Sunday, 5 May 2013


Today, I thought I'd give the knitting equivalent of monogamy a go. Moknittingy? Monoprojectomy? Actually that last one sounds more like an operation! Anyway, I picked a project from my knitting basket with the intent of knitting that and only that until it was finished. I did quite well for a while until I got to the point where I needed to change needle size to a size I don't have.

So I put that aside until I can acquire the appropriate needles and picked up the next WIP from the basket. That also went well - until the natural light faded and I found it difficult to see the stitches under artificial light.

I'm going back to project hopping!

Friday, 3 May 2013

New in March ... no ... April ... Where is the year going to?

A quick reminder of the monthly challenge:

  • Read a new author, or just a book I’ve been meaning to for years
  • Try a new ingredient/food/recipe
  • Explore a new place
  • Something knittingly new

April’s achievements
  • A new author – A lovely friend gave me Heartburn by Nora Ephron for my birthday and I read it in April. Chicklit with a few recipes thrown in – perfect for relaxation.
  • My new food was buckwheat. I’ve used buckwheat flour and cooked buckwheat noodles before. This time I cooked the seeds and ate some hot with fish and then cold with salads for a couple of days. I think some even found their way to my husband’s stomach!
  • My new place was The Oxford Yarn Store. As soon as Bert and I found out about it, we knew we were destined to visit. We were accompanied by a non-knitting friend who seemed quite happy to stroke yarn even if she doesn't knit it! It is always exciting to find new yarn shops – and this one has a lovely cafĂ© that served gluten-free stuffed pancakes for a delicious lunch!
  • I didn’t really do anything knittingly new, unless a top knitted all as one piece (only sides and under arms to sew up) counts. I did make a start on my plan to sew myself some clothing though and cut out a pattern. I was then thwarted by the fabric not being big enough but I am not letting that put me off my sewing plans. I am thinking of it as babysteps and may get as far as the sewing machine soon. I may tweak that part of the challenge to be something craftily new *strokes beard thoughtfully*


Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Me-Made-May 2013

I made a deal with KraftyKat on twitter that if she signed up, I would. She has, so I am.

I, Liz, of lizmakesit sign up as a participant Me-Made-May '13. I will endeavour to wear at least one hand-made item each day for the duration of May 2013 and, as at this time all my hand-made clothing is knitted, to have sewn an item of clothing by the end of the month.

We are hoping that as I am going to be wearing knitwear for most of the month this will provide UK folk with a nice heatwave! I've certainly got blue sunny skies today, so perhaps it's working!