways!
Also I have added a picture of how I ended the bracelet. I made a chain and used a lobster clasp.
This is a great way to end a bracelet.
The bracelet will fit a wide range of sizes. For shows it is great because you won't lose a sale because the bracelet is too small or too big. If you don't want a handmade chain simply crimp it to a 1/2 inch or less length of silver chain. Add a little wired bead on the end and presto you have a adjustable bracelet!
Another project is on its way. We have only 11 comments so your odds look pretty good!
So keep posting and the drawing will be on Sun. Feb. 6th at 5:00.
Tell your friends!
Well I am all snowed in so I thought I would have some fun on my blog and I would love for you to join me.
First the game:
I was so honored to contribute to Kerry Bogart's beautiful book. It turned out great and I couldn't wait to try out some fun projects...but I loaned out the book to excited students, and somewhere along the way it has been lost. I am so bummed cause it was signed by Kerry and was very special to me. BUT I was not going to let that stop me.
A winter storm was a perfect day for me to gather up the things I needed to have my Twisted Day! So before the storm got really bad I went to Hobby Lobby were the wire was 1/2 price AND bought a new Twisted book.
So I have my book, my tools, and my beads.

So here is the game. I will be making 3 different projects using my beads, taking pictures of them to post on my Etsy store so people can see some ideas, THEN for those of you that post a comment on my blog I will be pulling names and three of you will win the finished projects! Post on your blog, facebook and you will have your name added two more times! Make sure you let me know.
I will be posting progress on the projects and even taking suggestions! So stop by often and become a follower!
Here I go.