Week 3
Having been not eating properly for a few days, I had a load of veg in the fridge that needed something doing with it pronto. So I chopped it up and threw it in the slow cooker with a bit of olive oil and about half a bulb of garlic (broken into cloves and peeled), then left it for about 4 hours on low.
The result was yummy and contributed nicely to dinners over the week (particularly good reheated to go with jacket potato, and shoved in an oven dish with a bit of grated cheese on top and heated up). I think I shall do this again as it means I have veg on hand easily for meals in the evenings without having to think about chopping and how to cook. Plus it tastes good.
Most of this week I didn't do much making apart from the odd row or two of blanket square here and there. I was either too tired (I was unexpectedly provided with lunch on a training course on Monday and didn't want to make a fuss, so ate the sandwiches on the grounds that they wouldn't kill me and I have been missing bread over the last few weeks, but I was surprised at how exhausted I was just from a couple of slices– definitely gluten free is good for my energy levels) or busy un-making. We are having our bathroom redone this coming week, so in preparation I've been ripping out the old pine panelling.
I was getting making withdrawal at this point, so I made up for it on Friday evening. I experimented with a bread in the slow cooker recipe. I think it turned out pretty well ...
... although in the interests of honesty, I should tell you it did stick to the bottom of the slow cooker.
I’m told it tasted good though!
I also made jam and flapjack, and finished this hat for my friend's little girl. It's from
this pattern on Ravelry.
Now I just need to finish one for her sister.
I went shopping for bathroom accessories.
Week 4
I didn't get as much done this week as with the bathroom work going on, I had to spend more time being organised! We also spent a couple of evenings at the in-laws so we could use their bathroom facilities (most of the week we had a toilet but no bath or shower) and as I was tired, I didn't take knitting with me – instead I demonstrated that the Kindle they gave me for Christmas was at least getting some use! So only a couple of things for this week.
My stash-shrinking suffered a setback as I had a yarn buying accident. You know, the sort where you go into the shop to buy two balls of yarn and come out with two bags of it. Ooops! Now the spreadsheet needs updating! However, the yarn I intended to buy meant I could continue with this sleeve.
I finished the blue cowl. I almost finished a baby cardigan as well, but decided that sewing the buttons on was a job for proper daylight so apart from the one I managed in my lunch break, put it aside for the weekend. I cast on the first of a pair of wristwarmers to match the snood, and a vest/tank top for a baby.
I finally decided on a pattern to knit for my niecelet's birthday. I didn't have the right yarn for it in my stash, but had plans to meet up with a friend for afternoon tea and some yarn and fabric shop browsing, so decided to I could buy suitable yarn then.
After making this decision, I signed up to the
UFO/Stash Busting project. However, as I’d already
planned the purchase of the yarn, I hoped that would be ok. I already owned the pattern I decided on and planned to use a button from my button collection rather than buy a new one, so maybe it would just squeak within the rules. I also bought some fat quarters as a contribution to my hexagon quilt, a lot of which is made from stash. I cast on niecelet's present that evening. There will be a separate report when this is finished on how this fared as a stash busting project.
Total so far: Finished 12 projects. Cast on 5.