Wednesday, 29 February 2012

The state of the stash

At the beginning of the year, I followed the example of Dancing through the shadows and catalogued my yarn. Somehow seeing it all written down and added up in a spreadsheet made me realise I had a lot more than I thought I did when it was tucked away in baskets in various places. Or even when the baskets were all gathered together

The yarn stash at the end of November 2011

Even with the evidence of how much yarn I own in actual numbers, I still managed to increase my stash considerably during January - my excuses: nearly everything I bought was for specific projects; I was spending my Christmas money; they were having sale at the yarn shop. Then just before the end of the month I signed up for some stash busting.

So, 1 month later, how is the stash getting on?

The increase in January is quite obvious (51 balls of yarn) and has not yet been balanced out by stash busting, but I think I think a decrease of 22 balls over February is not to be sniffed at!

Monday, 20 February 2012

UFO/Stash Busting Project update

Well, it’s 3 weeks since I signed up for the UFO/Stash busting Project, so how have I been getting on.

The first project I started after signing up for the challenge was niecelet's birthday present. I had to go yarn shopping for this, but decided that as I’d already planned to by the yarn and I went shopping on the very day I signed up, I could just squeeze that in under the wire. I was using a pattern I already owned and planned to use a button from my button collection.

I did finish a UFO before I started it:

 The first hitch came when the shop I went to didn’t have the yarn I wanted. With less than a week to niecelet’s birthday, I didn’t want to have to wait and try somewhere else, so I decided to pick up a couple of alternatives to try out. The deal I made with myself was that whichever yarn didn’t get used would be given away, so it would not increase my stash.

So I came home and cast on with yarn 1. After knitting a few rows, I glanced at the ball band and saw it said the yarn wasn’t machine washable. My sister would not love me for giving niecelet something that wasn't machine washable. So I ripped it back and cast on with yarn 2 – which is machine washable. On later reflection I realised that I have previously bought yarn 1 and the label has said machine washable, so I’m not sure what has changed there! It probably means I could have got away with it, but by that time I was well established with yarn 2.

However, before I got to that well-established point, I knit a few rows then decided that for the pattern I was knitting (a dress), the knit was too loose. So changed my plans. After looking through various patterns with nothing jumping out saying ‘knit me’, I cast on and started knitting from my head. I ended up with this top,

which I am rather pleased with. Apart from the fact that stashbusting rules 1 and 2 ended up being completely broken as I didn’t use anything at all – no button or pattern or anything – from my stash and had bought new yarn. My only consolation, is that the UFO I finished had been totally from stash.

The next project I started without finishing a UFO first, as I cast it on at knit night – I also bought some yarn there, but it matched some in my stash which will contribute to the project, so I’m ok there. And once I was home from knit night, I didn’t pick it up again until I had finished a snood from the UFO collection.

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve not managed knitting much at all as I’ve been busy and/or tired a lot of the time and my knitting mojo seems to have vanished. Usually I can lure my it back with one or two tried and tested methods – cast on something new or go yarn shopping. I can’t do the former until I finish something, and as none of my UFOs need yarn that I don’t already have, so I can’t do the second either. I am going to have to discover new tactics.

Monday, 6 February 2012

A year of makes - week 5 - and winner of the mystery prize!

At the beginning of the week, I focused on the top for niecelet, as I wanted it finished in time for her birthday party on Saturday (I ended up not going to that due to tiredness and weather conditions, but at least it would have been ready if I had gone). I finished knitting the sleeves at knit night on Wednesday, so then it was just a case of sewing up and knitting the collar. I didn't have the clips to hold it together for sewing up with me, so put it aside and having flicked through some patterns, bought some yarn that would supplement some in my stash to knit a top. As this happened at knit night, I did not actually finish a UFO before casting on this top, so I have decided I must do so before I take it any further, to try to meet the stash busting rules.
By the end of the week, I had finished the top.

On Saturday husband was worried about the birds going hungry in the cold weather, so I made a birdfeeder having read only the night before how to make one in Kirstie Allsop's Craft. I added the last few crumbs and bits of fruit from the Christmas cake to it, so then he worried about the birds getting tipsy instead ;)
It was just starting to snow when I hung it out. I would have filled up the other feeder as well, but couldn't find the bag of nuts!
I'm now up-to-date with my weeks of makes!
Knitting total so far this year: Finished 12 projects. Cast on 6.

So who won the mystery prize?

The January totals were: Finished 11. Cast on 5.

After initially reading the comments as they came in, I carefully did not look back at the guesses, so I couldn't bias my finishing/casting on towards anyone. Nobody got either number spot on, so I decided to award a prize for the closest guess in each category.
Stephanie was closest for finished projects with a guess of 7. Stephanie can you email me with your address (I think you have my email, but shout if not) and I’ll send you your mystery prize.
london bakes was closest for cast on with a guess of 6 so will also receive a mystery prize.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

A year of makes - weeks 3 & 4

Week 3
Having been not eating properly for a few days, I had a load of veg in the fridge that needed something doing with it pronto. So I chopped it up and threw it in the slow cooker with a bit of olive oil and about half a bulb of garlic (broken into cloves and peeled), then left it for about 4 hours on low.
The result was yummy and contributed nicely to dinners over the week (particularly good reheated to go with jacket potato, and shoved in an oven dish with a bit of grated cheese on top and heated up). I think I shall do this again as it means I have veg on hand easily for meals in the evenings without having to think about chopping and how to cook. Plus it tastes good.

Most of this week I didn't do much making apart from the odd row or two of blanket square here and there. I was either too tired (I was unexpectedly provided with lunch on a training course on Monday and didn't want to make a fuss, so ate the sandwiches on the grounds that they wouldn't kill me and I have been missing bread over the last few weeks, but I was surprised at how exhausted I was just from a couple of slices– definitely gluten free is good for my energy levels) or busy un-making. We are having our bathroom redone this coming week, so in preparation I've been ripping out the old pine panelling.

I was getting making withdrawal at this point, so I made up for it on Friday evening. I experimented with a bread in the slow cooker recipe. I think it turned out pretty well ...
... although in the interests of honesty, I should tell you it did stick to the bottom of the slow cooker.
I’m told it tasted good though!
I also made jam and flapjack, and finished this hat for my friend's little girl. It's from this pattern on Ravelry.
Now I just need to finish one for her sister.

I went shopping for bathroom accessories. 

Week 4
I didn't get as much done this week as with the bathroom work going on, I had to spend more time being organised! We also spent a couple of evenings at the in-laws so we could use their bathroom facilities (most of the week we had a toilet but no bath or shower) and as I was tired, I didn't take knitting with me – instead I demonstrated that the Kindle they gave me for Christmas was at least getting some use! So only a couple of things for this week.

My stash-shrinking suffered a setback as I had a yarn buying accident. You know, the sort where you go into the shop to buy two balls of yarn and come out with two bags of it. Ooops! Now the spreadsheet needs updating! However, the yarn I intended to buy meant I could continue with this sleeve.
I finished the blue cowl. I almost finished a baby cardigan as well, but decided that sewing the buttons on was a job for proper daylight so apart from the one I managed in my lunch break, put it aside for the weekend. I cast on the first of a pair of wristwarmers to match the snood, and a vest/tank top for a baby.

I finally decided on a pattern to knit for my niecelet's birthday. I didn't have the right yarn for it in my stash, but had plans to meet up with a friend for afternoon tea and some yarn and fabric shop browsing, so decided to I could buy suitable yarn then.

After making this decision, I signed up to the UFO/Stash Busting project. However, as I’d already planned the purchase of the yarn, I hoped that would be ok. I already owned the pattern I decided on and planned to use a button from my button collection rather than buy a new one, so maybe it would just squeak within the rules. I also bought some fat quarters as a contribution to my hexagon quilt, a lot of which is made from stash. I cast on niecelet's present that evening. There will be a separate report when this is finished on how this fared as a stash busting project.

Total so far: Finished 12 projects. Cast on 5.