I had intended to blog this last Sunday as it's for the preceding week, but had to wait until my photos were accessible.
Sunday (8 Jan)
I finished the pink thing – it grew into a snood after the realisation that it would be a very short scarf if continued in that vein.
Then as I wanted decided there might just be enough yarn left to knit some wristwarmers to go with it, I finished these warm socks to free up the needles I wanted for them.
I also decided to make another snood as I have a similar amount of the pink yarn in blue, so cast on for the snood despite the wristwarmer plan
I also finished cataloguing my yarns – more of that to come another time.
I cast on and knitted a wristwarmer. As I had a limited amount of yarn, I weighed before I started, knitted from the top down, and stopped when I'd used just under half of it. The second wristwarmer got cast on and started.
I received a fabulous package in the post
A contribution to my blankets and hexagon quilt. Some of this has already been put to use.
I finished the second wristwarmer. I think both these and the snood are reversible although I'm not sure if you can see that from the photos.
I knitted some more of the blue snood. I also started work on clearing the dining room. This is where I'd like to sit and use my sewing machine.
As you can see, the machine is set up there, but sitting to use it is a bit of a problem at the moment! The usual state of the room has been compounded by things being put there 'out of the way' over Christmas and some boxes currently relocated there from the cupboard under the stairs as we're waiting for someone to come and sort a problem with the electricity meter. I can't blame it all on that though. The dining room has always been used as a dumping ground and we're trying to break the habit. There has already been a slight improvement. Those bars of chocolate over on the bottom left have been dealt with, for a start!
I was struck down by a stomach bug, so needed to comfort knitting. Blanket squares were the way forward.
Still suffering from the stomach bug, I needed something simple and undemanding. These slippers (pattern from
Peggy’s Collection) fit the job perfectly
The first pair were a little large for me, so will be a gift for someone I know with larger feet. I was intending to knit a second pair as a gift, so simply swapped their destinies. This turned out to be fortuitous because, as you can see from the toes on the right foot, I ran out of yarn for the second pair and had to finish off with a different yarn.
These are ever so cosy, but after wearing them a couple of times they've stretched a bit and got loose, but I think this should be solved by sewing a bit further up the front of the foot.
Still needing simple knitting, Saturday's knitting was all about hexagons ...
... and blanket squares. No, I did not knit all this in one day. Yes, I do have a lot of ends to sew in.
Finished this week: 5
Cast on this week: 2
Total finished so far: 9
Total cast on so far: 2