Sunday, 1 May 2016

All the Ems

May is here. Springtime and sunshine* - Hurrah!

May seems to be a good month for alliterative things to join in with. I've taken part - sometimes officially, sometimes unofficially with Me-Made-May for few years now and am joining in again this year.

Me-Made-May is an initiative of Zoe at So, Zo ... What do you know? to encourage people who make their clothes to wear them. You can read more about it on Zoe's blog, but here is my pledge:

I, Liz, sign up to participate in Me-Made-May '16. I will endeavour to wear an item of clothing or accessory I have made (other than socks) every day for the duration of May 2016.

I have excluded socks because I wear socks I've knitted nearly every day anyway.

Also happening this May and new this year is Mend it May, started by Jen of My Make Do and Mend Life. The aim of this is to inspire and encourage people to mend items - not limited to clothing - to extend their lifespan, avoid throwing out repairable stuff and other good reasons you can read about on Jen's blog. I have a list of clothing that needs mending, which will start me off, some if which has been procrastinated from for quite a while.

I may not blog about it all here, but am hoping to tweet/Instagram how I get on during the month using @lizmakesit for both. There is also a daily photo prompt for Mend it May, which I will try to join in on Instagram, although my track record for keeping up with daily photo prompts is terrible.

All this is dependent on the other M in my life. My ME is worse than it has been, so any commitment to activity is subject to the constraints that puts on me. However, I'm hoping that Me-Made and Mend it May will not be unmanageable. Let's see how it goes!

*I hope!