Sunday, January 29, 2012

Monday, January 23 Lizzie Kate stitching

Joyce's update
My progress of my ABCs of Aging Artfully:

Monday, January 23, 2012

Mon, Jan 16th stitching

I did get to stitch on Monday , but didn't get it pictured. Here is my progress on The ABCs of Aging Artfully. I am on my way to my chair to stitch on it now.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


... is just a setting on the washer.

I completely forgot to post here that I'd started this design a few weeks back & I've been enjoying adding some stitches most evenings.

This is where I'm currently at, to see earlier pictures you'll have to visit my blog (shameless plug there!)
Happy Stitching :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

2 Fat Men....

"Snowed In" & "Snow House"
stitched on 28ct khaki evenweave

I picked up all of 6 Fat Men after Christmas and couldn't
resist stitching the first two.  Aren't they jus the cutest??? 
I plan to finish them into little pillows and display
them in a basket to enjoy all winter.
Hopefully it won't take me too long to stitch the others!

Any one else stitching these?

Karen T.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Better late than never!

I managed to get this stitched towards the end of November, but then ran out of steam for the finishing!

Joyeaux Noel from Tiny Tidings XV
DMC on 32ct cream linen

Maybe I can have it finished for christmas this year!

Sadie x

Monday Lizzie Kate stitching

I am still stitching on Monday's on my ABCs of Aging Artfully. What are you other LK stitchers stitching.
Happy stitching in this new year
Joyce c f / TX